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TOS: Yakuza 3

Notice: The following S-Rank was a platinum trophy obtained on the Playstation 3 version of Final Fantasy XIII. It is not associated to my official S-Rank list on GiantBomb. Here's hoping that Sony will figure out that people like sharing their trophy information, outside of their own official site. Like every other achievement system in existence.


I've recently returned from this years Sasquatch Music Festival out in the most beautiful place on the planet, the gorge. Whenever I see the venue each year, I always get this funny visualization of God getting bored after making the most amazing thing ever, and then making this awesome venue even more...err..."awesome-er". 
I'll be doing a write-up about it soon.
Sadly this year, I somehow got a nasty version of bronchitis from the music festival. One of the small short-comings from the festival is that it's out in the desert, and you're camping. From afternoon to evening it felt like a 30 degree difference, usually happening instantaneously. One second it's in the 90's and the next you're bundling up within layers of jackets. 
Let's just say I'm pretty convinced that I caught this thing while sleeping. I was using a sleeping bag and a liner inside the sleeping bad, and still felt chilled. That's how bad it was.
But enough about that, it's time to get back and talk about something we all love: Achievements and trophies!

Back into the Fold...

Clarification: Even though this game is not supported on GiantBomb's official achievement system (PS3 Exclusive) I'm still considering this a worthy S-Rank to write about. It will not be the last PS3 exclusive I write about concerning achievements, this case, trophies.
Last year a game was released that caught my attention. I've been always a passing fan of the Yakuza series, but Yakuza 3 really grabbed my attention. So much so that I took the time to write a very comprehensive review on it, (Note to self: Find time-machine and get more time to write more reviews) and when I was writing a recap of last year, I gave it my own "personal" GOTY. Mass Effect 2, I love you, but there is really one game that will stand-out for me when I reflect on the year of 2010.
 Was 100% this game a....good thing?
 Was 100% this game a....good thing?
For better or worse, the concept for this blog series began to materialize after I decided to go after this game's Platinum trophy. I walked away a bit bewildered, in deep thought after getting the Platinum, and how getting that trophy changed my perspective of that game. It's no surprise that I've been getting requests to talk about Yakuza 3 after starting this strange attempt at a blog series. 
A lot of my final conclusions regarding how trophies were handled in this game, were not positive in regards to Yakuza 3. Especially regarding what defines a proper "challenge" regarding achievements and trophies. I know I'm supposed to end these introductory paragraphs with a hook that's supposed to keep you guessing, whether or not this game handles achievements well. 
Yakuza 3 doesn't get that luxury, it's a bad trophy list plain and simple. 
That being said, the reasoning behind why Yakuza 3's trophies fail isn't just because of a few bad apples, Yakuza 3's trophy set is almost analogous in showcasing in general terms how Japanese developers are still even at this time, this long into the current generation, still figuring out the pro's and cons regarding achievements and trophies. 

S-Rank Synopsis

Collectibles: Manageable.

Volunteer // Master Environmentalist // Key Collector    
The closest thing that Yakuza 3 has to a "collectible", are the many key-lockers strewn about both area's of the game. Collecting all of these is not a difficult task, plus, you are not required to do so. Another collectible trophy involves collecting trash off your beach, this is easily obtainable through reloading the same area multiple times. Picking up trash is still quite monotonous, and you are given the impression that you were supposed to be picking up trash causally during your multiple play-throughs, but instead you're bound to go after this in one big run by reloading this area. 

One Stupid Achievement // Grinding: "F**** you." 
Mini-Game Master  
I'm combining two categories (One stupid achievement, Grinding) into one because it's impossible to talk about these two concepts separately with this one trophy. 
 What do you mean you don't like playing five hours of Billiards with a computer A.I. that blatantly cheats?!
 What do you mean you don't like playing five hours of Billiards with a computer A.I. that blatantly cheats?!
If you have ever skimmed over, or have done a passing research on Yakuza 3's trophy set, you probably have heard of a little Gold Trophy entitled: "Mini-Game Master."
How bad is Mini-Game Master? Last year at PAX I approached the individual running the Yakuza 4 display. I had to ask him what they were thinking when they made this specific trophy.
Yes, your attempt at questioning my logic are sound: Specifically, how this random individual who worked this demo kiosk was in any position to say anything regarding the subject matter is a correct assumption. 
I didn't care.

The back-and-forth was awkward, but he did theorize that the development team didn't know what they were doing. I felt like the victim of a crime, obtaining a thread of closure. Is that analogy too severe? Guess what?! It's actually the most representational thing I could think of! That's how bad it is!

Mini-Game master requires you to "Complete" every Mini-Game in Yakuza 3, and it will be the bulk of your time as you attempt to obtain Platinum. The problem is that "Completing" some mini-game's requires you to beat "difficulty" challenges, or a certain goal. We will be discussing how the difficulty in this game is broken in just a bit, but never is it more apparent while attempting Mini-Games. Certain levels of difficulty has the computer out-right cheating most of the time. Pool is almost laughable, as you must play a near perfect game, because if the computer get's one try it's almost destined to win.

Other mini-games are just crap-shoots, mindless attempts at luck. Golf is a full-blown game by it-self, so there's no real way to bull-shit through it.  

Perhaps the most
Pictured: Probably the easiest challenge that you will accomplish.
Pictured: Probably the easiest challenge that you will accomplish.
interesting mini-games are the very Japanese-centric games that somehow didn't get the axe when Sega's localization budget got squeezed. Mahjong might be out, but the game contains multiple card games with the Japanese playing cards known as Hanafuda.
Hanafuda is a very specific card set that really has no real direct comparison out-side of Japan. Many of the game's mechanics might mimic certain western card games, but only remotely. The game really doesn't provide a comprehensive tutorial, so you're going to be figuring out different concepts and what card goes with which set by yourself for the most part. 
Before you ask, yes, the higher difficulty for these cards games also cheat.
Mini-game master would have worked as a personal diversion, but instead it's a required gold trophy. You will experience every mini-game Yakuza 3 has to offer, and you will subsequently grow to hate a good potion of them. A trophy or achievement that in effect, works against a game's over-all design in a poor manner, is something that shouldn't be celebrated. The monotonous nature and the overall repetition of grinding through half of these games award Yakuza 3 with one of the worst achievements of last year, and an influx of grinding that seems completely out-of-place.
Originality: Not Bad.
 Getting Revelations is fun in it's own right.
 Getting Revelations is fun in it's own right.
What makes Yakuza 3 so bothersome when it comes to trophies, is that you see glimpses of what could be a phenomenal trophy-set amongst the chaos. Achievements should encourage enjoying and fulfilling certain aspects of a game, as well as give a good challenge, or something that might be considered bizarre or off the beaten-path. Yakuza 3 has these moments with individual trophies for trying out certain mini-games and knocking people over. It's like there are two trophy-sets in this game: One, a forward thinking set that looks mildly interesting, the other an example of first time trophy-achievement confusion that's more concerned in offering the player drab-boring chapter completion and challenges that are beyond ludicrous.
I think a large majority of these headaches could have been avoided through some intense play-testing. It's a bit infuriating to see something that isn't being properly exploited.
Point Value: Whaaa?
Ultimate Challenger
Nothing makes sense. A bronze trophy for completing all Ultimate Skill challenges? A silver one for picking up trash?!  
Yeah, alright.
Missable Achievement: Not exactly missable, but still annoying.
Substory Dabbler // Substory Fan // Substory Enthusiast // Substory Addict // Substory Completionist
With five trophies just for completing sub-stories, doing the side-quests will also eat a lot of your time. Unless you miss one. 
While these screwed up quests can be redone in Premium Adventure mode and other play-throughs, the sheer amount make it a hassle. Toss in a convoluted manner in which these sub-quests are "activated" and these normal completionist trophies can quickly become a nightmare. From what I've read online, you can actually miss certain side-quests even in the game's robust premium adventure mode. Be on your guard, get a guide early and save often.  
(Notice that there's four bronz trophies for substories, and then it skips ahead to a Gold trophy for completing them all?)
Difficulty: Crapshoot
Testament of Strength // Mini-Game Master
Yakuza 3's difficulty can be measured with housing materials spewed about from a hurricane. 
It's all-over-the-place, never consistent, and is hampered by a design that dives in
Beating the campaign at
Beating the campaign at "EX-Hard" difficulty: Easy.  Beating a batting cage challenge?: ughhhh.
directions at random. Mini-games are are either ludicrously easy (Bowling) or give the impression you are rolling dice. (Batting cages)
To make matters worse, the actual difficulty for the game is spasmodic in nature too. The game has difficulty trophies that can be easily cheated. Does beating the game on EX-Hard sound difficult? Well it's not when you break the game's difficulty thanks to items you get by completing objects and multiple playthroughs. This concept would be a positive if it wasn't for the absurd contrast in difficulty in Yakuza 3's extra-curricular activities. While playing through Yakuza's main campaign is fun, it can get a bit boring the third time-around.   
New Game+: Good Effort.
The Yakuza series knows it has a ton of content, and is accommodating because of that. Yakuza 3's Premium Adventure mode is a the foundation of something that could be excellent and needs a bit more fine-tuning, but what's on display is a well put-together mode. You will be unlocking a good portion of your trophies via this mode, and it's good to see a game giving you the means to accomplish it's tasks.

Stacking: Acceptable.
Difficulty trophies stack in theory, although in a very bizarre move Yakuza 3's EX-Hard mode is only accessible after you beat the game on Hard. This isn't a new concept to series veterans, but it's strange for those of us who go achievement hunting. Thankfully there's a trophy for each subsequent difficulty play-through. If you're looking to play through this the minimum number of times, start your game on Hard and work your way from there.
Other Positive Categories
  • DLC: None!
  • Glitches: None!

Final Grade:


Estimated Time: 60-90+ Hours / Multiple Play-through's. 2+

Yakuza 3's saving grace are a few scattered mini-game trophies that implore you to try out what the game has to offer, and a few fun random ones that show a hint of originality. It is hampered by too many campaign centric trophies, poor trophy value, horribly inconsistent difficulty, missions that are side-missions that are convoluted by design, and what's possibly the one of the worst incentives and challenges to playing mini-games ever. At least the experience is wrapped in a NewGame+ mode that's accommodating enough to be functional.
 It's not embarrassing to say you ran from some of these challenges.
 It's not embarrassing to say you ran from some of these challenges.
Achievements are incentives, crazy unnecessary incentives that fuel a strange version of OCD that exists within all of us. 
I come from the mentality that achievements should reflect the best parts of your game, and push you into directions in order to experience parts that you wouldn't normally experience. 
At the same time, they should offer a challenge for the few brave of us, and it's here where things begin to get a bit more confused for developers. Mini-Game master is a challenge on it's own right, but it's a type of "challenge" that shouldn't exist in any achievement set. You are not a better gamer, or have experienced something that others didn't take the time to experience. It's not a proper challenge, and gives an impression of a game tester being bored. Instead the achievement makes you dislike the mini-games Yakuza 3 has to offer, which offends the purpose of achievements.
If Yakuza 3 had actual difficulty balancing with it's mini-games, then if would make sense. Sadly this isn't the case, and it makes the reasoning for such a challenge even more confusing.
I find myself a bit perplexed as I complain about what Yakuza 3 does wrong concerning it's handling of trophies, seeing how between the Japanese and English releases so much content, many tied to trophies, were cut. While I'm upset that content was cut from Yakuza 3, from a sheer achievement standpoint it tosses my opinion a bit into a gray muddled territory. 
Getting an S-Rank in Yakuza 3 isn't necessarily worth it. Mini-game master and the multiple difficulty trophies give a strange sense of unnecessary padding, and while it's always fun to get a Platinum trophy, you can file this one under confused reflection versus something to be proud of. It's not for the faint-of heart, and Mini-Game Master will make you want to harm random individuals.
It should be noted that using guides are a necessity. There's a user on GameFaqs called ThePatrick, who in my opinion is some-type of walking Yakuza gaming god
Use his guides, because there are tips and tricks in some of them that dwarf your own personal logic and reasoning. I can't stress this enough: Use his guides. The only reason why I was able to pull this off was because of his guides. 

ThePatrick's comprehensive guide can be found here. 
Check ps3trophies for even more information.

Everyone have an awesome E3. Really excited about several titles already. 


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Reviews: 4

User Lists: 1

Edited By vidiot

Notice: The following S-Rank was a platinum trophy obtained on the Playstation 3 version of Final Fantasy XIII. It is not associated to my official S-Rank list on GiantBomb. Here's hoping that Sony will figure out that people like sharing their trophy information, outside of their own official site. Like every other achievement system in existence.


I've recently returned from this years Sasquatch Music Festival out in the most beautiful place on the planet, the gorge. Whenever I see the venue each year, I always get this funny visualization of God getting bored after making the most amazing thing ever, and then making this awesome venue even more...err..."awesome-er". 
I'll be doing a write-up about it soon.
Sadly this year, I somehow got a nasty version of bronchitis from the music festival. One of the small short-comings from the festival is that it's out in the desert, and you're camping. From afternoon to evening it felt like a 30 degree difference, usually happening instantaneously. One second it's in the 90's and the next you're bundling up within layers of jackets. 
Let's just say I'm pretty convinced that I caught this thing while sleeping. I was using a sleeping bag and a liner inside the sleeping bad, and still felt chilled. That's how bad it was.
But enough about that, it's time to get back and talk about something we all love: Achievements and trophies!

Back into the Fold...

Clarification: Even though this game is not supported on GiantBomb's official achievement system (PS3 Exclusive) I'm still considering this a worthy S-Rank to write about. It will not be the last PS3 exclusive I write about concerning achievements, this case, trophies.
Last year a game was released that caught my attention. I've been always a passing fan of the Yakuza series, but Yakuza 3 really grabbed my attention. So much so that I took the time to write a very comprehensive review on it, (Note to self: Find time-machine and get more time to write more reviews) and when I was writing a recap of last year, I gave it my own "personal" GOTY. Mass Effect 2, I love you, but there is really one game that will stand-out for me when I reflect on the year of 2010.
 Was 100% this game a....good thing?
 Was 100% this game a....good thing?
For better or worse, the concept for this blog series began to materialize after I decided to go after this game's Platinum trophy. I walked away a bit bewildered, in deep thought after getting the Platinum, and how getting that trophy changed my perspective of that game. It's no surprise that I've been getting requests to talk about Yakuza 3 after starting this strange attempt at a blog series. 
A lot of my final conclusions regarding how trophies were handled in this game, were not positive in regards to Yakuza 3. Especially regarding what defines a proper "challenge" regarding achievements and trophies. I know I'm supposed to end these introductory paragraphs with a hook that's supposed to keep you guessing, whether or not this game handles achievements well. 
Yakuza 3 doesn't get that luxury, it's a bad trophy list plain and simple. 
That being said, the reasoning behind why Yakuza 3's trophies fail isn't just because of a few bad apples, Yakuza 3's trophy set is almost analogous in showcasing in general terms how Japanese developers are still even at this time, this long into the current generation, still figuring out the pro's and cons regarding achievements and trophies. 

S-Rank Synopsis

Collectibles: Manageable.

Volunteer // Master Environmentalist // Key Collector    
The closest thing that Yakuza 3 has to a "collectible", are the many key-lockers strewn about both area's of the game. Collecting all of these is not a difficult task, plus, you are not required to do so. Another collectible trophy involves collecting trash off your beach, this is easily obtainable through reloading the same area multiple times. Picking up trash is still quite monotonous, and you are given the impression that you were supposed to be picking up trash causally during your multiple play-throughs, but instead you're bound to go after this in one big run by reloading this area. 

One Stupid Achievement // Grinding: "F**** you." 
Mini-Game Master  
I'm combining two categories (One stupid achievement, Grinding) into one because it's impossible to talk about these two concepts separately with this one trophy. 
 What do you mean you don't like playing five hours of Billiards with a computer A.I. that blatantly cheats?!
 What do you mean you don't like playing five hours of Billiards with a computer A.I. that blatantly cheats?!
If you have ever skimmed over, or have done a passing research on Yakuza 3's trophy set, you probably have heard of a little Gold Trophy entitled: "Mini-Game Master."
How bad is Mini-Game Master? Last year at PAX I approached the individual running the Yakuza 4 display. I had to ask him what they were thinking when they made this specific trophy.
Yes, your attempt at questioning my logic are sound: Specifically, how this random individual who worked this demo kiosk was in any position to say anything regarding the subject matter is a correct assumption. 
I didn't care.

The back-and-forth was awkward, but he did theorize that the development team didn't know what they were doing. I felt like the victim of a crime, obtaining a thread of closure. Is that analogy too severe? Guess what?! It's actually the most representational thing I could think of! That's how bad it is!

Mini-Game master requires you to "Complete" every Mini-Game in Yakuza 3, and it will be the bulk of your time as you attempt to obtain Platinum. The problem is that "Completing" some mini-game's requires you to beat "difficulty" challenges, or a certain goal. We will be discussing how the difficulty in this game is broken in just a bit, but never is it more apparent while attempting Mini-Games. Certain levels of difficulty has the computer out-right cheating most of the time. Pool is almost laughable, as you must play a near perfect game, because if the computer get's one try it's almost destined to win.

Other mini-games are just crap-shoots, mindless attempts at luck. Golf is a full-blown game by it-self, so there's no real way to bull-shit through it.  

Perhaps the most
Pictured: Probably the easiest challenge that you will accomplish.
Pictured: Probably the easiest challenge that you will accomplish.
interesting mini-games are the very Japanese-centric games that somehow didn't get the axe when Sega's localization budget got squeezed. Mahjong might be out, but the game contains multiple card games with the Japanese playing cards known as Hanafuda.
Hanafuda is a very specific card set that really has no real direct comparison out-side of Japan. Many of the game's mechanics might mimic certain western card games, but only remotely. The game really doesn't provide a comprehensive tutorial, so you're going to be figuring out different concepts and what card goes with which set by yourself for the most part. 
Before you ask, yes, the higher difficulty for these cards games also cheat.
Mini-game master would have worked as a personal diversion, but instead it's a required gold trophy. You will experience every mini-game Yakuza 3 has to offer, and you will subsequently grow to hate a good potion of them. A trophy or achievement that in effect, works against a game's over-all design in a poor manner, is something that shouldn't be celebrated. The monotonous nature and the overall repetition of grinding through half of these games award Yakuza 3 with one of the worst achievements of last year, and an influx of grinding that seems completely out-of-place.
Originality: Not Bad.
 Getting Revelations is fun in it's own right.
 Getting Revelations is fun in it's own right.
What makes Yakuza 3 so bothersome when it comes to trophies, is that you see glimpses of what could be a phenomenal trophy-set amongst the chaos. Achievements should encourage enjoying and fulfilling certain aspects of a game, as well as give a good challenge, or something that might be considered bizarre or off the beaten-path. Yakuza 3 has these moments with individual trophies for trying out certain mini-games and knocking people over. It's like there are two trophy-sets in this game: One, a forward thinking set that looks mildly interesting, the other an example of first time trophy-achievement confusion that's more concerned in offering the player drab-boring chapter completion and challenges that are beyond ludicrous.
I think a large majority of these headaches could have been avoided through some intense play-testing. It's a bit infuriating to see something that isn't being properly exploited.
Point Value: Whaaa?
Ultimate Challenger
Nothing makes sense. A bronze trophy for completing all Ultimate Skill challenges? A silver one for picking up trash?!  
Yeah, alright.
Missable Achievement: Not exactly missable, but still annoying.
Substory Dabbler // Substory Fan // Substory Enthusiast // Substory Addict // Substory Completionist
With five trophies just for completing sub-stories, doing the side-quests will also eat a lot of your time. Unless you miss one. 
While these screwed up quests can be redone in Premium Adventure mode and other play-throughs, the sheer amount make it a hassle. Toss in a convoluted manner in which these sub-quests are "activated" and these normal completionist trophies can quickly become a nightmare. From what I've read online, you can actually miss certain side-quests even in the game's robust premium adventure mode. Be on your guard, get a guide early and save often.  
(Notice that there's four bronz trophies for substories, and then it skips ahead to a Gold trophy for completing them all?)
Difficulty: Crapshoot
Testament of Strength // Mini-Game Master
Yakuza 3's difficulty can be measured with housing materials spewed about from a hurricane. 
It's all-over-the-place, never consistent, and is hampered by a design that dives in
Beating the campaign at
Beating the campaign at "EX-Hard" difficulty: Easy.  Beating a batting cage challenge?: ughhhh.
directions at random. Mini-games are are either ludicrously easy (Bowling) or give the impression you are rolling dice. (Batting cages)
To make matters worse, the actual difficulty for the game is spasmodic in nature too. The game has difficulty trophies that can be easily cheated. Does beating the game on EX-Hard sound difficult? Well it's not when you break the game's difficulty thanks to items you get by completing objects and multiple playthroughs. This concept would be a positive if it wasn't for the absurd contrast in difficulty in Yakuza 3's extra-curricular activities. While playing through Yakuza's main campaign is fun, it can get a bit boring the third time-around.   
New Game+: Good Effort.
The Yakuza series knows it has a ton of content, and is accommodating because of that. Yakuza 3's Premium Adventure mode is a the foundation of something that could be excellent and needs a bit more fine-tuning, but what's on display is a well put-together mode. You will be unlocking a good portion of your trophies via this mode, and it's good to see a game giving you the means to accomplish it's tasks.

Stacking: Acceptable.
Difficulty trophies stack in theory, although in a very bizarre move Yakuza 3's EX-Hard mode is only accessible after you beat the game on Hard. This isn't a new concept to series veterans, but it's strange for those of us who go achievement hunting. Thankfully there's a trophy for each subsequent difficulty play-through. If you're looking to play through this the minimum number of times, start your game on Hard and work your way from there.
Other Positive Categories
  • DLC: None!
  • Glitches: None!

Final Grade:


Estimated Time: 60-90+ Hours / Multiple Play-through's. 2+

Yakuza 3's saving grace are a few scattered mini-game trophies that implore you to try out what the game has to offer, and a few fun random ones that show a hint of originality. It is hampered by too many campaign centric trophies, poor trophy value, horribly inconsistent difficulty, missions that are side-missions that are convoluted by design, and what's possibly the one of the worst incentives and challenges to playing mini-games ever. At least the experience is wrapped in a NewGame+ mode that's accommodating enough to be functional.
 It's not embarrassing to say you ran from some of these challenges.
 It's not embarrassing to say you ran from some of these challenges.
Achievements are incentives, crazy unnecessary incentives that fuel a strange version of OCD that exists within all of us. 
I come from the mentality that achievements should reflect the best parts of your game, and push you into directions in order to experience parts that you wouldn't normally experience. 
At the same time, they should offer a challenge for the few brave of us, and it's here where things begin to get a bit more confused for developers. Mini-Game master is a challenge on it's own right, but it's a type of "challenge" that shouldn't exist in any achievement set. You are not a better gamer, or have experienced something that others didn't take the time to experience. It's not a proper challenge, and gives an impression of a game tester being bored. Instead the achievement makes you dislike the mini-games Yakuza 3 has to offer, which offends the purpose of achievements.
If Yakuza 3 had actual difficulty balancing with it's mini-games, then if would make sense. Sadly this isn't the case, and it makes the reasoning for such a challenge even more confusing.
I find myself a bit perplexed as I complain about what Yakuza 3 does wrong concerning it's handling of trophies, seeing how between the Japanese and English releases so much content, many tied to trophies, were cut. While I'm upset that content was cut from Yakuza 3, from a sheer achievement standpoint it tosses my opinion a bit into a gray muddled territory. 
Getting an S-Rank in Yakuza 3 isn't necessarily worth it. Mini-game master and the multiple difficulty trophies give a strange sense of unnecessary padding, and while it's always fun to get a Platinum trophy, you can file this one under confused reflection versus something to be proud of. It's not for the faint-of heart, and Mini-Game Master will make you want to harm random individuals.
It should be noted that using guides are a necessity. There's a user on GameFaqs called ThePatrick, who in my opinion is some-type of walking Yakuza gaming god
Use his guides, because there are tips and tricks in some of them that dwarf your own personal logic and reasoning. I can't stress this enough: Use his guides. The only reason why I was able to pull this off was because of his guides. 

ThePatrick's comprehensive guide can be found here. 
Check ps3trophies for even more information.

Everyone have an awesome E3. Really excited about several titles already. 
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Edited By WatanabeKazuma

You finally got round to writing this! I've been aware for from the site for a little while so missed this being posted.  
So you actually got the platinum, I have to say its impressive and insane in equal measure. I think I mentioned it in an earlier blog of yours but I got around 60% or so of the trophies here before I realized how soul consuming the mini-game master trophy was quickly becoming. When the guide mentions that placing tape on your TV screen is a  good way to help beat the hardest difficulty (Batting cages), that's where I lose interest. I really hate to leave  a game without 'completing' it when I have put in as much time as I have with Yakuza 3, but I think I'm good with just gunning for the platinum in 4 instead. 
...At least 3 is missing Haruka and her godlike bowling ability.
Another game that has a very similar problem in regards to trophies is No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise, although in a nice inverse of this they actually revised the trophy set for the English editions. However this was slightly confusing when I hadn't discovered this and was instead trying to go for specific challenges that only applied to the Japanese translated guide I was using! 

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Edited By vidiot
@WatanabeKazuma: That reminds me of how I got through one of the "rock-wall" (Don't remember the exact name regarding the challenge.) challenges in Okami
I remember sticking post-it notes on my tv trying to memorize each of the hit-boxes you had to memorize and replicate. It was absurd and mind-numbingly annoying. 

In regards to Yakuza 4, I'm only one trophy away for the Platinum. I've kinda become burned out a bit, the trophy in question is beating the game on EX-Hard mode and it is kinda absurd I'm having to replay this entire thing, again, because I couldn't access the difficulty right-off-the-bat. It's almost grind-worthy, considering how powerful your characters are after a third play-through.
That being said, I'm really looking-forward to writing about Yakuza 4's trophies in the future. The game did a great job rectifying it's previous game's problems. Even the most grind-esque trophies have been toned down considerably.
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Edited By WatanabeKazuma
@vidiot: The only trophy that I need to finish Yakuza 4 is to beat it on normal, considering I've already beaten it on EX-Hard I feel pretty stupid about doing so. I've been sitting on it for a month or two already, I will probably be pushed into it when you get yours.
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Edited By shinigami420

@vidiot said:

the most beautiful place on the planet, the gorge.

HAHAHA lol what?

lets compare

The gorge

Generic looking stadium

Now lets look at some other places

The Iguazu Waterfalls

Li River

No Caption Provided
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Edited By PixelPrinny
@shinigami420 said:

@vidiot said:

the most beautiful place on the planet, the gorge.

HAHAHA lol what?

lets compare

The gorge

Generic looking stadium

 OMG your name! I love it! Did you combine Bleach and the secret code for getting high into one singular entity of brosomeness?? Mandudebro, that is so radical. 
Anyways, back at the much more blandly named Vidiot -- Yeah, your idea of most beautiful place on the planet is pretty damn weird.
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Edited By vidiot
@WatanabeKazuma: That's actually quite disturbing to hear. The Normal trophy should unlock if you beat it on Hard, that's unacceptable if it doesn't. 
@shinigami420: Okay, I think I'm done laughing.
I can't believe that I have to write this, but I might not have been 100% honest with the statement. I know sometimes when it comes to the English language, especially if you're starting out, there is a bunch of stuff to juggle when you read and interpret things. For example: What should be interpreted as a 100% absolute opinion, versus let's say, an opinionated observation. 
That being said, to clarify *giggle* The Gorge is a beautiful place, but it might not be the most beautiful place on earth. 
Please forgive my transgression. XD
Also, if you wish to contribute, please keep on topic.



Anyways, back at the much more blandly named Vidiot -- Yeah, your idea of most beautiful place on the planet is pretty damn weird.

At least I picked a name and stuck with it Symphony. :P
The Gorge is a venue that sits on the edge of a cliff that over-looks...well...a gorge. Here's a better picture of it. It's easily the most beautiful music venues ever, when you see it in person it looks like someone decided to set-up a stage on the side of the Grand Canyon.
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Edited By McShank

Vidiot knows whats going on :D If you live anywhere near washington and love music you must go to the gorge at least once for one of the many concerts there. Lived in WA for my entire life and have gone there many times and love it everytime i go, just the drive there sucks because once you pass the awesome tree filled mountains all you will see is.. nothing, just lots of rolling hills and grass and tumbleweeds. Back to the original topic on yakuza, I just started it and think that getting every trophy in this deserves some congratz.. It deserves a congratz on any game for getting platinum ><

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Edited By WatanabeKazuma
@PixelPrinny@vidiotshinigami420  is an epic parody, you just don't see it. Thats some layered satire.
@vidiot: Nope, they don't stack, which is an absolute nightmare.
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Edited By PixelPrinny
@WatanabeKazuma: Auuugh layered satire is far too complex for my feeble mind. *asplodes*