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Valentino's weekly Videogame Talk: February 10-16

In an attempt to try and start writing more often on the internet, I have decided to start blogging about games I have been playing for the past week. It doesn't mean I beat them or anything, just my general impressions with the games so far. Hell, even if I do end up talking about a game I beat (which I will) it won't be full of spoilers. On with the Show!

Binary Domain

I picked this up on PS Plus way back when it was free but I never really played it. For whatever reason, I said "Ah what the hell?" and gave it a shot. Turns out I think this game is pretty swell! I'm sure everyone has their love of Big Bo (as they should) but the other characters are interesting enough. Hell, I think the only person I didn't get a good grasp of was that English lady with the Bazooka, but that's probably because I only chose her once in my entire play-through. Honestly though, it was the banter between Big Bo and crew that really kept me motivated to play through the game. There was that one scene though where Robot French guy saved Faye and then crashed through glass as he landed... that was pretty awesome.

The story was fine I guess, pretty generic aside from the twist which, admittedly, I didn't see coming. I really liked the shooting in the game, it felt real satisfying dismantling an enemy robot and

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never felt like it was too much of a challenge. Hell, the only time I thought the game was hard was during the boss battles.

That's mostly because they were the only enemies that dealt AOE attacks like rocket launchers and grenades so it forced me to move out of cover, which lead to more rockets being shot in my face and well... you know how it goes.

My one real qualm with the game wer

e the Asian accents. I love Laura Bailey to death, but her portrayal as Faye the Chinese sniper of the group was pretty horrible. It didn't sound anything like a Chinese person. Also, just because Johnny Bosch is half Japanese, doesn't mean he can pull of a Japanese accent. Maybe they were afraid of doing the generic "Oh! Me Sho Shorry!" Asian accent which is acceptable, but I mean, I don't know... at some point some of the Japanese accents broke so bad they sounded German. Maybe we just aren't exposed to non-generic sounding Asian accents over hear? I don't know.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

I was originally planning on writing this blog post some time early today, but I got caught up in this game that I just finished it prior to writing this. For those unaware, Danganronopa is a visual novel aching to the likes of the Ace Attorney games. Meaning at some point in the game, someone yells "There's been a murder!" which leads everyone to go look for clues, find out who did it, prove it to everyone, win the case, and wait for someone to jump onto the screen to say "There's been another murder!" and the whole process repeats itself.

Difference being that instead of a lawyer, everyone is a Highschooler, leading to them killing other Highschooler's, leading me to say "How the hell can these guys solve murder cases?" Then I remember it's usually people in their teens that end up saving the world, so I guess it's OK that these guys can solve murder cases... Anime.

It plays a lot like the Ace Attorney games more so then you'd expect, (or not, I'm not sure) where you have statements and you need to present evidence that shows errors in said statements. Except the statements run in real time(You can repeat them, multiple times in an allotted time given) and certain parts of the statements are highlighted, and you have toguess which highlighted words contradicted evidence to prove otherwise. So it's kinda like an Ace Attorney lite game.

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They also have other types of ways arguments play out but I felt they were so forced. One is a rhythm game that, in the end, you need to provide evidence against your opponents point (which makes the rhythm game kinda moot), and the other is Hangman style where letters appear randomly on the screen and you have to select the proper ones. Also there's this like, fill in the blank comic book thing where you have to re-tell the events of the murder in a comic book where question marks are left in some panels and you have to put the corresponding image into said question marks.

Look, I get that having only one style of gameplay in these kind of games can get repetitive at some point, but this was too much. At some point I got so invested in the story that I just read a walkthrough that told me the words for the hangman part cause I don't care. I play Visual Novels for the story, I don't need other things holding me back to get that story cause I have to guess that the word was "Replaced".

The story itself is very much Anime influenced with the evil bad guy saying "Aahhh I'm so evil!" all the while giving out a monolog as to why the world would be better with said evil. And you, the protaganist being all "All we need is love man!" and your monolog why love conquers all. Also there's a Tsundere... so Anime checklist complete?

I really liked the real-time argument feature thing, and it helped a lot that they were voiced. It added that extra impact that you don't really get in the Ace Attorney games since they're all bleeps and bloops. I liked most characters except for that one guy who was the generic fat anime nerd. Not so much for stereotyping, more so cause most of what came out of his mouth were references to either video games or anime... which is accurate to real life yes, but I hate those people none the less.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13

This trilogy may go down as the only trilogy where I bought all three of, and never completed any. I hated Final Fantasy 13, I got to a part in FF13-2 where these like robot enemies kept killing me near the end, so I gave up. And with this game? I only played up to the part where you can start exploring so who knows? But I can probably, with 76% assurance, say that I won't beat this game either.

A lot of my time not liking this series isn't its dumb dialog or confusing story, it's the combat. No, I liked the idea of switching classes on the fly to correspond with what the enemy is doing, no I actually liked the idea of an auto button, yes I always hated staggering the enemy. Which really, is the one common theme in all these games.

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It's the same thing over and over again. Hit enemies weakness till that yellow bar is full and they stagger, then deal massive damage and repeat as necessary. It isn't that it isn't rewarding staggering an enemy, it's that it seems like that's the only way to deal real damage to an enemy. In all three of this games! Over and over! All these enemies have so much damn HP that it takes what seems like an eternity to kill them without staggering them. Hell, even when staggered the amount of damage seems so minimal to me. It's like the game is punishing you for not trying to exploit an enemies weakness, like the only way you can truly beat this enemy, is by hitting them with fira over and over till they stagger. Ultimately, that's my problem with these games.

I'll probably end up playing more (mainly, cause I love Lightning's voice) and maybe the games story will grab me. But so far, no dice.

Clash of Clans

Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. Let me talk about this game.

I'm not sure those web based browser games are still around, but this game reminds of those swirve games? The ones that ran real-time? Like you send your army out to attack, ask them to build stuff and it takes literally 13 hours for them to come back? Ring any bells? One had orcs they other was all modern millitary? Maybe? Anyone? Well I liked those games so its not surprising I like this one.

Only problem is that I'm at the point where gathering gold and mana (is it called mana?) takes forever, so upgrading and stuff is a hassle. I don't know. Me and my friend made a guild but we never attack anyone. I just like building and upgrading stuff.

That's all the stuff that I've played this past week. Till next time!

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