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First heard "1984" By Salmo on the menu of NBA2K18 and have become a huge fan since!

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@retris said:

@bigsocrates: I know the context. But don't talk about wins and losses mattering if they're not going to matter.

I mean, they did spend the last month or so since that match with Britt explaining she's inflating her win count to get the title shot, and she's been winning like 2-3 matches a week. The entire booking is based on the premise of wins and losses mattering and Britt being upset about that fact and so wailing on Jabronis until she gets the top spot. Doesn't mean it's perfect or that you have to like it but it's a far cry from "yeah you lost but we really wanna do this same match every week for two months so we'll just ignore it entirely."

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#4  Edited By VerticalMonkey

@besetment: Hey I didn't say it was perfect but it easily clears the painfully low bar found on Reddit and other social media and larger communities. So far so good! Also thanks for the info to everyone above who chimed in! I was/am basically looking to get back to the rest of the internet apart from the dumpster of social media, this forum is way more reminiscent of the pre-mainstream internet, when there wasn't social media and instead specific places to go have specific discussions about specific topics with specific people who (mostly) actually want to be there and contribute.

Sure you get shit people everywhere but social media (reddit, twitter, fb) have basically become a place to corral the braindead idiots and keep them feeling bad and away from the rest of the internet. Nothing left for me there :)

I do fully remember the Kane and Lynch thing from way back, I actually worked at a gamestop at the time, and have always peripherally known about Giant Bomb just never browsed more than casually until now!

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I just found this place for the forum specifically, in an effort to find a smaller, less trashy place for game discussion (ie not Reddit). I have been just starting to get into the podcasts and "website side" of things and have enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm not sure what specifically is changing or might change with the recent news (a bit too new to understand it at first glance beyond some major departures), but I was already planning to throw in what support I could, so now seems like a great time.

Hoping that the forum won't change much and become another toxic outrage farm like Reddit and so many others.

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#6  Edited By VerticalMonkey

@ste89: That basically should sum it up, listen to this guy OP. I will add that on the WWE side Smackdown is vastly superior to Raw (each show has its own roster and stories), and NXT is also generally good though IMO it has seen better days. Raw historically is the flagship WWE show but right now the writing is really bad. I won't say don't watch it but please don't let it represent the industry as a whole for you.

I will second AEW being the first must-watch weekly show(s) for me in a long time as someone who has been a fan for about 30 years now. Enjoy!

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@hibikirush: if YouTube series are eligible I would say look up the channel Gaming Historian, many short videos and a couple long deep dives all covering various aspects of gaming history. One of my favourite channels. The Tetris video in particular is amazing.