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Awesome suggestions, y'all. I'll definitely give Dragon Quest V a try as soon as I can snag a copy. I've heard a lot about the Persona series but never tried it myself so maybe it's time I do that, lol.

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@ntm: lol, I definitely don't try to hide my excitement in-store. I've noticed that when I show genuine enthusiasm for something it tends to make those around me do the same. When I went to buy my Switch a few months back I made a point to get the clerk hyped too. Had her going on and on about games she'd recommend for it, and how much fun she'd had with her's.

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So, like the title says I'm looking for suggestions for games with romance/dating/marriage mechanics. Not sure why but I'm itching for something like this. Doesn't matter how well done the actual romance is (I know most people say it's all trash anyway :P). Bonus points if the game has a pixel style to it, but anything is welcome. Even more bonus points if the game has character customization of some sort. Also the age of the game isn't really an issue either so long as its available on one of the platforms I own (3DS, PC, PS4, Switch.)

Examples of games similar to what I'm talking about would be: Fable, Stardewvalley/Harvest Moon, and Bioware titles. Hell, even something as shallow as what we've seen in recent Bethesda games would be a welcome suggestion.

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#4  Edited By wishbone

I was definitely the first in my family to call myself a gamer, though I'm not sure I'd still call myself one since I don't get nearly enough time with games these days. I honestly can't remember the first game I played to completion, but the first one that sticks out to me is the Ren and Stimpy game for the Sega Genesis. I remember this one because it was my first "all-nighter" gaming session. I don't remember how long we played it, but me and a friend started while it was still dark out and ended up playing until it was daylight outside. Stupid game to have for such a "milestone," but it is what it is, lol. Think we were about 7 or 8 at the time. Not 100% sure.

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Been playing Subnautica quite a bit recently, and I gotta say it's been a long time since a game was able to give me the sense of awe it has while also giving me a sense of pure terror. Looking over the edge of an underwater cliff or into a deep cave and not being able to see what sort of monster could be lurking in their is really an awesome feeling. The lack of true weaponry also adds to the sense of danger while exploring. That said the feeling has diminished a bit as I've gotten more established over my playthrough, but I think that also adds to the experience as it makes it sorta realistic. You would become accustomed to things as you spent more and more time in such a place.

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The kid in me gets super excited, but the adult in me cries any time I spend that kind of money. Since "eternal inner conflict" isn't an option I went for "it depends."

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I wasn't immediately gripped by it as I wasn't even aware of its existence until after it was released, but I can say that waiting for the August 1st update to Stardewvalley has managed to get me more hyped than any game in recent memory. I really got into that game, and the idea of more content and multiplayer has me feeling super giddy like a kid on their way to Toys R Us... Oh... Too soon? :(

But yeah I don't usually get all that excited about games these days. I've found that the hype machine tends to just end up getting me disappointed when the game is released. That said the few games that have managed that tend to either be things that really hit that nostalgia bone or things that mimic things that would hit that nostalgia bone.