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Console consideration and games que.

So I'm finally progressing with Condemned 2. I only have a few more levels to beat but I'm getting somewhere quickly which is nice. Today, I decided to check out the pre-owned section at my favourite gaming store and I picked up a few games pretty cheap. Devil May Cry 4 (I've never played any part of the series) and Ninja Gaiden Sigma (which I've been meaning to buy since launch), both for the PS3. So after Condemned 2 and then Condemned...I might actually play them O_O;

Here's the thing about choosing what console to buy a game from: PS3 is my weapon of choice. If a game is released on PS3 and 360, I'll buy the PS3 version. I just prefer the feel that I'm so accustomed to. I first played skate. on the 360 but bought it on the PS3 because it felt more right to me.
However, there are exceptions. Condemned 2: Bloodshot was released on PS3 and 360, but I still bought it on 360. This is solely because the original Condemned wasd 360 exclusive and as such, if my collection is going to look appropriate, the two need to be on the same console. Trust me, there's logic in there, especially given the 360 box is a solid 3 inches taller than the PS3 boxes. That would just look like an odd pairing...

But yeah, I have a few more days off so hopefully I'll finally hammer the end of Condemned 2 and get down to that review.




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Edited By trulyalive

So I'm finally progressing with Condemned 2. I only have a few more levels to beat but I'm getting somewhere quickly which is nice. Today, I decided to check out the pre-owned section at my favourite gaming store and I picked up a few games pretty cheap. Devil May Cry 4 (I've never played any part of the series) and Ninja Gaiden Sigma (which I've been meaning to buy since launch), both for the PS3. So after Condemned 2 and then Condemned...I might actually play them O_O;

Here's the thing about choosing what console to buy a game from: PS3 is my weapon of choice. If a game is released on PS3 and 360, I'll buy the PS3 version. I just prefer the feel that I'm so accustomed to. I first played skate. on the 360 but bought it on the PS3 because it felt more right to me.
However, there are exceptions. Condemned 2: Bloodshot was released on PS3 and 360, but I still bought it on 360. This is solely because the original Condemned wasd 360 exclusive and as such, if my collection is going to look appropriate, the two need to be on the same console. Trust me, there's logic in there, especially given the 360 box is a solid 3 inches taller than the PS3 boxes. That would just look like an odd pairing...

But yeah, I have a few more days off so hopefully I'll finally hammer the end of Condemned 2 and get down to that review.
