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"Best Of" Lists of Boredom! 2009 Edition! Part One!

Favorite Movie Scenes of 2009.
5. "Car Scene" - The Hurt Locker
All this movie was is just moment after moment of intense scenes of a guy in a bomb suit defusing bombs in Iraq. This was the most intense, ton of bombs found in the back of a car. How do the bombs dedinate and will it be defused in time? How Fun.

4. "The Bear Jew" - Inglorious Basterds
This scene is brilliant, it has classic Tarentino lines, the Hugo STiGLitZ sequence, someone killing a nazi officer while pretending he's Ted Williams, this scene is awesome. The brilliant part comes in at the German officer getting the last laugh right before his death. He's asked a dumb question about one of his pens in his suit, "Did cha get that for killing jews?", and he replied with "Bravery."... oh yeah, that burns a little bit when you think of his current situation... too bad one of the other soldiers were cowards and revealed everything the nazi officer died for.

3. "Chase Scene" - Observe and Report
This youtube video is not the scene I'm talking about. I'm talking about the scene where a mall cop chases a naked pervert around in the mall in slow motion. Full Frontal Nudity gloriousness. At the end, the mall cop catches up, whips out a pistol, and shoots the pervert in the chest. Justice was served.

2. "Once Upon A Time... In Nazi Occupied France" - Inglorious Bastards
This is the best thing Tarantino has ever done. A scene where it's just two people are talking. One person is trying his best to hide something from the other person, and the other person knows exactly what the person is hiding, and where he's hiding it before he opens the door. Hans Landa is an amazing character, he knows everything that is going on, and will hint at you he knows it, but the consequences of you telling him exactly what he wants to know is so huge. His discription of the Jews during WWII is so frightening and true in so many ways, in order to find and slaughter Jews, he must think like one, and he's the best at doing that "Because I'm aware what tremendous feats human beings are capable of once they abandon dignity."

1. "Married Life" - Up
I love Pixar. I grew up with their first couple of movies, and it seems that their willing to mature with their storytelling as I mature(except for Cars.... that was a bad turning point for them). This scene surprises me so much that they went this far to characterize Carl and Ellie's life... ah, gets me teary eyed every time....


Favorite Songs of '09

5. 1901 - Pheonix
A.K.A. that song from the annoying car commercial. Vocals are spot on pop rock, and I love that raw synthesizer/bass combo that drives the song forward.

4. Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
It's about time someone got the synthesizer right in a rock song. The bridge is magnificent, and matches what you think something of a CD titled "It's Blitz!" would sound like.

3. Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear
"DUDE, THEIR HEADS EXPLODE AT THE END OF THE VIDEO!". That's how Grizzly Bear was introduced to me, and that's how I will forever be sold on them. The song is also insanely beautiful and weird. The piano and drums throughout the song sound like both the instruments are just dicking around.. and they work perfectly together. Bass line is addictive, and the melodies are fantastic. The song just builds up to the last line of the song and is effing epic! "TIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIME!"

2. Daylight - Matt and Kim
This is another song that was somewhat ruined for me by commercials(Bicardi and Community)... but is still enjoyed very much be myself. Kim is just so infectiously happy, I can't help but love her.

1. My Girls - Animal Collective
I hate Animal Collective. They are overrated, and about 4/5 of their songs is just noise to me. This song, however, is perfect. By perfect I mean there is nothing that can make this song any better than it is. It's got an AMAZING chorus that ranks up there with classic rock songs from the Beach Boys, and the production is mind blowing. My car is put to the limit when it plays this song. If you don't love this song, you're listening to it wrong.