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Short Review: MGS4


"The only justification for owning a PLAYSTATION 3 you need"

- Gameplay - Awesome. (period). With tons of  new mechanics and very welcome improvements (moveable camera, moving while in first person, Gears of War style shooting etc), variety and many surprises and MANY highly satisfying "OMG did you fucking see that!?" moments.
- Graphics - great, incredibly detailed (dude, just push L1 in the weapons, items, and camouflage menus to examine things up close, so cool, so detailed). Also, take into account that this game is absolutely packed with so much stuff that it becomes quite clear that if kojima wanted to make a game as simple as COD4, he could have blown those graphics away. 
- Sound- the best I've heard in a game, and excellent voice acting that is definitely the best in the series. Sounds amazing on my surround sound using an optical out, so uh, yeah if you got something like that you'll see what I mean. 
- Story - highly satisfying for any big MGS fan, and definitely approachable for new comers who don't have too much ADD and like convoluted plot lines. Also, there are just as many "OMG did you fuckin see that?!" moments in the cut sc
- Online - Very unique, but has a steep learning curve, or perhaps just getting use to. it has great teamwork potential, more so than most online games out there. the graphics are about the same as the actual game which is great. tons of DLC packs are becoming available quickly. new maps and modes and characters are already available in the 
Gene Expansion. The only thing I would have suggested is droping the in-game menu system for something more         intuitive. 
- Replay Value - With the new drebin points system and tons of customizable guns, and lots of unlockables and different rankings, and so many fun and memorable gameplay moments and elements, you'll want to play this at least twice. and of course you can play the online as many hours as you like.
- Overall - This is a game you shouldn't miss. It does things that just make you say "HOLY SHIT" over and over again. There's gameplay moments (i say moments because unlike most games, MGS4 has lots of different gameplay, its not the same thing repeated the whole way through at all) and so many gameplay mechanics that everyone can find something they like about it. The story is very entertaining and very well done on its own part. The online definitely has a lot of potential. I promise you this will be money well spent. This truly is Kojima's crowning achievement. 

        * * * * *




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Edited By TwoOneFive

"The only justification for owning a PLAYSTATION 3 you need"

- Gameplay - Awesome. (period). With tons of  new mechanics and very welcome improvements (moveable camera, moving while in first person, Gears of War style shooting etc), variety and many surprises and MANY highly satisfying "OMG did you fucking see that!?" moments.
- Graphics - great, incredibly detailed (dude, just push L1 in the weapons, items, and camouflage menus to examine things up close, so cool, so detailed). Also, take into account that this game is absolutely packed with so much stuff that it becomes quite clear that if kojima wanted to make a game as simple as COD4, he could have blown those graphics away. 
- Sound- the best I've heard in a game, and excellent voice acting that is definitely the best in the series. Sounds amazing on my surround sound using an optical out, so uh, yeah if you got something like that you'll see what I mean. 
- Story - highly satisfying for any big MGS fan, and definitely approachable for new comers who don't have too much ADD and like convoluted plot lines. Also, there are just as many "OMG did you fuckin see that?!" moments in the cut sc
- Online - Very unique, but has a steep learning curve, or perhaps just getting use to. it has great teamwork potential, more so than most online games out there. the graphics are about the same as the actual game which is great. tons of DLC packs are becoming available quickly. new maps and modes and characters are already available in the 
Gene Expansion. The only thing I would have suggested is droping the in-game menu system for something more        intuitive. 
- Replay Value - With the new drebin points system and tons of customizable guns, and lots of unlockables and different rankings, and so many fun and memorable gameplay moments and elements, you'll want to play this at least twice. and of course you can play the online as many hours as you like.
- Overall - This is a game you shouldn't miss. It does things that just make you say "HOLY SHIT" over and over again. There's gameplay moments (i say moments because unlike most games, MGS4 has lots of different gameplay, its not the same thing repeated the whole way through at all) and so many gameplay mechanics that everyone can find something they like about it. The story is very entertaining and very well done on its own part. The online definitely has a lot of potential. I promise you this will be money well spent. This truly is Kojima's crowning achievement. 

        * * * * *


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Edited By TMiggs

You don't need to tell me twice about how great this game is.   It was the reason why I bought a PS3.

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Edited By Otacon

A Really brilliant game, nice summary of all that is good about the game.

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Edited By giyanks22

nice review.