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So I just bought a game capture thingy...

I paid $200 to buy and ship an elgato game capture HD card. I have a youtube account with lots of subscribers, but I have no clue exactly what I'm going to do just yet...

I've got an idea called "Scrap Looks", which would keep the theme of Giant Bomb on my account and it would feature "Quick Looks" of games that the Bomb team are obviously to busy to cover... stuff like Madagascar 3: The Game, of Foosball (Yes, there was a Foosball game released on PSN).

Or maybe I'll finally take the time to find out what the fuck Playstation Home is supposed to be...

or something else...

anyone interested?

Did I waste my money?


TurboMan's Best Stuff of the Year 2012 So Far

It's halfway through the year, so let me share with you (and you share with me) a list of things that I've been enjoying all this year. But only if you hit the reply button and also share about things that you like enough to call it the "best". Deal?

Video Games

I really can't say that I've been pleased with video games this year. Every time I go out of my way to check out a big release, it ends up being a dissapointment (I'm looking at you, Max Payne 3). I haven't been able to try out smaller stuff like Dragon's Dogma or Asura's Wrath, but the two games I decided to highlight here are probably going to be the same two I highlight at the end of the year (since everything else keeps getting pushed back into 2013).


Throughout the last 30 minutes of Journey, My jaw was just on the floor. I have never had such powerful emotions over a video game like this before. This was due to the greatest sense of triumph I've ever had in my life (maybe an overstatement) along with an incredible musical score along with some of the prettiest graphics you'll see this generation.


MOBA. I have no clue what it's like to play DOTA 2 or LoL, but if Awesomenauts is inspired by those two games, then count me in on the MOBA craze. I've probably racked up around 100+ hours into this game and I'm no where close to being burnt out on it. The mechanics are extremely fun and the sharp 2D graphics along with the extremely fun music in this game are awesome(nauts). WHY ARENT YOU PLAYING THIS GAME!?


Once again, not the strongest start in the world, but there are a few standouts as to the best movie of the year. Also, I have unplugged my cable... so I have no clue about most of the TV shows... oh well.

The Cabin in the Woods

The internet told me to go see this movie, and I did. I had no clue what the hell this movie was, since I had not seen any of the trailers leading up to it. In the first ten minutes of the movie I had a giant grin on my face. That grin would grow larger and larger until the movie ended. It might not be the most important movie, but it was the most entertaining one for me.


Yes, I am a die hard Community fan. No, this season probably wasn't as good as Season 2. Yes, I still love this show so fucking much that I don't care anymore.


There are a few standouts from the Music world so far, but all the heavy hitters are coming up soon... Here's what I love so far.

Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory

AoM is without a doubt my favorite album of the year. Straight up 90's alt rock done right.

Grizzly Bear - Sleeping Ute

... and Sleeping Ute is my favorite song from this year so far...

Pro Wrestling

You knew it was coming.

Best Wrestling Match - Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk

The night that Daniel Bryan was announced to receive a shot at the WWE Championship, I bought a $90 ticket to go see Over The Limit live. I was there and it was worth every penny in my opinion. The crowd was pumped for the entire match and Bryan and Punk delivered a match that is going to be remembered for years to come. (The best part is when the North Carolina crowd flips the fuck out when Punk puts Bryan in the figure four at around the 19:30 mark)

Best Wrestler - Daniel Bryan

Finally, the best wrestler in the world is getting some traction in the WWE. They have given him a shot with one of the titles earlier in the year and Bryan made the most of it and has skyrocketed in terms of being over with the main stream audience. He continues to make every single person he wrestles look like a million dollars, and he has the funnest gimmick/catchphrase in the business. Every week I tune in just to see the story progression of Daniel Bryan it seems, and even if WWE tosses him crap like a feud between himself and Charlie Sheen, Bryan will make it work. YES!


Best/Funniest quick look moments since E3

So... I haven't been extremely out of date with Quick Looks since the last time I did a best of video... and I feel that it's been a while since I've made one.


The last video I used was the Botinicula Quick Look, so if I could get some suggestions of moments since then, I would be appreciative.


The Worst of E3 2012 (video)

Quick Impressions - cause I know you guys are dying for my opinions

  • Microsoft - Halo 4 looks neat-o, but not ground breaking. XBLA's exclusive lineup is something to be jealous of. South Park looks incredible (third party, though). Everything else was completely boring to me. I don't want to look at my phone while playing games/movies. I don't care about CoD anymore. I don't want to see Usher performing at a video game conference. Also, 3rd party games shouldn't be on the stage. I view these press conferences as MS vs. Sony vs. Nintendo.
  • EA - Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring.
  • Ubisoft - Awful Host, great set of games to show off. Watch_Dogs looks incredible.
  • Sony - SSB PS3 looks fun. Last of Us looks incredible. Everything else seemed good. Wonderbook lasted 10 minutes too long.
  • Nintendo - Pikmin 3 looks good. 3DS lineup looks good. Everything else was awful. Dad: Chaser was the highlight.

Rating the Reign: Davey Richards

Who: Davey Richards

What Title: ROH World Champion

How long of a reign: 322 days. 6/26/2011-5/12/12

Best Matches

Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards (c) - Best in the World 2011 (A)

Davey Richards (c) vs. Jay Lethal - ROH TV (B+)

Davey Richards (c) vs. Michael Elgin - Showdown in the Sun (A+)


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Davey's reign can be seen two ways. One way was that he was a transitional champion that really didn't do to much in terms of being able to build stories and rivalries, and that the true champion (and face) of the company was Kevin Steen. The other way was that Davey was the right guy to be the champion because he's able to churn out fantastic matches in a time where the company had been truly gutted of most of their talent. It's very clear that Davey Richards on the mic can be dreadful, but during his time as champion, he put out several fantastic main event matches. With that being said, he's also main evented some matches that went on for 15-20 minutes too long. I think I had Davey's reign at about a C+ until his 5-star match with Michael Elgin at Best in the World, one that is clearly the 2012 Match of the Year for now.

Overall Grade: B+


Why NXT is currently unlike any other wrestling show.

When NXT first replaced WWECW on SyFy, it had a somewhat interesting premise of being a wrestling related game show starring wrestlers that already were familiar with the business. As the first season dragged on it was extremely clear that the show wasn't going to work out. Putting on lame contests in front of a packed audience didn't create an exciting live product, and didn't create for an exciting TV product. It took three seasons before WWE tried to change the product by placing it on their website, and eventually the show was allowed to drop the game show concept by Season 5. While I personally fell in love with the show during Season 3 for all the wrong reasons, I'm also happy that the show has evolved into something that wrestling fans don't get from anywhere else any more.

Everyone on the show has something to do.

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Like most people in the world, I despise just about everything that Vince Russo stands for in the wrestling business. If there is one thing that I can attribute to Russo as a positive writing skill, it would be that he tried his hardest to give every single wrestler on his shows something to do. Have you noticed that for the past six months, around 75% of the WWE roster is just there and is given zero time to show any kind of skills inside or outside the ring? On NXT, every single character on the roster is intertwined with each other in some sort of storyline. Hell, even one of the commentators is involved with 1/2 of the wrestlers. Hawkins & Reks try to sabotage Regal every week, McGillicutty and Kidd has been after each other for the past few months, Curtis & Maxine's development is always fun to watch, the list goes on. The show is given one hour every week (that has to be shared with Raw/Smackdown highlights) and the writers of NXT use every moment to put over one of their wrestlers.

Very solid collection of matches every week.

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Yes, the matches on the show might as well be known as glorified dark matches. But over the time that NXT Season 5 has been on the air, we are seeing matches that easily top the matches on Raw and Smackdown. Tyson Kidd has perfected his craft. McGillicutty is developing extremely well. There are divas matches that last longer than two minutes. There are actual tag team matches that are given time.

You probably won't see any match of the year contenders on NXT, but it's a good place to look at the WWE's undercard and be able to see some good quality wrestling from week to week.

Complicated relationships

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If there is one thing I hate about wrestling, it's when someone is painted as a face or a heel. I don't think there is one person over 13 years old that actually only cheers for the good guys and boos for the bad guys. That's why I don't think that just because you're a heel wrestler, you should be best buds with every other heel wrestling in the company. As ridiculous as the show gets, every heel has some kind of love/hate relationship with each other. When Johnny Curtis and Maxine accidentally chloroformed Matt Striker, Hawkins and Reks blackmailed the two to their advantage, which also resulted in Curtis and Maxine being handcuffed to each other to punish themselves. On the other side, every face is on Percy Watson's ass because every time someone gets mysteriously beat up, there's some kind of attire from Percy Watson at the scene of the crime.

The best commentary team on television.

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The commentary on the two main shows needs serious change, and the general mix of humor, story, and match commentary given by William Regal and Josh Matthews is excellent. It's a very laid back approach to wrestling commentary, one that has Josh calling most of the holds and Regal explaining holds and giving general back story to what is taking place in the ring. It's believable because Regal is one of the smartest people in the sport, and everything coming out of his mouth is the absolute truth. Another thing that the commentary team does is that they don't take sides in a match. Sure, Regal might be against the actions of Johnny Curtis, but he puts Curtis over in the ring by continuing to compliment his in ring ability and talks about his own past as a heel and how it compares to Curtis today.

Last but not least, Maxine's Attire.



Best of Quick Looks 23 - Flight Club

Hello Bombers. I was super bummed out watching the Pax East panel this year because I still haven't been to meet the crew (and all the super cool people on the forums that went), so I made another Best of Quick Looks video while crying into a bowl of chili.

Comment, like, spread on facebook/reddit, all that good stuff!



The Haiku Review: Journey (spoilers)

It's back! The Haiku Review is back!

As always, this Haiku doesn't come with crown as illustrated.
As always, this Haiku doesn't come with crown as illustrated.

You can look through all the artsy-fartsy bullshit discussions found on this forum, and all of the forums on the internet. You can read a review on Kotaku that summarizes their feelings via a ten page Essay paper filled with references to famous historical Chinese artists comparing them to this game. You can read all of that if your some NERD! Or, you can get everything you need via a simple 5-7-5 structured haiku. So sit back, enjoy a nice glass of wine, and put your favorite soothing vinyl record in, because it's time for the Haiku Review of Journey:

Journey's Learned Lessons:

When it's really cold outside,

always wear a coat.

Anonymous friend,

could you tell me who you are?

bloop bloop bleep bloop bleep?


ROH 10th Anniversary Show Review

ROH's 10th anniversary show is over, and here is my brief review below. Spoiler warnings to come:

WGTT vs ANX (B-) - A solid tag team match to start off that turned a bit sloppy at the end. It's good to see Rhett Titus back in action. Unlike every other tag team match on the show tonight, this one actually had rules that were enforced, but I'll get to that later. WGTT both went for the surgecally repaired knee of Titus, and was the focal point of the match. ANX got the win, but I think Charlie Haas continues to shine as a great heel wrestler.

Homicide vs. Michael Bennett (C) - I kind of don't care that Bennett isn't a great wrestler. He's average at best in the ring, but he's one of the better talkers on the mic, and that makes him stand out in ROH. With Maria by his side, it makes him stand out even more as somebody who could be a legitimate future main eventer in ROH or any other company. I'm glad ROH got Homicide to come in for the 10th anniversary show, and the moment at the end when he hit the GTS in front of Maria was pretty fun.

Eddie Kingston comes out representing Chikara and calls out Davey Richards and gets Kevin Steen. Kevin Steen coming out with a tuxedo shirt and a tennis racket with Davey's face on it cracked me up. Steen and Kingston cuts an effective promo on each other and I want to see this feud go on a long way.

TJ Perkins & Amazing Red vs. House of Truth (B) - This matchup was just all out fun. Michael Elgin continues to do nothing but impress me, and this match is easily the best work that Perkins has done in the company so far.

Jay Lethal vs. Tommaso Ciampa (B-) - I'm not a fan of the ending of this match, as I feel that it weakens Ciampa's reputation to have a tie in his undefeated streak. I do, however enjoy that Ciampa clearly wrestles a different style than anyone else on the roster by dramatically slowing the pace of a match down. I think Lethal is ready to be main eventing in ROH pretty soon. That move that Ciampa hit on Lethal on the edge of the ring was epic.

The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Young Bucks (C+) - I like both of these teams, but this match never really took off for me. I'm quite tired of ROH's tag team matches going off the wall and not having any control. Whenever I watch wrestling with friends on TV or at live shows, I always have fun and make it a point to yell at the ref and tell him to "get some damn control in the match". That being said, both teams hit their usual spots, but there was no doubt that the Briscoes were going to win it.

Kevin Steen vs. Jimmy Jacobs (A) - Over the past year, I've enjoyed the hell out of the Steen/Corino/Jacobs feud, and I'm glad that the (possibly) final pay off match was extremely satisfying. The turn Jacobs made before the match was a good move, and I hope it reinvigorates his career in ROH. Steen causing chaos throughout the arena is a sight to see, and how he interacts with the environment around him is brilliant. There's a moment before the start where Steen puts his gum on top of the announce desk, and after it's all said and done and Steen leaves the chaos that he created, he walks over to the speechless announcers and retrieves his gum from the beginning. It's great character moments like that that the company as a whole needs to start doing more. Jimmy Jacobs has quite a few great moments as well, and props to him for taking the F5 onto the backs of two steel chairs.

Davey Richards & Kyle O'Reily vs. Eddie Edwards & Adam Cole (C) - I really thought that Davey and Eddie would have learned their lesson after the last 35 minute no-sellfest, but they didn't. This time, they brought in two of the younger guys to join the super hero party. Another really exhausting match with absolutely no ring psychology what-so-ever. The ending, however, was really great even though I feel it's undeserved.

After the main event, Kevin Steen interrupts a Kyle O'Reily heel turn and begins a worked shoot on Davey and how everyone knows that the main event should have been Steen vs. Davey. He also through in a fun jab at The Rock by making a "trending" joke.

Overall, the event was really good and worth the price of admission. Kevin Kelly inserting Twitter made me cringe, but Nigel McGuinness's commentary was incredibly good. The production crew continues to suffer with simple things, and makes me think that ROH should just fire everybody in the production truck and start from scratch. The crowd was amazing, and created the "YES! YES! YES! YES!" chant in between every match.

Overall Grade: B