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Best of 2009

Wildfire570: Best of 2009

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  • Its funny when I think about Batman: AA because I remember when Marvel dominated the video game market for a while due to games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance were released. However Rocksteady literally raised the bar for not only DC games but comic book heroes in general. I especially loved the fan service provided especially those who like me who loved the animated series by reprising Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill as Batman and Joker respectively. This game is my 2009 game of the year.

  • This game was so satisfying thanks to the games destructibility. The side quests were also pretty entertaining for the most part. I'll admit I was very skeptical about this game but as soon as I hit a building with the sledgehammer and made a giant hole in the wall, I knew I was going to enjoy this game.

  • Despite the review that Jeff gave, I absolutely love this fighting game. The reason for this was because I couldn't ever get into Street Fighter IV and thats because I was really new to not only Street Fighter but I also haven't played a legit fighting game in a very very VERY long time. So going into SSIV was too intimidating for someone like me. So I picked up Blazblue instead and don't regret it because the core mechanics of the game was simple but very deep once you learn a specific characters moves.