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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

Games that might well have appeared on this list, had I got round to playing them this year:

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
  • Jazzpunk
  • Age of Wonders III
  • Divinity: Original Sin

Most disappointing game - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Best game I played in 2014 that wasn't released in 2014 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Game industry person of the year - Zoe Quinn

Best Giant Bomb Premium content of the year - Mario Party Party

Best game that's not a video game of 2014 - Magic: The Gathering

2015's most anticipated game: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

List items

  • 2014 was the year that I really got into Magic. I started attending events like Friday Night Magic at my local hobby shop, I started building a collection of cards and decks, and I started playing Magic Online. I only use it for limited, mostly drafting, and despite the shortcomings of the beta client, it's by far the most fun I had with interactive electronic entertainment in 2014.

  • As a South Park fan, this game is practically perfect. It manages somehow to be crammed full of references without seeming cheap or pandering; it's all earned, and the comic timing is there. I played this game with my sister, with us alternating who was on the controller, and it was as much fun to watch and it was to play.

  • Going into Diablo III for the first time with the expansion and all the updates, it was hard for me to see why the general consensus on this game was mostly negative. I've had a whale of a time playing it, and can't believe that I waited this long to play a Diablo game. The production values are simply stellar, the lore and world are engaging enough to string you from one dungeon to the next, and the action feels fast and slick. My first playthrough was as a Wizard, and that immediately became my favourite class, but I've also had tons of fun playing as the Monk and the Witch Doctor.

  • In spite of me not actually having finished FC4 as of writing, and in spite of this merely being an iterative improvement on a game that came out only two years ago, I'm still having a ton of fun with this game. The story is less bumbling and incoherent than in FC3, and the little gameplay tweaks add up to make a big difference, especially when it comes to exploring the world. It's still fun to shoot guys and hunt tigers. Oh, and you get to ride an elephant and use it to stampede through enemy bases. What more do you people want?!

  • This game is still in alpha, and launched on Steam early access. This was the first early access game I really got into, and this game is astonishingly fleshed out and mechanically involved for a game that hasn't yet gone into beta, especially since the game has received regular updates since launch that have added lots of new content. The Long Dark was the most visceral, intense, and harrowing game I played in 2014, and I'm expecting big things from the final product.

  • I've been a huge fan of city-building games since I was a kid, so I was super disappointed to hear that last year's SimCity was such a bust. Thankfully, that void was filled by Banished, a game that can't compete in terms of production values but offers a much more tense and brutal experience than I've ever had with a city-building game. Banished is a harsh mistress, and eventually it's all going to go wrong, but building up your settlement and surviving the winter never stopped being satisfying for all of the 50+ hours I played this game.

  • I got my first iPhone this summer, and although I had already played a bunch of iOS games on my iPod, the amount of time I spent playing iOS games increased hugely as a result. The best of the bunch is Threes!, which is delightfully addictive and incredibly rewarding. It's the perfect game to waste time while standing at the bus stop, or any time when you have 5 minutes to kill. My high score is 9,648, and try as I might, I can't seem to get to the next milestone.

  • The Duels of the Planeswalkers games are the entry-level, play-on-a-budget alternative to Magic Online, and the new version added proper deck-building, a long-requested feature, to the game, which added a whole lot of depth and flexibility. I'm not going to make an argument for these games being good games; the menu and UI design is atrocious, the AI can be pretty dumb sometimes, and the game used some not exactly consumer-friendly tactics that soured a lot of people on the experience. But all that aside, this is still a Magic game, and Magic is the best game in the world, so it's still up there with the most fun I've had with a game in 2014. It's nice to have a relaxed game against an AI sometimes, as opposed to a tense battle of wits against a human opponent on Magic Online.

  • This game is silly, and derivative, and repetitive, and oh my god it's so charming and it's looks so good and I couldn't stop playing it for a couple of weeks and it has doge and zombies and farting pigeons and goddamnit I still haven't unlocked the flee and ARGH I died five lanes away from my record I hate this game this game is awesome.

  • This was a disappointing Tropico experience, especially compared to how polished and addictive the fourth game in the series was. But still, in a down year like 2014, it still makes the top ten. Shame, really.