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@forkboy: Yeah, I know. But I don't want to deal with constant harassment over some of my choices. I'm fine with others disagreeing with me, I just want to keep things to be kept civil. People should feel free to disagree, but no one should be an asshole about it.

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@rebel_scum: He's actually worse than you think. The national debt has increased under his administration than it was under George W. Bush. He's even responsible for 442 tax hikes. His healthcare system is not what its seems to be. It's like universal healthcare like what they have in Canada, France, or Switzerland. It's corporatism beyond belief.

I'm not too fond of StormCloudsGathering, but he is spot-on here.

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His foreign-policy is surprisingly more aggressive than his predecessor. He elevated the drone program, which has murdered thousands of civilians all over the world. Four them include U.S. citizens. He's tripled the military occupation of Afghanistan, and has signed their departure for 2024. He authorized NATO's invasion of Libya without congressional approval, which has caused the deaths of 50,000 people. Not only was he responsible for "Operation Fast & Furious" and "The Benghazi Scandal", he's responsible for the current issue in Syria. Where he allowed NATO to smuggle arms to Qatar and Saudi Arabia (two oppressive states that the U.S. government fully supports), in order to supply "rebels" (who are in reality Islamic extremists) with arms in order to overthrow oust regime in Syria. He nearly caused World War III by threatening to bomb Syria.

I kinda rooted for this guy back in 2008, hoping he'd be better than the disastrous Dubya. But to my surprise, he managed to be even worse. Even a lefty like Noam Chomsky has vocally stated that he's was worse than George W. Bush and Tony Blair combined.

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@narujoe93 said:

Why is FDR one of your least favorites?

I feel more comfortable explaining why I despise FDR, than I would with Lincoln. I admit that FDR has done some good things during office, such as supporting the dismantlement of prohibition, repealing the disastrous "Dawes Act", vetoing the "Bonus Act", and signing the "Glass-Steagall Act".

But he has done more harm than good.

  • Intentionally embargoed against Japan to cause and allow Pearl Harbor to occur.
  • Drafted 10 million troops into World War II.
  • Authorized the bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, and Tokyo (which were mostly civilian populated areas).
  • Set-up internment camps for Japanese, German, and Italian-citizens.
  • Forcefully enacted laws by stacking the Supreme Court.
  • Signed the "National Firearms Act".
  • Raised taxes.
  • Prolonged the "Great Depression" (the myth that he saved it is a total lie).
  • Increased military spending before America's involvement in the war began.
  • Nearly destroyed the agricultural industry.
  • Created minimum wages.
  • Created the prohibition of marijuana.
  • Created over 500 cartels by passing the "National Industrial Recovery Act".
  • Authorized the "Manhattan Project".
  • Controlled prices.
  • Threatened to incarcerate citizens who used gold to get out of the "Great Depression".
  • Served four terms until his death like a king.
  • Supported the Soviet Union (whom were even more brutal and ruthless than the Nazi regime).

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@joshwent said:

@thenihilisticidealist: Dude, this is kind of pathetic. I feel like I may actually share some of the limited government power ideals that I assume you also have based on this list and the one in your other thread, but you're obviously just trying to get people hate on you. Instigating trolling is its own kind of trolling, and this thread is really nothing more than that.

Move on.

There's that buzzword again.

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And no, this isn't meant to be a troll thread. It's simply made for people to express their dislike or disdain towards certain presidents. I've made mine, and I'm allowing others to do the same. Hell, some of them posted some of my personal favorites. It's not like I want to impede on their right to exercise freedom of speech.

@thenihilisticidealist said:

  1. Barack Hussein Obama

I don't remember this one from before. Why'd you add his middle name?

One users pointed out that I've misspelled his first name. I then re-edited the original post. Another person quoted the one who pointed that I've misspelled his name. So, I placed his middle name just so I can get on with this thread.

And no, I'm not one of those pathetic tea-partiers who despises him for the most inane reasons. Such as "HE'S A KENYAN AND NOT REAL 'MURRICAN CITIZEN" or "HE'S A MOOSELIMB". There are far more pragmatic reason to despise his leadership.

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@wewantsthering said:

Dumb list is dumb.

@krankenhaus said:

I have no interest in flaming you for your choices but man, you could've at least spelled the current president's name correctly.

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@nightriff said:

Ummm, why Lincoln as number one? You can't just throw that one out there and have no explanation.

I would, but that would only create further controversy.

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Share your picks of who you consider to be the worst presidents of America.

Before I share my, I must warn you that it's a very controversial list. It contains many of history's most beloved administrators. In fact, it will cause many of you to mock, ridicule, harshly criticize, and possibly gang-up into mobs to flame me. Hell, it's probably going to turn many away from this thread. However, this thread isn't about discussing my list. This is sharing your choices, whether everyone disagrees or not.

Here are my personal top 10 least favorite presidents:

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Woodrow Wilson
  3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  4. Lyndon B. Johnson
  5. Barack Hussein Obama
  6. George W. Bush
  7. Harry S. Truman
  8. Ronald Reagan
  9. Theodore Roosevelt.
  10. George H.W. Bush

Dishonorable Mentions:

  • Richard M. Nixon
  • William J. Clinton
  • William McKinley
  • John Adams
  • Herbert Hoover
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
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@scizzy said:

Going down the original list and dealing only with the pre-Civil War and Civil War presidents:

John Tyler: "Vetoed the national bank twice, ended the Second Seminole War, and ran as an independent"

Unconstitutionally annexed Texas, dedicated most of his term to enriching the slave South, promoted John Calhoun, the worst American in history, to secretary of state, and did more than anyone else to cause the Civil War.

Martin Van Buren: "Avoided war abroad, lowered tariffs, and kept laissez-faire economic policies."

War with Britain was incredibly unlikely (if noted Anglophobe Andrew Jackson did not start one, it was not going to happen) and his laissez-faire economic policies were so effective that they led to the biggest recession in American history to that point. You also give credit to Tyler for ending the Second Seminole War, but cast no blame on Van Buren for being president for most of its duration.

Thomas Jefferson: Reduced taxes, reduced the federal debt, and cut military-spending.

Wrecked the economy for no particular reason with the embargo and pursued perhaps the most incoherent foreign policy of any president in history (destroying the army while simultaneously courting war with the most powerful nation in the world)

Ulysses S. Grant: Put the US back on the gold standard, avoided war with Spain, and 15th amendment.

A pretty good president, though given he held some of the most expansive pre-FDR views of federal power I'm surprised he makes the list.

Zachary Taylor: Peaceful treatment to Indians, ended Manifest Destiny, and opposed Henry Clay.

Taylor's treatment of Indians was typical of presidents in his era. Manifest Destiny did not end, given the near constant attempts to buy Cuba or conquer Latin American countries in the aftermath. To his credit, he agreed with Clay on the things Clay was right about (economics) and disagreed with him on the things Clay was wrong about (the Compromise of 1850).

James Monroe: Monroe Doctrine, laissez-faire economic policies, and vetoed corporate welfare.

Presided over a huge economic downturn, nearly let the country fall apart over the Missouri Crisis, and his misconceptions over the party system led directly to the disastrous election of 1824.

George Washington: Neutral foreign-policy, served two terms, and exemplified veto authority.

A great man.

Andrew Johnson: Rightly fired Edward Stanton, opposed radical reconstruction, and pro-Constitution.

Opposing Radical Reconstruction was one of the worst decisions any president has ever made and a century of disenfranchisement and impoverishment followed directly from his decision. Along with Buchanan, one of the two worst presidents in American history.

Andrew Jackson: Dismantled the national bank, advocated for hard money, and paid off the debt.

Opposing Nullification is to his credit. Everything else he did led either to economic ruination in 1837 or overwhelming violence to nonwhites.

John Quincy Adams: Non-interventionist foreign policy, opposed slavery, and peaceful towards Indians.

A good man, but he accomplished nothing of note as president. A great congressman and a better secretary of state though.

Millard Fillmore: Abolished slave trade in D.C., neutral foreign-policy, and didn't do much.

Presided over the pro-slavery Compromise of 1850. Became a virulent nativist after leaving office. Otherwise accomplished nothing of note besides being too ineffectual to properly enforce his pro-slavery policies.

The only presidents who were any good were Lincoln, FDR, and Washington. Everyone else gets in line behind them and range from "kind of OK" to "monsters of historical significance."

You are soooo going to hate my "Top 10 Least Favorite U.S. Presidents" List.

Plus, this thread is about sharing your favorite U.S. presidents and explaining why. This isn't about "Hey, let's evaluate the OP's list and mock at his lolbertarian beliefs.".