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#1  Edited By Ututu222

3 corrective posts, and none of them offensive. Sometimes, I forget this is *teary eyes*

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#2  Edited By Ututu222
@emkeighcameron said:
" @Suicrat said:
" @DanielJW said:
" @Suicrat said:
" @DanielJW: Because they're usually built around Mosques. "
... and? Did they ban the building of Mosques? "
If I had a facepalm image in my repertoire, I'd use it, but not directed at you, but at the idiocy you exposed!  But even so, let's not encourage them to ban mosques. "
He asks a pretty fucking reasonable question and you call him an idiot? (or no, sorry, he EXPOSED idiocy, way to use wordplay)
Losing credibility here, pal.

Here you go, because apparently you're too lazy to Google shit:
No Caption Provided
I don't know, the way I read it, he's more insulting the Swiss government for the stupidity they exhibited.
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#3  Edited By Ututu222
@Suicrat said:
" @Geno said:
" Well, it's hard to come up with a strong argument for the banning of minarets, but as mentioned in the article they are trying to prevent themselves being taken over by political Islam, as has been an issue of late. And I tend to think that's justified, but this is not the best way.  "
Then why not establish a secular legal system, withdraw the Swiss guards from the Vatican, and enforce property rights? (The latter clause would prevent them from having the arrogance of arbitrating architectural aesthetics.) "
I c wut u did thar
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#4  Edited By Ututu222

Alright, I appreciate the GPU input, and since I didn't give the reasons for the power supply etc., I guess I should. His budget has also increased at this point.
 @monkeyroach said:

"920 is faster the 860
1366 isnt dead, the new i9 will be 1366"

^ This, and the multipliers are unlocked on 1366 whilst 1166 are locked (turbo mode sounds fun, but you can clock it higher for cheaper with the i7).
 @IncredibleBulk92 said:

"I'd say make the system you have listed up there slightly cheaper.   

  • Replace the hard drive with the Samsung F3, same size and performance at a lower price.   
  •  You can afford to drop to 4 gigs of RAM, 4 is more than enough and if he's having problems at a later date buying another stick of RAM is easy and cheap.
  • Check the DVD drive is the cheapest possible, there's no point paying for anything more expensive unless you want lightscribe or something.
  • Get a smaller PSU, 750 is more suited to SLI or Crossfire, 550 wound power that machine without a problem.
  • If you still can't squeeze a decent GPU into the system think about getting a 21 inch monitor or something and don't pay too much attention to the response time, anything under 10ms is fine
I'm building a new system soon for myself, I've opted for a slightly cheaper build with a i5 Core instead.  As Subject2Change mentioned the 1366 socket is being phased out, the 1156 is becoming the normal for the next couple of years.  Also I'm waiting til the end of the month to see if nVidia release anything that rivals the HD 5850 or at least forces ATI to drop their prices. 
Make sure you post whatever you decide man, I'm curious to see how you end up. 
EDIT: I live in the UK so I may have lied to you about the F3 being cheaper but it's definitely a good hard drive so give it a google."
PC Power and Cooling (OCZ bought them out) seems to be a fairly reliable brand for PSUs. Yes, 550 would power it with a bit of headroom, but I want this thing to have longevity, and the large 12V amps are nice. For memory, I want him to have triple-channel right away. That Samsung F3 looks very interesting, but the places I'm juggling where to go to get this thing at don't carry it :(. And yes, I will be getting the cheapest DVD drive possible. Good advice for the display if we run into money issues, so thanks for that.
 @Geno said:

"If the computer is going to be used for gaming, the GPU will be the most important part of the whole unit. In other words, you may as well not bother with the build at all unless you've got the GPU right. ATI's new 5000 line is pretty disappointing so far, showing only marginal (and sometimes subpar) performance compared to last generation cards. You might wait for the new Nvidia GTX 300 series but they won't come out for at least another 6 months, after which you'd probably have to wait an additional 4-6 months for the prices to stabilize. They're Directx11 cards and bound to show a large improvement over the current gen, but a year might be too long to wait. For the current time, I'd choose a GTX 275 or GTX 285 with that budget. Not only will it provide great performance now, but in the future you can easily SLI it up and remain up to date for cheap."

Most of the reviews are citing heavily optimized drivers versus fairly new drivers as the reason for the compared performance. And we have to remember, most of the GPUs that the 5000 line is being put up against are dual-chip, which is basically if the drivers aren't optimized, you're fucked (early SLI/Crossfire comes to mind). That's a reason why I'm kind of iffy on any dual-GPU. 
So, right now I'm leaning towards the 5850. DX11-compatible, significantly cheaper than and roughly performs the same as GTX 285, single-GPU. Since they are pretty much sold out everywhere, the brand he'd get is the brand that's in stock. Arguments against/for this?
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#5  Edited By Ututu222
@Anty1 said:
" Best game trailer I've seen for a while "
Since the TOR one from E3, you mean ;)
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#6  Edited By Ututu222

Here's fingers crossed for an afro...

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#7  Edited By Ututu222

I'd probably go with Baldur's Gate 2.

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#8  Edited By Ututu222

Alright, so my friend is going to be getting a new computer soon. As he is almost clueless as far as computer hardware goes, he's asked me to put together something for him. I'm no savant, and have what I'd consider average knowledge of this stuff. His budget is ~1.5k Canadian, and he intends to game on it extensively. Here's the list of what I'm going to set him up with:
 Antec Three Hundred Case

Zalman CNPS9900 LED CPU Cooler for Socket 775 / 1366

Intel Core™ i7 Processor 920 2.66GHz w/ 8MB Cache

Asus P6T SE X58 w/ TripleDDR3 2000, 7.1 Audio, Gigabit Lan, 1394, PCI-E, CrossFireX

Corsair 6GB XMS3-1600 PC3-12800 Core™ i7 Triple Channel DDR3 Kit (3 x 2GB) w/ Intel XMP

Western Digital 1TB Caviar Black 7200rpm SATA II w/ 32MB Cache

Samsung SH-S223B 22x SpeedPlus™ DVD-Writer, SATA, Black, OEM

PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750 Quad Power Supply

Samsung SyncMaster P2370 23in Widescreen LCD w/ DVI, 16:9, 2ms, Black (having his 800x600 old beige piece of shit hooked up to this thing would be a travesty)
This totals up to ~$1400 (Canadian). Most of the parts (power supply, memory, harddrive, processor, cooler) I'm pretty much set on. However, you may or may not have noticed that there is no GPU in that list. This is where the issue gets complicated. I have an old 8800GT, which probably could make for a quick-fix. With nVidia's new generation past Christmas, and ATI's 5800s debut, I'm debating whether or not I should recommend for him to shell out the money now for a GTX 260/4870(x2), wait until he gets a bit more money and go for a 5850/5870 (using the 8800GT in the meantime), or go in for the long haul and see what nVidia has up its sleeve. He's waiting for Windows 7's release to get the components.
The display runs native 1920x1080. Any ideas/input about the build, specifically what solution for the GPU? I'm more familiar with nVidia (if we go that route, going with eVGA) so recommendations on brands for ATI chipsets would be nice also.

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#9  Edited By Ututu222

Jump up and down on a 5 foot thick carpet made of lint.
Open a can of diced tomatoes with my bare hands, without maiming myself.
Read two thousand, five hundred and sixty eight iterations of 'Green Eggs and Ham'.
Reform the Eiffel Tower into the shape of '65'.
Nuke my backyard.

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#10  Edited By Ututu222

Cool trailer. Not that I needed more incentive to purchase this game, but nice nonetheless.