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Favorite Co-Op Games for the Xbox 360

My favorite co-op games for the Xbox 360

Co-op games with friends are always a good time, wether its split-screen or over Xbox Live. Here is a list of my favorite games that have co-op support and that I enjoyed playing. They are not in any exact order, but all these games I enjoyed playing the co-op.

List items

  • Halo games are always fun, but the latest Halo, Reach was one of the best. With up to 4 player co-op. One cool feature was that in co-op like multiplayer you can use your custimzed character. During cutscenes you will only see your character. Reach along with the Story mode there is also Firefight mode%3B were players fight to survive against waves and waves of enemies. Reach brings back Forge mode%3B that lets you create custom games and game types. These custom games can also be played co-operatively. Halo Reach is by far one of the best co-op shooters on the 360 today.

  • This is a great example of a game that is better because of its co-op. Although many people do not like this game, I enjoyed them playing solo and co-op. The split-screen on online co-op makes this a fun game. With customizable weapons, running around shooting some AI for 5-6 hours in the story is great for you and a buddy to burn threw on a rainy day.

  • Easily one of the best stories in a game in a long time, but even tho you cannot play that amzing story in co-op, the co-op game modes online are a lot of fun. You can start a possie and jump from co-op games to striaght multipler game modes without jumping to a lobby%3B there are stil loading screens.

  • Call of Duty one of the most popular online multiplayer first person shooters out there, has a great and fun co-op experience as well. Zombies! Who doesnt shooting zombies? Well how about you and 3 friends lock and load and blast holes in undead nazi zombies. Zombies not your thing, but are competitive enough or want to train your skills? Try the Combat training mode. You can only play Deathmatch or team Deathmatch but its a great way to play with your friends and some AI (that can be renamed after buddies on your friends list) this modes has all the multiplayer maps and you can cusomize your guns, loadouts, and settings.

  • What can I say about Gears of War 2. This game is probably the most played co-op game I played on my 360 and still play it today even years after its release. I always have friends playing either Gears 1 or 2. Both Gears have great co-op stories. But what really sets Gears 2 from 1 is Horde mode%3B up to 4 players. This is where you face 1-50 waves of progressively harder enemies. What makes this fun to keep playing is EPIC changes the rules of Horde every other month and on Holidays. Such as changing enemies and when the spawn or enemy weapons and even adding extra XP weekends and on some holidays multiplying XP as much as 31 like Halloween '10. This game is a must play for any fan of 3rd person shooters.

  • Blood on the Sand is a guilty pleasure of mine for co-op with friends. This game solo isnt as fun. This game is best enjoyed with a buddy. This game plays and feels a lot like Gears of War and even using the Unreal Engine. It is not as smooth of gameplay as Gears but 50 cent delivers fun and comprable entertainment. You have a variety of weapons and a ton of R-rated taunts. This game is only 5-6 hours but its worth picking up and enjoying an afternoon or rainy days with a friend.

  • R6V2 has a high co-op replay value. I have spent hours and hours with this game (on the PS3) The co-op story is the full solo story experience with custimizable armor, clothes, hats/helmets and weapons. Terrorist hunt is a set number of AI (adjustable numbers by selecting Low, Med, or High for enemy count) you and up to 3 of your friends hunt these AI terrorists on all the multiplayer maps. You earn XP for everything you do in co-op.

  • My favorite button mashing Arcade co-op game. Great for any age or skill level. This is a 4 player co-op medival button masher that is surprisingly addicting and very fun. You can level up your character and take on huge bosses. A great game anyday of the week.

  • Zombies, zombies, zombies!

  • Zombies, zombies, duct tape, zombies!

  • I have just started playing this game and havent finished it, but the co-op is very interesting. You and your friends basicaly roam around in the world doing all the missions and DLC earning XP and finding crazy loot. Endless hours of fun.

  • Maybe not a co-op game persay but the onslaught mode, like a Gears Horde mode or Halo Firefight, I feel this is a great co-op mode for you and your friends. You have to have different classes to survive this mode. You need medics and firepower to win against the tough AI.

  • This game everybody should have. This Free XBLA game is great for a day of avatar fun. You and 3 friends use your Xbox avatars to race across the world (USA, Europe, and Japan) in the 15 maps of obsticle courses, like the show MXC.

  • Guns, Cars, Humor and more guns. Fun co-op in this open world of urban terror.

  • The first Splinter Cell game to not exactly penalize you for going all in guns blazing. This makes for some interesting co-op. With an all new side story for co-op you and a friend can either go stealthy or kill evey guy you come across. There are a few modes for co-op each one is fun and have various ways to complete.