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Secret shame... and redemption.

Guys, I'm WitchHunter_Z and I have a confession to make: I've never played a Baldur's Gate game in my life.
I've heard so much about the legendary status of these games that it feels embarrassing to admit in any nerd circle that I've never touched these; never gone through that coming of age ceremony of completing one. That all ends today. While browsing Amazon I came across a deal far to good to pass up: both games with expansions on DVD for only £15. Needless to say I picked that up right away.
If anyone has recently replayed any of these I was wondering how the combat holds up? As much as I loved Planescape: Torment I almost felt it would be better with 90% of the combat removed. Does the combat in these suffer from the same clunkiness that plagued PST?
Soon, I install the first... and become a man.