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Bravely Default

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So, a product is released and you convince yourself you don't need it. You focus on the bad things said about the product and ignore the good things. I have done this with many products through the ages. I did it with the original Nintendo DS, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Steam (the Valve-owned service), XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the Playstation 3 and, most recently, Bravely Default.

With every one of these examples I eventually cracked and purchased the product feeling a fool for not getting it in the first place. I always know I was lying to myself but I still play that same mind game with myself.

The most recent one, Bravely Default, is scratching a dozen itches I've needed scratched for quite long. The class system, the turn-based combat, even the Brave/Default system is great.

I can't be the only one that lies to myself like this, convincing myself not to get something I want, right?

Another game on my list of things I'm assuring (LYING) myself I don't need is Sims 4, but that's a story for another day.