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The graphics discussion is hard to listen to.

  • Not liking motion blur is one thing, but Ratchet and Clank is as locked a 30 fps as possible. It doesn't have "frame issues."
  • Brad doesn't understand what "Proving my point for me" means.
  • The way Forza Horizon 3 was completely ignored despite being one of the three best looking games to date was a sign this was going to be frustrating to listen to.
  • They chastise BF1 and Uncharted 4 for being repetitive from similarly themed locales that they touched on a decade ago, yet Inside Out is a one-trick pony from beginning to end and is a copy of the Limbo aesthetic.
  • Doom doesn't actually look good, especially on console. It's generic. This runner up mention is a misappropriation of the awards to justify their love for the gameplay.
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Edited By TPoppaPuff

@magmamud said:
@tpoppapuff said:
@magmamud said:
@tpoppapuff said:

That argument rings hollow though. He's no longer peddled out at every single instance of VR being mentioned like the VR Fairy being conjured out of repeating "VR" three times. That's the beginning and end of that fallout. In six months people will completely forget. This doesn't have anywhere the legs and fallout that No Man's Sky has, nor Gamergate before it, nor even the distrust created by SF5.

It's very strange indeed how some can argue that others are missing the point of the "hottest mess" category, and then not realizing their own bias has blown a mild mess out of proportion because they feel "betrayed" by someone they naively just assumed was "one of them." Look at the actual argument and it's really no comparison. It's feelings versus the tangible. They actually gave full out and out refunds for that. That happens at most once a year and never at this scale (the last was... Batman PC? A would be distant third-seller even if the port was perfect).

You say there is no comparison, that the Luckey situation is all feelings, which points to my original post that a lot of the arguments the crew made are being dismissed. A man who was the face of VR was ostracized after supporting and donating money to a campaign involved in such a childish thing as shitposting political memes on the internet. After being confronted about his embarrassing postings on reddit, he lied about it then completely disappeared from social media. Several developers stopped supporting Oculus because of it. When did something like this last happen in the game industry?

It was a mess. To say there is nothing tangible there I think is pretty ridiculous.

And I think there are strong arguments to be made for NMS, and the guys had a hefty debate about it. I don't think it is cut & dry.

He paid to have an anti-establishment political billboard put up that didn't promote or incite bigotry or violence. He lied because at that point he was going to receive the wrath of the liberal media, which it turns out was already distracted, so he went out of the limelight and never lost his job and that was that; a non-story. Meanwhile, a couple nonfactors in gaming pulled theoretical support in the short term and it made zero difference to the future of Rift and VR. It was a mess without consequence six months from now. And all because everyone's desperate for a story and oh so desperate to be angry over something.

Maybe the witch hunting should quit being a tactic going forward. Why has that been too much to ask?

The billboard specifically isn't my problem but more his statements and involvement with "shitposting" which has bad connotations. There is a reason it is called shitposting, because it comes with bigotry and hateful messages. And especially when it comes to pro-Trump shitposting and "meme magic", I don't think many people can see that and not associate that with certain green frogs and anime avatars on Twitter.

Of course the liberal media is going to jump on it because it involves the right. I will play my tiny violin for Luckey. What he did was bad for his own image and the image of Oculus. You say that developers pulling support is a nonfactor, I say it is.

Bad for his own image? Sure. Hurt anybody or the company? No. Rift is better now than they were before this went down, not because of it, but because it didn't really matter. And go ahead and name the developers that pulled support. Not every developer is of equal importance. I'm a lone developer and I'm pulling my support from Vive. Does it make a difference?

@zaldar said:

Again the group lucky supported didn't have any racist remarks made. Yes they brought memes out of the web and the part of reddit they came from had some other parts that were racist but the group itself he supported monetarily I have not seen convincing evidence they considered one race naturally superior to another (which is the definition of racism - though those who think simply being white means you are racist want to change that definition) to big to jail - the only billboard the group ever put up certainly isn't racist.

Also way more than 20% of the votes cast were cast for trump - yes he didn't win the popular vote but he did win acting like he didn't have enough support to do so doesn't change that fact. I get you all hate him considering him evil etc. but try to use real facts ok?

It's time to move on. The "losing side" is not interested in anything other than what they want to hear at this point.

I don't really give a shit, they can whine and tinfoil hat the shit out of the election all they want, it doesn't change what happened so it doesn't bother me one bit. It's just a shame that even this website isn't immune from figuring out a way to take a shot at it.


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Edited By TPoppaPuff

@magmamud said:
@tpoppapuff said:

That argument rings hollow though. He's no longer peddled out at every single instance of VR being mentioned like the VR Fairy being conjured out of repeating "VR" three times. That's the beginning and end of that fallout. In six months people will completely forget. This doesn't have anywhere the legs and fallout that No Man's Sky has, nor Gamergate before it, nor even the distrust created by SF5.

It's very strange indeed how some can argue that others are missing the point of the "hottest mess" category, and then not realizing their own bias has blown a mild mess out of proportion because they feel "betrayed" by someone they naively just assumed was "one of them." Look at the actual argument and it's really no comparison. It's feelings versus the tangible. They actually gave full out and out refunds for that. That happens at most once a year and never at this scale (the last was... Batman PC? A would be distant third-seller even if the port was perfect).

You say there is no comparison, that the Luckey situation is all feelings, which points to my original post that a lot of the arguments the crew made are being dismissed. A man who was the face of VR was ostracized after supporting and donating money to a campaign involved in such a childish thing as shitposting political memes on the internet. After being confronted about his embarrassing postings on reddit, he lied about it then completely disappeared from social media. Several developers stopped supporting Oculus because of it. When did something like this last happen in the game industry?

It was a mess. To say there is nothing tangible there I think is pretty ridiculous.

And I think there are strong arguments to be made for NMS, and the guys had a hefty debate about it. I don't think it is cut & dry.

He paid to have an anti-establishment political billboard put up that didn't promote or incite bigotry or violence. He lied because at that point he was going to receive the wrath of the liberal media, which it turns out was already distracted, so he went out of the limelight and never lost his job and that was that; a non-story. A story fabricated upon the false premise that he is a white supremacist, which is an absurd leap in logic. Oh, and a couple non-factors in gaming pulled theoretical support in the short term and it made zero difference to the future of Rift and VR. It was a mess without consequence six months from now. And all because everyone's desperate for a story and oh so desperate to be angry over something.

Maybe the witch hunting should quit being a tactic going forward. Why has that been too much to ask?

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Edited By TPoppaPuff

@dudeglove said:

Completely agree that Palmer not-so-Lucky-now should take hottest mess. I've seen developers and company poster childs fuck up before, and I don't think any of them have come even close to multi-faceted amount of BS surrounding Lucky, from his wishy washy non-admittance, to the Oculus senior staff going "uhh...", to FB and Zuckerberg (who have thrown about 2 billion at this, remember) plugging their ears.

I remember literally thinking at the time about what Jeff had said at the time just before it all kicked off, where he said something along the lines of "VR is real, it's here" and how it won't die this time around because the tech can pull it off, and then I thought "Well, I wonder what could sink VR this time around"... and then all that happened. It's a colossal fuckup on so many levels from bizdev to PR in a now-billion dollar industry where VCs are throwing money left right and center to try and get something to stick.

And I am so glad Witcher 3 got justice at last. Big ups to Vinny for keeping that candle lit.

And all that ended up not amounting to a hill of beans in terms of VR's prospects for the future, nor even the Rift's future. They essentially came out unscathed very quickly and their biggest obstacles are their storefront and matching room-scale capabilities.

@qtanimeboi said:

One man's opinion beat scamming millions, thanks Alex.

Exactly. That game, that company and Sean Murray are tarnished. It will take like a decade of goodwill before they're given a fair shake next game and that's assuming they ever right this wrong which it still doesn't appear like they will ever come close to making good on any of those promises.

@magmamud said:

I feel like some of the people here who disagree with the hottest mess refuses to listen to what the actual reasons were for the choice, which the GB guys state clearly, and have in past podcasts.

Instead some just simplify it to a matter of Palmer being pro-Trump or anti-Clinton and decide to just roll with that. Very strange.

There were several factors and ramifications which again the guys talk about, that makes this a hot mess, whatever your political stance is.

That argument rings hollow though. He's no longer peddled out at every single instance of VR being mentioned like the VR Fairy being conjured out of repeating "VR" three times. That's the beginning and end of that fallout. In six months people will completely forget. This doesn't have anywhere the legs and fallout that No Man's Sky has, nor Gamergate before it, nor even the distrust created by SF5.

It's very strange indeed how some can argue that others are missing the point of the "hottest mess" category, and then not realizing their own bias has blown a mild mess out of proportion because they feel "betrayed" by someone they naively just assumed was "one of them." Look at the actual argument and it's really no comparison. It's feelings versus the tangible. They actually gave full out and out refunds for that. That happens at most once a year and never at this scale (the last was... Batman PC? A would be distant third-seller even if the port was perfect).

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Palmer over no man's sky? Come on giant bomb, why not just say trump and not pretend. Palmer is a non story compared to nms for the average gamer.

No kidding.

@dastardry: it impacted a pretty important part of the videogame industry right now.

No, it didn't. No Man's Sky still causes vitriol to this day. Most gamers didn't hear much of anything about Palmer Luckey. More people are still pissed about the Rift launch and are pissed at Luckey for the Rift launch over his politics, and Oculus Rift's name isn't tainted. The worst thing today and shortly after that incident was that expectations about VR became more reasonable, suddenly the Rift seems competent (thanks to PSVR), and enthusiasts are eager to get their hands on what has already been deemed the best controllers for VR. VR as a whole is arguable better than it's ever been because after the skepticism it looks clearer now that it will be around for at least a few more years and that's not something anyone could say with as much credibility as they can now. Whereas it looked like VR might die before the end of 2016 or early 2017, it's looking like it will make it to 2018 at the very least because it actually survived the birthing process now. As it turns out, none of that actually has to do with Palmer Luckey, about as clear a sign of how much a non-story the entire thing actually is.

Meanwhile, five years from now Hello Games will announce a new game and take massive shit when they do so because of NMS.

This isn't even close.

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"One hit melee kills, the way it should be!" One-Hit-Kill melees are the scourge of skill. They compress the skill gap. Black Ops 3 is the first game in the series to get it right. It shouldn't be garbage, Jeff, it should be good.

It's also amusing Jeff complains about the way colorblind mode is handled as just the other day I read an article complaining that games need to handle it the way Infinite Warfare does. As Jeff said, it seems to be a matter of preference.

@nagafen said:

COD 4 sucked, it was the start of the shooter where you had no control, just ultra linear, NPCs opened doors for you or you couldn't progress and endless spawning of enemies. The online sucked as well, just all about cheap kills and a dumb lobby system which killed online FPS gaming for years to come. Lobbies are THE WORST, only now with games like CS:GO and Overwatch are games getting it right, no lobbies, you're in and you're out, it's very fast and you don't spend half the time sitting doing nothing as you wait for people to ready up.

It was a really bad game that is only loved by console shooter people who knew no better. So many of my PC gaming friends from the time hate it and it's where all this online hate comes from this series, mainly PC people who think it dumbed down a genre and ruined it.

For instance it killed the genre off so bad that people now think mediocre campaigns like Titanfall 2, Doom and Wolfenstein are amazing... like no, they're ok, but they just seem so much better because all we had was COD for years.

Oh yes and it was also the start of just running into each other and one shot hitting with animation melee kills with massive range. It sucks, Jeff says as it should be...... no, it shouldn't be, melee used to be good like in CS where it took skill and was a humiliation thing.

I fucking hate everything about this game, Counter Strike was SO MUCH BETTER as it took actual skill.

Did someone call for a PC elitist? BTW, CS:GO and Source are the worst. That's how I know this is a new kiddie elitist. Real gamers know CS 1.4-1.6 were the best and Source and Source 1.5 are pale imitations.

@olodus said:

They should remaster CoD1. Got such nostaligia feeling when Drew played it on UPF.

That was such a classic LAN game back in the days. Me and my friend used to play 1v1 sniper battles on the snowy, big russian maps (we loved Enemy at the Gates) when everyone had gone to bed in the early morning.

They did, like 7 years ago. It should be available on 360 and PS3 and I thought was backwards compatible but don't quote me on that.

What ruined CoD for me was the switch to the "BLOPs 3" gameplay and setup. And, what is pushing the game's head under the water, is Infinite Warfare continuing with that rotten base. They must know they are killing their golden goose, and I think that is why they are putting out Modern Warfare side-by-side. Someone at EA must have played Infinite Warfare and said, "Man, this is so bad! We better put out the Modern Warefare commemorative-game for free."

What is worse, from their perspective alone (from purely a selfish business perspective) Infine Warfare is the WORST game to put up against the pressures of Titanfall 2 and Battlefield One. Activision is putting the worst game it could possibly make, up against competitors that have nailed their own look and feel. The very year Activision need to bring its best gameplay in a solid game, it brought its weakest CoD game ever. For gamers that not an issue, they have lots of choices, but for Activision they screwed up very badly.

Yet, this might be good for the industry, for CoD to get its ears pinned back, because now some fresh ideas can germinate.

BO3 is the best Call of Duty since Black Ops 1. It's great. It's not a rotten base. The retention rate on BO3 was very high, much higher than the last two. The major cause of backlash is from the move to high movement and a too-futuristic scifi setting that AW, BO3, and IW have all taken place in and the biggest cause of that backlash is that it's been repeated in back to back to back games. People want familiar gameplay but they still want some variety in theme and that's why CoD4's move to a modern setting was a big hit, why the talk of CoD fatigue has been a complaint since BO1, why AW was refreshing at the time and why it gets thrown around as part of the problem now lacking the (stupid) "boots on the ground" mantra people keep harping for. You shouldn't make 3 identical-in-appearance games 3 years in a row. The third will always suffer from tremendous backlash. On top of that Infinite Warfare being utter trash is what has broken the camel's back.

The truth is ever since the Infinite Ward exodus (which, btw, both sides were guilty) that studio has been a chicken with its head cut off. Simply put they need to close the studio or more appropriately bring in fresh new leadership to the studio because their last 3 games have been the worst 3 games in the series to date. If Activision were smart Sledgehammer would be working on a Vietnam era Call of Duty even if it means scrapping whatever they have now if it's AW2 and frantically rush something together. Then they would let Treyarch decide their next game in the series and have the other developers work based off the other two options available. So Treyarch gets their pick between futuristic scifi, modern, or legacy setting and then have the other two work in the setting that's been vacated the longest. So right now IW should already be dictated to as far as what their next title in the series will be based on what the other two are doing even if that means another futuristic scifi setting from them. With that said, I think at this point it might be better off called Ghosts 2 than Infinite Warfare 2.

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Edited By TPoppaPuff

@cornfed40: OK, it might be slightly worse in regards to plant variety or it might be way worse in regards to plant variety. Either way, it's still the biggest problem in pharmaceuticals and a major problem for pharmaceuticals and similar practices, even if those practices are not identical to plant variety guidelines, are an example of the problem with patent guidelines in general.

Clearly you know more about plant variety patents than I possibly could and I appreciate you sharing just some of your knowledge on the subject with me. With that said, the patent system is being taken advantage of by big pharma and that means that for at least in this case as well, the patent system needs reworked to prevent these loopholes that have created monopolies on medicine.

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@cornfed40: When I say it's broken, I'm not referring to the concept of patents just clear implementations. You list plant variety specifically, but the exact same problem happens in pharmaceutical patents. Thing is those patents expire for a reason and that's to stop monopolizing of certain innovations. That's why they have expirations at all. Pharma would take a hit, but they're not going to stop producing medicine and more innovations. Quite the contrary actually, since they can't essentially sit on their patents and create new ways or essentially renewing the same patents, they will be forced to actually innovate as well as sell their current products that have reached their expiration more competitively. Therefore they will be forced more than ever to actually make new discoveries in medicine and it would still be in their best interest to do so. Those companies still created their business on pharmaceuticals and the patents would still give them a clear and distinct advantage to being the first. It wouldn't turn into the wild west where all progress is abandoned in the hopes of a quick buck in a lawless land. The same regulations and patents would still be in place only this time they would be temporary as they were intended. It only makes clear and distinct advantages less permanent and stops the attempted prevention of innovation by outside companies. It would be a net positive and truly is no different than plant variety patents. After all, your same argument that Big Pharma would simply give up their potential sales would be the exact same argument for Monsanto and other large farming business.

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Edited By TPoppaPuff

@tomba_be: Yep. Those people merely like to feel smarter than everyone else and when they're not they cling on to crap like this where, "Well if it isn't in nature it must be evil." I can understand if someone somewhere has an actual allergic reaction to GM foods but is that the case? Is it the case for the millions of people who argue they GMOs are evil? Absolutely not. It's ridiculous and dangerous to spread lies like GMOs are bad for you. Like I mentioned Jenny McCarthy earlier, it's those kind of lies that have serious consequences.

@cornfed40: I would think anybody who has to deal with any aspects of patents as a whole would realize that the patent system, copyrights, and trademarks in their current incarnations are a broken system. As you said, the patent is essentially indefinite. One shouldn't blame Monsanto for doing the best thing for their own well being nor should anyone blame plants for having different DNA strands. If a system is in place that doesn't properly define the rules necessary to follow the goal of the system, then the system is broken and needs fixed. One could argue that it's the patent systems as much as anything tangible that are the root of a lot of the world's problems. Like you said, Monsanto shouldn't still have a patent on those soybeans but because of loopholes they still do. Because Big Pharma has all these different patents that essentially work the same way that Monsanto does, we see astronomical problems in the health industry because of it. I mean two of the world's biggest problems are food and medicine and when those are essentially monopolized through patents, to me it's one of the biggest issues even possible. That's not even getting into the positive changes that would have across the board in the healthcare system and honestly would make a huge step toward fixing a lot of the US' problems and most nations facing this issue.

BTW, I watched the rest of the quick look once I had a chance to sit back down. I thought it was fun, sparingly informative, laughably misinformative, and hilarious. People get upset over everything, I don't think this should be one of them. The amount of insane half-logic to how eggs are made was absolutely delightful.

And yes, before anyone else tries to point it out, I recognized a long time ago that improved health and food across the world would obviously lead to a population boom, the same problem I mentioned earlier about Earth. Everything is give and take, so don't make me a villain in your pursuit of self righteousness over the health of the planet, climate change or any other cockamamie crusade people attach themselves to. Keep my name out of it.

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@lemmox: Thank you lemmox for trying to address this dude's bad arguments and more importantly his bad attitude. Goddamn. Its like he just wants to believe the problems are insurmountable and that apocalypse inevitable so that way he is allowed to not think about it anymore.

It's not a bad argument nor is it a bad attitude. It's simply realistic. Let the people who can make a difference deal with it and you do what you can to deal with your own problems and the problems you can actually help that way all of us become less of a burden on society and actually make a net positive or net even. Too many people prattling on about things they don't actually know about and think turning off the lights five minutes earlier is the answer. I for one realize that I don't have the answer I only know what has and hasn't worked. I know that Al Gore flying around in a jet to ramble on about the environment is a net loss, something these same people ignore and actually praise him for. So unlike these people, I'm going to let someone whose job it is to find the solution find the solution. But that apparently means I have a "bad attitude." lol.

There seems to be an awful lot of Planeteers around here and if this is a battle of attrition I'd rather not participate.