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#1  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer

I did the insane run with an adept, it was stupidly hard until I had the option to pick up the sniper rifle then I coasted through the rest of the game. 

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#2  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer
@hack745: Yeah, if Square had the image today that they had 10-15 years ago pretty sure nobody would mind this sequel. Repeatedly making sub-par games has used up most of our good faith. Still, im open to playing it I feel like 13 wasnt beyond redemption.
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#3  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer
@hack745: oh man, XIV....just...godam that game
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#4  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer
@AnimalFather: No, versus is still coming, 13-2 is just another spinoff square just released a new trailer for versus last night. Gameplay looks.....interesting.
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#5  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer

 One note, JRPG's used to be the only thing I played, from snes up through ps1 but one day my brother came home from college with a copy of elder scrolls 3 and my gaming habits changed quite a bit. I still play jrpgs but they have been outclassed pretty much every step of the way by american and european developers. 
 Final Fantasy XIII was a disappointment, theres nothing that I can really say that anyone else hasn't already. A game whose first twenty hours felt like "babies first rpg" a game whose story and characters were mediocre at best and while it was a beautiful game with some great music it left the majority of us a little upset. Now, the game is not without merit, often when asked how I felt about it I say "this first half of this game is the worst Final Fantasy game I've ever played, but the second half is without a doubt my favorite."

 The battle system had me hooked, once you hit Gran Pulse and you are doing hunts and fighting tougher enemies and the game actually gives you the tools to have fun it becomes a great ride. A funny thing happened while I was playing too, the more the game gave to me the more I cared about it, I wanted Fang in my party because I liked that character and I kicked Vanille out immediately because, like many of you I couldn't stand her. The game had me invested, my save file ended up with over 100 hours on it and I really enjoyed it.

But still, to those that disliked the game as a whole are completely justified. So why XIII-2? Why come back to this universe that left the JRPG community feeling all around disappointed? Some of you won't even give it a chance based on your experience with XIII and I really wouldn't blame you. But to those of you that question why they would even revisit that world I say, let's just wait and see. Lets just all take a deep breath and give Square the benefit of the doubt, I know thats hard. Ten years ago pretty much everyone would be on board, but the past decade has not been so kind to Squeenix or to their fan base. A lot of misfires, a lot of disappointments, even fantastic games like FFXII who many regard as a true advancement for the series was met by a lot of negative fan feedback.

I feel like FFXIII went out strong, it left me feeling good about that game and the direction they went with it, it just took them twenty hours to get there. Thats why I'm excited to see what XIII-2 can bring to the table. They can throw us right back into the thick of it and learn from their mistakes.They have a good opportunity here to get back some fans they may have lost. When X-2 released I didn't really care, I thought the game had a good battle system marred by a fan service cash in. We didn't need it, X ended well and it played well there was no reason for us to come back to that world and I felt it was better left alone. XIII is in a unique spot, a game where they were on to something but made mistakes in terms of plot, pacing and character development. This may be as close to acknowledgement of a mistake or an apology we will get. So lets, for now, stay calm and see what they bring to the table. Who knows? It might be good, they have a chance to make it up to us, lets see if they do.    

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#6  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer

dont know why i hadnt been watching but finally got around to it. just so godam funny.

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#7  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer

 I bought Kane and Lynch 2 on day one. I was excited, the first game seemed like it was so close to being good. Good characters, a story that really ramps up at the end making for an exciting third act and some really fun levels to play. But its gun play never felt right and the enemy AI was lacking at best. Kane and Lynch 2 came along and I couldn't wait to see what IO interactive did to improve the series. I was enamored with the games visual style and how fully they fleshed it out to set it apart and I couldn't wait to play as these characters again.

Kane and Lynch 2 launched with a myriad of technical problems, some buggy gameplay and was plagued with some middling to bad reviews (66 meta critic). I still made the day one purchase, after some extensive PC fiddling I got the game to run well. I finished the game over the course of two play sessions, taking about five and a half hours total. I was disappointed, really disappointed, the gun play still felt wrong. The weapon balancing was even worse (long range shotguns?) and the enemy AI was at best stupid. But something strange happened, I fired it right back up again playing the game on hard, running through the streets of Shanghai again shooting untold numbers of triad members, running across rooftops and desperately trying to get Kane and Lynch out of Shanghai.

I had fun, lots and lots of fun and then I realized why, the game is committed. It committed to the story it told, the  two deeply flawed characters who have no place in this world and their struggle for survival. The first play through I was only thinking about everything I didn't like about the game, second time around I got invested. It was the little visual and audio touches that helped. Headshots results in a little blur screen around an enemies head, the lens flare that pops up during firefights and the frantic shaking of the camera when running or jumping from cover to cover. The audio has less noticeable touches, music playing through a radio sounds fuzzy when playing, Lynch, muttering to himself through the whole game trying to keep himself calm, telling himself everything will be OK.  Kane trying to wrap his mind around everything thats going on longing to just get this last job done so he can go home.

Multiplayer was just as frantic, the "fragile alliance" modes create a real sense of paranoia while playing. Are one of my teammates going to stab me in the back for a bigger payout, or even worse is one of them an undercover cop? Playing as the undercover cop and trying to systematically take down your teammates without them noticing was one of my favorite gaming moments from last year. Unfortunately, hardly anyone was playing and finding a game was tough.

There is one moment in the game that I want to touch on because it was also my most memorable moment in games last year. No, not taking down Cronos, not riding through Red Dead while Jose Gonzales plays in the background and not even watching some real human interaction between Trip and Monkey in Enslaved.

Spoiler ahead

The first half of the game has Kane and Lynch trying to get back to Lynch's girlfriend in order to save her from the triad members looking to get to her. About half way through the game you finally get back to her only so the three of you can get captured. The screen goes black and only voices can be heard. You hear all three people screaming, Kane and Lynch both threatening to kill their captors and then you hear something else. You hear Lynch's girlfriend screaming, pleading with you "make them stop" and then some other unsettling sounds. When the screen comes up you see both men naked and Lynch's girlfriend lying dead and naked in what appears to be a shower, I was immediately enraged, not at the game for taking such a dark turn, but I just spent hours trying to save this girl only to have her brutalized in a way that is so grotesque i only had one thing on my mind.


See, killing Cronos was just awesome, you feel like the dam king of the world, systematically taking down this huge monster. Red dead just made me feel good, its one of those rare moments when everything falls into place and you feel completely immersed in what you're doing. Watching Monkey try to console Trip by a fire was a touching moment where you forget you are playing game. Kane and Lynch 2 had me pissed, how dare they? Not only killing her but leaving us to assume the worst of what happened to her before she died. The rest of the game thats all I could think about, Lynch's girlfriend made him normal, it gave him a place in this world. Losing her made the character lose whatever shred of humanity left in him.

Now not everyone will have the same reaction to Kane and Lynch 2, some will be unable to look past the games shortcomings and I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone paying full price for it. But, with only a couple weeks left before the huge releases of 2011 overwhelm us I would highly recommend spending some time in Shanghai.

If I had to give it a review score I'd give the game a Bad Boys 1 out of Bad Boys 2, so close to greatness but lacking the polish necessary to be truly entertaining. I really hope IO gives us Kane and Lynch 3 I hope they can deliver on the promise that this series can be great.    

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#9  Edited By TheUnpopularGamer
@Ygg: next time someone asks you about a movie just say "its no bad boys 2" trust me, reaction to this statement is always hilarious
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Why Bulletstorm is the Bad Boys 2 of Video Games: And Why Thats Freaking Awesome  

 I have a little joke with my friends, when discussing movies we use the Bad Boys 2 scale. We don't really use it to rate movies we just say whether or not a movie is Bad Boys 2. For example

Friend: Hey did you see True Grit yet?
Me: Yeah, its was awesome.
Friend: Yeah I really liked it
Me: Yeah, but its no Bad Boys 2
Friend: Nope, it certainly isn't

Now we aren't saying Bad Boys 2 is better than True Grit, were just saying that True Grit isn't Bad Boys2. For me, that movie epitomized everything I love about movies and entertainment in general. It's vulgar, It's violent and It's funny. No artsy stuff here, no deep philosophical thinking its just two guys running around shooting everything in sight and cussing up a storm. The movie has a plot but even when it takes a serious turn and Martin Lawrence says "Shit just got real" you can't help but laugh. Even more hilarious is the great moment "We ride together, we die together, bad boys for life" which was meant to be a touching scene between two partners. A movie so ridiculous and over the top you can't help but get caught up in it. It's pure popcorn and I love it to death.


Enter Bulletstorm, thats right "dicktits" enter guns blazing crazy fun, cuss words flying from every angle during all the trailers. Even gameplay sessions i've seen are just nonstop hilarity. Now, Bulletstorm also looks like a great shooter, the kill with skill gameplay looks refreshing and fun.  Competetive and Co-operative online gameplay with high score challenges all look like great features but I cant help the feeling that this might be the new staple that my friends and I judge other games on.

Friend: Hey man, did you play LA Noire yet?
Me: Hell yes I did, Rockstar did at again man game is amazing,
Friend: Yeah, but its no Bulletstorm.
Me:Yeah, it certainly isn't

Shut up and have some fun

I am notorious for taking gaming too seriously, showing friends how far the medium has advanced and how it offers more than other entertainment industries do. Especially how the games industry is seeing the greatest innovation, in terms of design, ideas and the great writers who cover it all. But then Bulletstorm shows up, and my heart starts racing, forget all the advancement forget the medium lets just have some fun. You don't need some crazy story with some super serious dudes doing some super serious stuff you just need one thing, fun. They are bringing it back big time. Bad Boys 2 had a story, something about a Cuban drug dealer, Bulletstorm has a story, something about space pirates clearing out a planet of mutants. Bottom line, the story is just an excuse to get us to the next set piece, the next big "holy shit" moment.

The ad campaign

Cliffy B talking about blowing out assholes, Mike Capps talking to us from the shower and the most recent hilarious Halo 3 parody ad. These ads are amazing. The trailers for the game also play like a sizzle reel from an action movie, one liners galore and lots of gratuitous violence. The marketing department over at Epic deserves a huge high five. The Bad Boys 2 trailer plays out very similarly, lots of guns, lots of shooting and one liners everywhere. It knows what it is and its being marketed that way.

Bulletstorms February 22nd release date can't come fast enough, I can't wait to sit down and enjoy the ride.