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Wanna Wrestle? #8 - Why Hogan is still Satan and TNA BFG Review.

TNA Bound For Glory Review

Bound for Glory is being built as "TNA's WrestleMania", and for the most part it showed last Sunday. There were a number of matches that were high quality matches. I consider myself a casual fan at best of TNA's work, and I was actually excited at some of the situations going into the PPV. Overall, I would say that the opening half of the PPV was phenomenal, and everybody that was involved looked as good as they are going to look. Unfortunately the wheels fell off the track by the end of the PPV, and it erased all of the good will that the first half did for the product.

Austin Aries (c) vs. Brian Kendrick - Grade: (B+)

Holy hell, how is the X-Division championship still be defending at the beginning of every TNA PPV? Austin Aries continues to be the top guy performing at every TNA show for the past couple of months. He is phenomenal at what he does in the ring, every movement has it's purpose and he has a very natural way of getting the entire crowd behind the match. If I was TNA, I would put everything into Aries. Kendrick continues to not impress me all that much, but him and Aries work fine together. Aries selling the top-rope Sliced Bread #2 was a fantastic moment. Easiest thing to compare it to was The Rock's selling of the Stone Cold Stunner at WrestleMania. Hopefully the X-Division continues to expand past these two guys soon.

RVD vs. Jerry Lynn - Grade: (B)

The easy first reaction to this match is "oh great, another RVD vs. Jerry Lynn match, these were great in 1998". While you are right that we've seen these two fight so many times, you'd forget that these guys always put on a great match. A good hardcore match between the two, even though I have no clue what's next for either person. Van Terminator is always something that will impress me.

Crimson vs. Samoa Joe vs. Mat Morgan - Grade: (C+)

This match was more entertaining than it had any right to be. Samoa Joe vs. Crimson feud might be interesting... even though everyone knows that Joe should be a main eventer by now.

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray - Grade: (B-)

Once again, another match that we've seen about ten times by now. This one went throughout the arena and had a couple of good spots (piledriver on concrete floor). Very reminiscent of old ECW matches.

A Women's Match happened. This might have been the sloppiest match I've witnessed this year... I'd rather not relive it right now.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels - Grade: (C)

Oh hey, another AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels match (you might be seeing a pattern with my thoughts on these matches). The match was fine up to the finish, where Styles was walking towards Daniels with a SCREWDRIVER and Daniels just quit before he was murdered. Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb.

Hulk Hogan vs. Sting - Grade: (F)

I really have no clue where to start with this one. The only moves during the match was punches, Hogan fell down on his back twice, he took a stinger splash and then tapped out to the scorpion death lock. It's a slap in the face to all the younger workers that this match was even allowed to happen, and it helped nobody look better. Hogan's not going to take TNA to the next level, and nobody in the upper management seems to be able to get over that fact... Hogan turned face after the match FOR NO FUCKING REASON WHATSOEVER... I'll talk more about this in the next section.

Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode - Grade: (C+)

Time was running out on TNA's PPV time, so they skipped proper introductions for a TNA Championship match, and tried to rush a match into the last 15 minutes of the hour. GEE, IF ONLY YOU HADN'T OF WASTED TIME WITH THE HOGAN/STING MATCH OR THE WOMEN'S SLOPFEST, MAYBE YOU WOULD'VE HAD TIME IN YOUR MAIN EVENT TO PULL OFF A MAIN EVENT WORTHY MATCH. Most of the match was fine, and there was a ton of submission moves that threatened to end the match. Angle ended up winning by cheating, which is a great big "fuck you" to every TNA fan. You have a young wrestler who might set the standard for the future of TNA, and you continue to let some ex-WWE guy hold onto the belt. You didn't even let him win by pinfall, it was a bullshit ending ON YOU BIGGEST PPV!

Congrats TNA, on your biggest PPV of the year you managed to turn so many people away from your product... maybe you should figure out that this is why you only hold events in half-filled arenas:

Calm down with a funny Chris Jericho video:

Fuck Hulk Hogan

So according to multiple wrestling websites, the original plan was to have Bobby Roode win the TNA Championship from Angle, and let Angle take time off away from professional wrestling. This changed when Hogan was offered a contract extension (for two years!) and lobbied in the back for Angle to retain over Bobby Roode. I have read two different things on why this happened:

  1. Hogan didn't want his "face-turn" to be in the shadow of Bobby Roode winning the TNA World Championship, or
  2. Hogan didn't feel that Bobby Roode was ready to have a run as the World Heavyweight champion.

Days before Bound for Glory, Hogan said that Roode shouldn't be a champion, and he thinks that TNA should promote the living hell out of Jeff Hardy, cause Hogan thinks that he is the future. Now, personally, I think it's very obvious that Hardy should never be anywhere near the championship ever again since he embarrassed the company earlier this year by showing up to the main event pilled out of his mind:

Roode has been with TNA for over ten years, and he's talented enough to hold the TNA Championship. Forcing Roode to lose his match has just about pissed off the entire TNA roster, since there's been disappointment towards Hogan all day on twitter. It's just like WCW all over again. Fuck Hulk Hogan.