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Even More Quick Thoughts

Ok. Here we go.
1) Like a bunch of yall, I think this quest system is amazing/horrible. They're so great, yet they're so detrimental to my health. I love doing these quests. I like seeing those little green pop-ups on completion. I've found games and names I otherwise would never have thought to look up. Except...And worst of all, I haven't slept or eaten these past few days because of this whole new quest thing. I've got an Organic Chem quiz and a Calc 2 test I should be studying for, but instead I'm trying to figure out what's up with the "Secret Society" quest set.
2) I like how Brad is just now following Vinny.
3) I won tickets to the Blues game on Friday (Blues vs. Ducks). It was Keith Tkachuk's last game. Holy balls, man. The third period was ridiculous. We scored like, 4 times. 3 of them were within the course of what felt like 5 minutes. Tkachuk was involved with two of the goals, which was pretty cool. Every time he'd do something the crowd would go fuckign nuts. It was great. Perfect way to close the season (well...we had one game left, but ya know). Shame we didn't make the playoffs. There's always next year. NEXT YEAR, we win the cup. 
4) Welp, since we're out I'm going to be rooting for the Red Wings, but I've got a feeling the Sharks are gonna win it all. Just a feeling.