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I miss Ryan Davis.

I, like most of us have been in a daze all day. How can it be possible that Ryan Davis is gone? It seems so unfair...

Ryan had an energy that brought the room to life. Whether it was a room full of people at PAX or me driving to work he always brought a smile to your face. I remember my first interactions with Ryan, it was pretty nerve-racking on my end. I mean, this is the guy I have listened to on the "radio" forever. Dave Snider got me an opportunity to write the theme for the then untitled Bombcast, I really didn't want to mess this up. Dave told me that if they used the song he would fly me out to San Francisco for a weekend to hang out and meet the dudes. You could imagine my excitement at the idea of a) meeting my longtime internet/gaming buddy, Dave. and b) meeting the dudes I have listened to and looked up to for a long time.

The podcast launches and there is my theme. I did a victory lap around the room because I was honored to be part of the show and pumped that I might meet them. Fast forward a month or so and I am in the bunker in Sausalito. I introduce myself to them and they make me feel like I have known them forever. I will never forget that. Ryan asked if I wanted a Giant Bomb t-shirt, it was the logo with Giant Bomb written below, one of the first 12 they made or something but I still cherish the shirt every time I see it in my closet.

I only got to meet him in person a hand full of times, but every time he greeted me with "MR. RENO!" and gave me a big ol Bear Hug. I was super looking forward to that hug at Pax Prime.

I feel like I have lost a good friend, and in truth I have. Losing Ryan will affect my life more than than most people. I mean I spent at least 2 hours a week listening, laughing, and learning from the man. The podcast would end and I would start it again. Catching what I may have missed while I was driving. It makes me beyond sad that I won't be able to hear him say "It's Tuesday..." on a new podcast again.

Through Ryan I have met some incredible people, gotten to jam with some amazing dudes that I can call my friends. Playing with the band at PAX will go down as some of my favorite memories. That is all due to Ryan. I suggested to we do it, he ran with the ball. When we did the first show at PAX East I went to dinner with them and chatted with Ryan for most of dinner, then when we went back to the convention center and did "The Walk". Watching people lose their minds for Ryan and the gang was incredible. It was like The Beatles or something. The love that people have for the dudes is real. He knew it. We are all lucky to have had him in our lives in one way or another.

Ryan, I miss you duder. Thank you for everything.