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I just got a pretty chunky raise!
And Red Dead + Dragon Quest 11 are giving me much enjoyment at the moment.
Plus it's a 3-day weekend in a couple days!

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I had only just heard about those 4 new DLC's and was pretty excited for them. While FF15 is definitely flawed in many ways, I loved my time with that game. I enjoyed the fun camping road trip with your bros, all their banter and interactions made that game for me. The main story was... not why I liked that game, but I was happy to get more content. I haven't played those first 3 DLC stories yet cause I was waiting for another big "Ultimate" package with even more content that that Royal edition they put out... But I guess i'll have to tempter my expectations there.


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@sessh: I've heard that your outfit and horse are a factor too. Its not enough to just put the mask on. If you wear the same clothes and use the same horse into town as you do when you rob people, you'll get recognized.

I just heard about this today, after a weekend of being confused on exactly how the Bandana works. And that's cool for sure..... but I don't remember anything in the game telling me I had to switch outfits and/or horses! It probably does in the "Help" menu or somesuch, but it'd be nice if it also said something under the bandana description, or a forced tutorial popup. Anything to bring that Very important tidbit to the player's attention as early as possible.

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My Mother recently retired after working around 30 years as a doctor. She and my Father have moved into a little house they've been building up north for years. This home is perfect for my dad (it's his home town basically) whereas my mother is a city girl, born and raised in New York City.

I've always felt bad that she's stuck in this little town in the middle of Nowhere Northern Maine, with not much to do. She reads a lot, loves classical music, watches TV and the like, but I've always wanted to find some videogames that she could enjoy. I've had limited success in the past with iPhone games. She liked Threes and Candy Crush, but didn't stick with them. She also liked HQ Trivia more recently.

My hope for this post: To find some accessible games my Mother could play while she enjoys a well-deserved retirement in Podunk nowhere.

Mobile games are probably gonna be our best bet, she uses her phone a bunch. But their household also has an Xbox One cause my dad occasionally plays games. I can't see her handling a controller super well, but a Peggle or something might work.

Any suggestions are appreciated! Free would be an easier sell, but if I think she'll like it i'm open to purchasing some.

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@lokihellfire2008: Glad to hear it duder! Yeah those Titan Sprinting melee's can be Incredibly effective. Good luck with the game!

and Whoops! @hestilllives19 Guess my Graviton Lance knowledge was not up to date. I've been using it with the Masterwork-upgrade version and that extra aim assist is pretty useful in the crucible. But I don't use Pulses very often in general.

I'd cast my vote for the Sunshot then! I love that gun, even without its' upgrade. I was just always bad with that Riskrunner SMG, but I haven't touched it since before the Pre-forsaken patch. And I didn't mean to imply that the Sunshot was bad in PVP, or that the Graviton Lance was bad in PVE, I just liked the two in different places. I used the Graviton lance in PVE a ton, but always preferred the Sunshot there.

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@lokihellfire2008: I'm glad I was useful! :)
A 2nd loadout for PVP is a good idea. I like SMGs for PVE, but i am terrible with them in PVP for instance.

and if I played on PC I too would be using a controller. I just don't have a good Mouse & keyboard setup. I mainly stuck with the PS4 version so I wouldn't have to compete with Mouse & keyboard players.
And yeah how did your friend get that name?! I couldn't even get "Vikingdeath"! I had to add a 1 on the end! lol

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#7  Edited By vikingdeath1

Oh oh! One more piece of advice for the early game:

Very early in the main story, you are given a choice of 3 Exotic guns. these guns are very good, but my #1 best advice for that choice: DO NOT choose the SMG!

You are given a choice of a Hand Cannon, a Pulse Rifle, or a cool looking SMG.... do not be fooled, the SMG is just "Okay" while the Pistol and Pulse Rifle are literally two of the best guns in the entire game. I used both that Hand Cannon AND that Pulse rifle in the last 24 hours, and i'm not sure i've even equipped that SMG in all of 2018.

I hope I wasn't too late for the choice. They do give it to you really early. That hand cannon (The Sunshot) is Incredibly popular in PVE, and the Pulse Rifle (The Graviton Lance) is one of the most effective guns in PVP. Though if I was too late you can still start a 2nd character and get back up to that choice to get the other guns. It doesn't take very long I swear, they give you that choice Really early, and its worth it to get all those guns. Though you can also get them later on from RNG.

Also I don't think i've done one of the sidequest adventures you did in your video, even after 100s of hours played. That wasn't main story related like I think you thought at the time. and I like your friend's name. I hope he's burninating the countryside.

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#8  Edited By vikingdeath1

I've been watching a little bit of your stream, I think the best advice I can give you is to lower you controller sensitivity. It looks like while you're aiming at enemies you're spending time moving back and forth trying to line up your aim, and while you're doing that your opponent is just headshotting you to death.

It is entertaining seeing a new player's perspective here. "That guy fired a Nova Bomb, what the heck is that??" hehehe. Yeah your Supers are LETHAL in PVP for sure. and some supers are much more effective than others. The void shield one you were using isn't ideal. Either the Titan's Fire or Arc subclasses are much more popular in PVP. (In PVE use whatever you please)

I hate to say it, I don't mean to be a jerk I swear.... but I didn't see anything off or out of the ordinary. and definitely not any level advantages happening. You're missing a Lot of your shots, while your opponents are not. I'm seeing you aim an SMG at someone halfway across the map, and that is never going to work at that range. you're just gonna get shot by a scout or pulse rifle at that range.

I think one advantage of other players having rarer guns is that better guns sometimes have higher "Aim Assist" which is a stat all guns have. Higher tier guns might have higher aim assist stats, whereas the guns you chose to use have low aim assist. meaning you had a bit more Swimmy aim.

I'm not saying Crucible is perfect, or even "Good" really. I pretty much only play it for the rewards and quests that require it. Shotguns are dominating multiplayer right now. They recently made shotguns MUCH more easily usable, and people are going ham on that. I would recommend not using SMGs and instead trying Auto rifles. SMGs are very inaccurate at any significant range. and aiming Hip-fire doesn't usually work out (Especially when trying to hip fire kill someone at close range with a pulse rifle... hint hint... I saw you doing that.. many times... that's like trying to no scope with a sniper rifle my dude.) and seeing people Slide and then shotgun you is on purpose. There is a perk called "Slideshot" which reloads your gun when you slide. so you see a lot of Run, Slide, Shotgun, repeat.

Your levels had nothing to do with it. This game just has a fast time to kill. and well..... I'm watching points where you claim to have unloaded a full clip into someone.... and you are missing most of your shots. You aren't actually hitting them, because if you were you WOULD be killing people! I swear! that SMG you were using should be ok at VERY close range, but not the ranges you were trying for, that's why you were missing. and the Pulse RIfle you were using was a slow-firing model, and ones with higher fire rates are more popular.

again, I don't really want to defend Destiny PVP. it is my least favorite part of the game. But some of the complaints you are having are honestly either nonexistent, or of your own making.

I also recommend a clan! The giantbomb clans are really nice people!

i'm sorry if I came off like a jerk. I was genuinely interested in your complaints, which is why i'm creepily watching a recording of two people i've never met playing Destiny (And eating chips loudly in my headphones! :P)

One last piece of advice is that many good Legendary (Purple) guns have an equivalent Rare (Blue) gun. If you get a "Badlands Mk.24" blue shotgun I recommend keeping it because its 90% as good as the 2nd best shotgun in the game. And a little googling can help you figure out the best blues you can get.

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This was such a bummer to wake up to.
I was Really looking forward to the 2nd season of Wolf Among Us... Well, i'll always have that first game that I enjoyed so much.
Everything i've seen of that new season of Walking Dead looked pretty good too. But I didn't buy it, so I guess i wasn't exactly helping the situation..

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You definitely don't need high-level or Raid gear to be competent in the Crucible. Sure, exotic or legendary guns are gonna be more effective than Blue ones, but as long as you weren't playing Iron Banner then your level shouldn't come into play.
But the Iron Banner mode (The green circle in the multiplayer menu) is a mode that specifically has level advantage enabled. so you don't wanna go in that pool if you're low level. but regular multiplayer, ranked or unranked, should be fine for ya. I see people with lvl 2 characters in there kicking ass all the time. people with alts leveling up in the crucible.