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#1  Edited By thepenguin55

Hey everyone! I'm Kevin. Some of you may have seen me posting in the recent NeoGAF thread. Thanks to my cousin I started following GB content probably in late August 2013 or early September 2013. At the time I definitely didn't have much of an appreciation for what a weird time in GB's history that was (they had only just made the CBS deal the year prior and they were only 1 or 2 months removed from losing Ryan).

The recent events over at NeoGAF caused me to look for new forums when I realized that I've never been to this one and so far I like it here. I think even once I'm able to get a ResetEra account I will still be frequenting these forums.

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They are only letting verified discord user in for now.

From Twitter:

For ResetEra, we’re still working on transitioning Discord communities to the site. Open registration to come soon after, sorry for delays

Guess I'll be waiting for open registration which I'm not looking forward to cause if Discord members only registration has been a mess I can only imagine what open registration will be like.

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I'll take a PM too! I frequently commented on GAF for about 2 to 3 years up until it went down (particularly in the off topic section).

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#4  Edited By thepenguin55

I've started the game many times trying out both Ryders (I forget their first names) and just from the bit I've played of them they both frustratingly have VO issues. One thing I noticed is that I feel like Male Ryder delivers humor and sarcasm better than Female Ryder but I feel like Female Ryder is overall better? I don't know. I stopped playing when I heard patches were coming and never returned but now I'm kind of interested in returning to it on PC. I heard that the last few patches introduced some issues with the PC version... is that the case?

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As someone with big hands the 3DS is hugely unfcomfortable... if I have to use the shoulder buttons frequently. Otherwise, I'm totally fine. I actually find the Switch fairly comfortable to hold despite it not being very ergonomically designed.

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@berniesbc said:

I fail to see how Dan is biased in any way. He's a big fan of the series. Take that into account as you read the review. That isn't a bias.

It is a bias. All reviews are biased. Completely objective reviews are almost impossible and of no use to anyone - take a look at the one Jim Sterling did a few years ago to show that point. Dan has a bias of loving Nintendo and Mario in particular. You're right that the reader should take that into account, but it's still a bias.

It'll get 5 out of 5 for sure. And people will argue as if scores mean anything etc, etc.

It's funny because I think it's a shame modern gaming outlets can't afford to put multiple people on a single review like some magazines could back in the day. Being able to get a review from someone who has historically liked/loved the series, from someone who has historically hated the series and from someone who has never previously played a game the series would be huge but understandably that isn't at all feasible (especially in 2017). Thankfully podcasts do a lot to fill that void. Hearing Jeff's fairly positive opinions on Bloodborne knowing that he didn't like Dark Souls (much like myself) was a huge part of why I decided to try Bloodborne and I love that game.

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I personally find loot boxes worse than microtransactions as a whole. I don't love microtransactions but you at least know exactly what you're getting whereas with loot boxes at best you have an idea of what you COULD be getting. The ESRB doesn't consider lootboxes gambling because you're technically always getting something. While this is TECHNICALLY true it's ACTUALLY a bunch of BS because a player (especially depending on the game) could get a loot box so bad where you may as well have gotten nothing at all. I would actually argue that loot boxes are arguably in some ways worse than actual gambling because nothing you get from a loot box has any sort of value in the real world. With a sword I get from a loot box I can't sell that sword in the real world, I can't give it to a friend and I can't use it as currency (obviously this isn't entirely true on Steam but you get what I'm saying). So with a loot box, you're gambling to get something you want that can only be used in the game you're playing in.

Having said all of that, easily the worst thing about loot boxes and microtransactions is how many games implement them. I'm generally fine with the concept of loot boxes and microtransactions but manipulative implementations of these concepts is something I'm not okay with at all. Games should not be designed to make you feel pressured to buy something.

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@warren2007: D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, Dance Central, Disney's Fantasia and Kinect Sports Rivals. It's a shame Microsoft never remastered the best Kinect 1.0 games for Kinect 2.0.

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#9  Edited By thepenguin55

Unfortunately, with the current security measures it is probably going to be awhile before I can sign up on Reset Era. On NeoGAF I commented a lot (especially in the Off Topic threads) but I only ever made a couple threads and I never interfaced with anything/anyone NeoGAF related outside of the site itself, so I assume most current ResetEra users don't know me. Possibly my biggest claim to fame was a quote of mine being added the OT for the RE5 remaster saying something like "the worst thing about RE is its fans and this is coming from a huge RE fan". With a comment like that I'm sure I'll get greenlit for a ResetEra account real quick! LOL

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#10  Edited By thepenguin55

@bchan009 said:

I don't understand why people would post asking to be banned.

Banning doesn't delete your account or anything. All it does is put 'banned' text under your name if someone ever looks up your posts. I don't really see how this is somehow making a statement. I just left and don't plan to go back. Quick, easy, and doesn't bother other people.

Yeah. What I just wound up doing was removing any all personal information tied to my NeoGAF account. As for people being really annoyed by these posts... people are upset. These "ban me" posts are meant to be protests and as with any protest there's always going to be people who take things too far (well meaning or not). I personally don't blame everyone who left for what some bad eggs are doing.

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