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Eidos and Rocksteady: Follow their Yellow Brick Road

The age of crappy movie tie in games should be over. With the technology we have today why do developers continue to dish out garbage that people continue buy? I know that the main goal and focus of these games are to obtain a quick dollar, but seriously with the time they spend on these games they could actually try and make something special instead of half-assing it and then giving it to the general public. Most book, comic book, and movie universes have great potential to be explored and provide us a specail gem. So developer's I pose to you this question and think about it. Why not follow the example set by Eidos Interactive and Rocksteady Studios? They recently combined efforts to release the first ever(in my opinion) breathtaking comic book game. They took a universe that was widely recognized and turned the tables on the "bad movie-tie in" curse by making a game that was NOT a tie in to a movie. So why not try this? Some universes right off the top of my head that I feel have great potential are Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter,  Spider-Man, etc. If you don't want to hear my idea then just skip down to the lower section.
       Now we all know that there are more out there but lets just stick to a few. Right off the bat let's start with Harry Potter. Now some of you are already rolling your eyes and groaning and I completely understand but just sit tight and hear me out and who knows you might change your mind. In my opinion Harry Potter has great potential to make a great non-movie tie in game. Yes, the games are currently garbage and that saddens me. The universe is huge and it saddens me that it goes to waste. Now just listen to my idea and tell me if it doesn't sound like with some tweaks here and there like it could be a fun game. 
     I think that a Harry Potter MMO could be very entertaining and a hidden gem. Listen to these ideas I came up with while just sitting down one day.
-Character Creation: This is a given. Give us some in depth character creation. Allow us to create are character several different times. Let us generate what our character will look like as he or she grows along his/her years at Hogwarts. Then provide us with certain abilities and boosts to stats each character will obtain based on the class you choose.
-Sorting: Have the character complete a certain task or answer certain questions then have him/her put the hat on and be sorted. In each house you gain acces to certain abilities, items, secrets about Hogwarts that other houses don't know and cannot obtain.
-Quidditch: Now have try outs for the team. Have different leagues and each month the teams will be completely wiped  and allow new people to try out. For this to work there will be dozens of different leagues to provide an equal shot for everyone to make it, BUT not everyone will.
-Leveling: The Forbidden Forest is the perfect place for some PvP, wild beast encounters, something similar to raids, etc. I mean the forest is filled with unique creatures why not utilize that?
-Exploration: Hogwarts is a magical place. The books even state that there are so many different dungeons and secret passageways that not everyone knows them. Hogwarts should be a massive world that we fans and newcomers want to actually explore and will have a hard time discovering everything. The books actually state that there are other wizarding schools and settlements. Why not allow people to go there and visit , obtain new items and skills, quest, and even attend their school once you level up some?
Ok so that is my little idea and I hope you stayed with me or skipped down to here. My point is that developers aren't using their minds with certain universes and other licenses and creating something special. The whole industry of gaming is supposed to be about the gamer! They need to quit worrying about making a fast dollar and make something people would want to play. I mean look at Halo, World of Warcraft, etc. Their developers took time and look at them, they profited cause of it. Now I know you can't compare a movie-tie in to Halo but still its a good example.  Eidos and Rocksteady steered away from the movie-tie in license and made something special and they were rewarded. Arkham Asylum has sold several million units. This is my little blog for the day. it was ony my mind and I wanted to get it off before I forgot to actually write this. Please comment and I hope you actually read it all. I would love to hear your opinions on it. Thanks for reading!  I hope to blog more in the future if people actually care to take time and listen. Thanks!