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Now this really makes me angry

I don't know if you have heard of the this branch of Christianity called the " Westboro Baptist Church" They have been the  target of a lot of controversy in their extremist beliefs and protests . Some examples of these include showing up at army funerals and preaching that God wanted their sons and daughters to die . 
Now i am not writing this blog to target this church . 

 You might have seen images like these on your internet viewing
 You might have seen images like these on your internet viewing

However i can express my views on their website . Now i would normally NEVER go onto a site that is connected with this church . However my friend linked me to this site and i have to say i am very upset that this site has been created .

  Basically they have a map and you select where you live in the world and they tell you if they have a opinion about it or not . Now Noramlyl i would shrug this off and say 
"Well they are American its their problem let them deal with it .."
However the page about the UK and Ireland really made my blood boil . 

here is what they say about the UK :

The United Kingdom is fully given over to fags, and proud of it – they are grevious sinners before their God like ancient Sodom, and they shall receive the same firey end.  They roundly declare that what God says is an abomination is in fact an innocent lifestyle to be aspired to and rewarded.


Now this really makes me upset . I consider my self a christian . (not a very good one) But i do believe in something up there . Anyway to be told i am going to hell becuase the UK has the Intelligence to realize that all humans deserve equal rights . Now i would normally shrug this insult off . But it really got to me for some reason . And if you spend a lot of time on internet forums you develop a thick skin to insults etc . But this really got to me . 
They continue to mention abortions :

The murder of unborn babies has been legal in the United Kingdom since the Abortion Act of 1967.  Abortion has been historically legal under common law in England, Scotland and Wales in certain situations, don’t you know.  The English and their cohorts are oh so proper.  Today, you can kill a 24-week old baby for social reasons; but most hospitals and clinics reportedly will not perform them after 18-20 weeks.  18 weeks or 24 weeks, IT’S STILL MURDER, you vile beasts!  God Hates murder and murderers!! 

Like it or not abortion is often necessary . I'm not going to turn this blog into a pro choice debate . But its the way this church uses the bible to support their claims and arguments that makes me livid . 
In fact . This is  enough for me to abandon my faith . To see people use God in this way makes me sick . 
Sorry i just had to vent my anger .