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Average score of 64 user reviews

Rampage your way across familiar gameplay. 0

Prototype came into the world alongside the PS3 exclusive InFamous, which, upon first impressions, looked like basically the same game, but better.  I'm going to get out the way early that I have not played one second of InFamous, and therefore this is the last time I will refer to it in this review.  This game is, like so many games of the current generation, a whole lot of things we've seen before, put together in a somewhat unique way.  When I first turned this game on, my first impression wa...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Who cares why, just blow everything up. 0

Red Faction: Guerrilla is a game strictly about blowing the heck out of stuff.  It's because of the very straight forward focus that you get all sorts of crazy ways to, well... blow the heck out of stuff.  The first thing you do in the game is get your hands on some remote charges and through a tutorial session with your brother, you blow some stuff up.  Unfortunately, your brother quickly gets smudged out by some angry soldiers from the Earth Defense Force, who in a very awkward and overdone cu...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A real step forward in multiple ways. 0

EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis is the first what I would call "real attempt" at making a full scale tennis game on the Wii (tied with Virtua Tennis of course).  Seeing that I haven't played (and probably won't play) Virtua Tennis 2009, I can't comment on which is the definitive Wii tennis game.  I can tell you however, that Grand Slam Tennis is a wonderful package with a lot to offer to any fan of either the Wii or tennis.Since Grand Slam Tennis makes use of the new Wii Motion Plus attatchment, the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I need... HAAAAALLP 0

Just in order to get straight to the point, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you liked Resident Evil 4 (and you should have) you will almost certainly enjoy Resident Evil 5.  This is because the basics of the game are essentially unchanged for Capcom's newest zombie thriller.  Everything from the way the game controls to the way the environments are set up to the way your enemies try to take you down is extremely close to what you find in Resident Evil 4.  The crazy frantic fight fo...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Maybe this will be a CONDUIT for more Wii shooters. Doh ho ho. 1

The Conduit is a bit of a hard game to pin.  Sure, its an FPS, so you have a large library of games to compare it to, but there's also something fundamentally different about The Conduit.  The most obvious difference is it's exclusivity to the Wii, meaning that this is the first definitive FPS done with motion controls.  Being that its controls are the most talked about aspect of the game (maybe tied with its graphics), I'm going to discuss that first.  I loved the controls in The Conduit.  For ...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Old meets new and creates something wonderful. 0

Banjo-Kazooie is a game that is near and dear to the hearts of many fans of the N64, so naturally, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts received a lot of attention.  What people may not have been expecting is that Nuts and Bolts holds firm very few of the standout characteristics of the old games, at least in terms of gameplay.  Of course the characters are all the same and the plot is similar, and it still has that crazy sort of silly humor, but when you really get down to what the game is all about, ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.


Ok, so I've put off writing this review for a really long time, because I really am not sure how to approach this.  I did not enjoy SF4 very much, but I can't really say that it is the fault of this game in particular, more because of issues I have with fighting games in general.  I generally write reviews 100% based off of the gut reaction I have to a game, and pay less attention to whether it is bringing something new or improved to the world of gaming and such.  If I did that here, I would be...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

When a character has wings for ears, you know its a platformer 0

Klonoa is a remake of an old PS1 platforming game (which I never played), and it certainly carries that "old school platforming" feel into the current gaming generation, and does so with a nifty $30.00 price tag.  This game is about as simple as they come, with you basically being able to move, jump, and pick stuff up, but it does what I love oh so much: it takes simple mechanics and puts them to use in every situation the developers could come up with.  The result is a solid platforming experie...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

For God's sake man, swim! SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!! 0

There's not a whole lot to say about Art Style: AQUIA, simply because there really isn't very much to the game.  It is a DSiWare puzzle game that comes for the easy price of 500 points, and is appropriately sized for that price.  The lack of content, however, does not create a lack of enjoyment.  This game is a seriously addicting and entertaining experience, and is different enough from any other puzzle game I've ever played to keep it lasting for about as long as you want.  Also, this game isn...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

DiMaggio: Expect your eyes to burn a little on Sundays. 0

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a group of terrorists completely took over a modern day city, cut it off from the rest of the world completely, and infected everyone inside with a deadly virus?  Did you ever then think about what would happen if that city became the grounds for a brutal game where contestants are awarded points for each person they kill, based on how bloody and crazy the death is?  Seems like a pretty ridiculous scenario, but that's what the people at Platinum Games ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

If I saw a scorpion do that in real life... 2

Deadly Creatures takes a game that is so simple in both concept and design that it makes me wonder why it didn't come along sooner.  It really doesn't benefit from any current technology in graphics or game play, and the use of the Wii remote is something that could have easily been done just as well on a standard controller years ago.  The games graphics really aren't that great even by Wii standards, and the all too often infuriating glitches made it apparent that not much effort went into pol...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

My return to the skating game genre was well worth it. 0

I'll be honest, It's been a long time since I played a skating game.  I think the last one was Tony Hawk 2... or maybe 3, for the N64.  So, some of the things I praise may be things that came along in the first Skate or previous skating games, I just don't feel like doing the research to find out.  First of all, an open world really gives a lot to a skating game, allowing you to find cool spots and seek out challenges on your own.  Secondly, the controls really work well.  The flick-based trick ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You'll be dead in space quite a few times - and love it. 0

Dead Space was one of those games that I heard about at E3 this past year, and was kind of unsure of.  I saw the same thing I had seen in a lot of recent games - a horror themed shooter with good graphics and a little girl creepily singing "Twinkle twinkle little star".  I kind of shrugged it off.  Then I started seeing actual game play footage, some of the features like zero gravity areas, and realized what Dead Space really was.  This is the next evolution of "survival" games, which for me rea...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Old Pete's back, and this time he brought you a puppy. 1

Before Fable 2 came out, I wasn't positive that I was going to want it, but as it came close to release time, I realized that I was going to play it, whether I waited on it or not.  Something about Mr. Molyneux just makes me want to play his games, if not for the sole purpose of being able to make fun of them if they don't live up to his fabulous standards.  Now, as the title of Fable 2 may suggest, this is the second Fable game, and for everyone out there that listened to Pete talk about the fi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Admit it, you like paying less for good games. 0

When it comes to low priced indie games, 2008 rocked it out.  With games like Braid and World of Goo, I think a whole new level of excellence is inevitable in the area of simple, short, cheap, and most importantly, wildly entertaining games.  World of Goo is really the embodiment of this, standing at 1500 points on the Wii, and being basically a physics/building simulator that can last a few hours.  It's real achievement is that for that price the 2 dudes from 2D Boy are giving you an incredibly...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A true revival of a great franchise. 0

There's something to be said for a long running series of games.  We are all familiar with the modern approach to marketing, that is, if a game does well you immediately say it's a trilogy.  That happened with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time way back when on the Game Cube, and I honestly expected the Prince's run to be over after that trilogy came to an end.  But the good old boys at Ubisoft had other ideas for our friend the Prince, and thus came about my favorite Prince of Persia game yet....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

How a sequel should be done. 0

Think back to the first Gears of War.  Awesome graphics, fluid and easy, yet very tactical controls, as well as big dudes with big weapons splattering blood all over the place.  Well guess what, it's all back for round 2, and it's all improved.  The visuals of Gears 2 are stunning, with extremely detailed environments and characters, and epic battle scenes that really suck you in.  The controls are all familiar, and still work, and new gameplay options add more tactical decisions to be made.  An...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Full price for a half game? 3

If someone told me last year that I would be tricked into paying 50 bucks for a game with 4 levels, I'm not sure I would have believed that anyone would even release a game like that, much less that I would buy it.  But that's exactly what happened with this zombie filled co-op shooter.  It's severe lack of content is really its only major problem however, as what you do get plays well and can be a lot of fun.Obviously the focus with this game is multiplayer, be it cooperative or competitive.  T...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An ambitious leap, cut short by too many dudes with guns. 0

Mirror's Edge took a concept that had been used extensively, and excellently, in a 3rd person perspective and said "You know what, we're going to do this from a 1st person view."  Pat on the back for trying, DICE.  The acrobatic parkour genre of platforming is something I'm a fan of, and I do think there is a lot to be gained from doing that in 1st person, I just think the people behind Mirror's Edge got a little confused.Some things that work really well are things that are naturally gained fro...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Someone snuck drums into my Guitar Hero! 0

First things first, just gotta say it - did GUITAR Hero really need the full band format?  Or did they just do it because of the great success that Rock Band saw?  Or maybe they really were planning it all along.  Hmmm.  Couldn't they have just made an awesome guitar game, potentially even allowing multiple guitars for Lead, Rhythm, Bass, or something more original?  Whatever, they wanted all the different instruments, fine.  Let's talk about how it actually plays.Wait, one more thing.  If YOU w...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Oblivion with guns? 0

That's what me and most of my friends thought when we were waiting for Fallout 3 : Oblivion with guns.  Turns out, we were closer than I actually expected.  The game really feels like the latest Elder Scrolls game in the way you generally interact with the world and its inhabitants.  But, instead of large, brightly colored fantasy environments, Fallout 3 employs the ever so lovable browns and grays, and instead of Swords and Sorcery, we get Rifles and Rocket Launchers.Now, I'm not saying that a ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

All the violence of car wrecks with none of the people 0

    The Burnout series is the only set of racing games that I've ever really been able to stomach, and that is for a few reasons.  One being the fact that the game is as much (if not more) about wrecking stuff and causing destruction as it is about racing, and the other main reason is that it doesn't do that crap about making it feel more like the "real world" by making you manage money and repair and buy your own cars.  This game not only doesn't punish you for bustin' up your own set of wheels...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The spOrange Box 0

Could a game that intends to envelop the evolution of a species from a single cell organism into an intergalactic ruler be trying for a bit too much?  Yeah, probably.  Does that mean they shouldn't have tried?  Hell no.  Spore is a game that really does do so much, and yet still comes off as incomplete.  Instead of trying to talk about this game as a whole, I'm going to talk about its 5 games that it is made up of.  We all know them by now, the Cell Stage, the Creature Stage, the Tribal Stage, t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is.... there. 0

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a game that has had my expectations rising and falling since I first heard of it.  Yet, instead of it being a horrible rip off of the Star Wars universe, or on the other end a completely new, amazing gameplay experience, it sort of ended up in between, not really doing either one.To start off, this is an action game.  Its as simple as that.  You can certainly look at it, watch it being played, or even play it for a bit yourself, and state with some real level of...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.