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Games I Spent Way Too Much Time On After Credits Roll

You know how a game can suck you in way after you've beaten the final boss? Yeah, these games have inspired multiple playthroughs and/or messing around with their gameplay.

List items

  • Remember that other monster series way back in the day? This game brought out the obsessive compulsor in me, needing to collect every digivolution, townsperson, combat move, and every way to play it. Too bad there was a random bug that prevented from collecting some of the Digimon.

  • I played this game a lot growing up. One time, I went from Disc One to Disc Three in one sitting. Also, trying to configure everything perfectly to beat Ruby Weapon (even with a Gameshark) was frustrating and took up a buttload of time. And I didn't even beat him :(

  • The first game I took to the extreme: beating it with only 3 hearts, the default. I used to know all the ocarina songs by heart. 3DS version surprisingly faithful and includes Master Quest (which I've never beaten!), to boot.

  • Replaying this game never gets old. I have purchased this game every time it gets re-released (thanks Nintendo!).

  • Mashing hyper combos = fun!

  • Played on every difficulty at least twice. Duder.

  • The world will never again know what a mind-blowing experience it was the first time this popped into the N64. I am pretty sure that's where it stayed, long after the 120 stars were collected.

  • Protip: The party featured on the box is the best for the final boss. Trust me, I've tried others. Also, I STILL can't beat that (poorly-explained) Yoshi/Boshi race.

  • I took this game on a bribe from my parents. I never stopped playing it.

  • Duh.

  • The game that made me get a PSX originally; I have repurchased this game on several platforms and played it way past completion every single time. One of the best games ever made and worth revisiting every time (even with difficulty spikes and some added modern FF references that are mostly mediocre).

  • This game really opened my eyes to how fun and rewarding difficult games can be to replay. The Dark Souls of strategy games, though again, will purchase it on every platform it comes out on. Here's hoping more strategy games will be released in XCOM:EU's mold.

  • I bought this game on a lark and, boy, did I spend a lot of time on it. This is NOT the definitive version of Harvest Moon, but I wasted a lot of batteries planting crops, tending to my animals, and exploring the simplistic town. Fell in love with the franchise after that (though there have been some really poor entries) and the Natsume-brand of work-disguised-as-game farm simulator.

  • As this list shows, I have a fondness for monster taming games, but I find myself often thinking about this forgotten title from the PS1 days. Building a town, making girlfriends, and combining monsters with the items you find in this dungeon crawler is addictive and satisfying, and the RNG nature of the levels leads to a lot of replay value.