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How to build a Church: Part 1

Yes, I see the irony on posting this up on a Sunday.

So it turns out that I might enjoy making video games. Who knew!? Well, apparently the family has known this for quite some time and have been telling me so for a while now, but I have no recollection of this whatsoever. Anyway, moving on. I am making a Church! Just a little project that I have going on in Hammer in the SDK. Just more me getting to grips with the art of video game design and just kind of forcing myself to think with a designers head. Why this and that and such. It’s good fun. I’ve been keeping a picture diary via the tweeter and thought that I had come far enough (see. 2 weeks) to finally post my progress on something that other, regular human beings visit. Take a gander and tell me what you think. Below are some pictures showing the evolution of the design of the church.

I’ve also done some progress videos that are more aimed at friends than for complete strangers, so the quality is super low. However if you feel like listening to me while walking around a WIP map, feel free to give it a click and give me your thoughts. I really am looking for constant feedback to give me new directions to go in and you duders are pretty awesome. Of all the communities on the internet, I reckon Id trust you guys the most to push me in different and appropriate directions (and I've been all over the internet).

Urm, yeah. So stay tuned for next Sunday, hopefully I will have a sermon ready for you guys while showing off another weeks worth of progress. Thanks to everyone who posted in the "Church Levels in YOUR video games" thread and thanks to you if you read all this junk.