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Brothers to the End - A Great Moment In Video Gaming

As I made my way through Act III in Gears of War 3 last night with a friend in co-op mode, we were treated to an awesome moment in video gaming.

Without spoiling anything, it was a key moment in the story marked by a slightly more cinematic cut scene than the rest complete with the instrumental of a song that is very fitting and beyond effective for the cut scene.

This scene was very well done and it was even moving, just like a movie. And we say that a lot. Video games are like movies. But after this cut scene, I realized not every game brings an effecting story every time. Gears of War 3 definitely stepped it up here. Video game stories can be good, but this was a treat.

If the rest of what Gears of War 3 offers is not reason enough to warrant a purchase, I must say, if you like story modes, this part of the game would be well worth the price of admission. It also is interesting experiencing this with 1-3 other players. There was an understood silence as my friend and I watched, and as soon as it was done, I immediately asked my friend what he thought, then throwing out a few reactions like "Wow that was good" and "Great use of music".

Ultimately, this is a great example that co-op is a mode that is all too often overlooked. We need more co-op, namely on consoles.

Moments like these are the ones we remember in video games and it's even better if you can share it with a friend or a loved one. Here's to hoping that more games bring it all together with great voice acting, co-op play, and great story telling.

I am excited for the end cinematic. The bar has been set a little higher.