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My Favorite RPGs of All-Time

Here are my personal favorites in the RPG genre. Enjoy (and note the MY favorites, not the best of all time)!

List items

  • Oblivion. Oh Oblivion. I have played 1000 hours of this game. Oblivion is the greatest game of all time. It is the perfect RPG, the perfect open-world game, the perfect game. It has truly amazing and creative quests, a great leveling system, great (to this day) graphics, and infinite replay ability. Oh yeah, it has mods. I didn't even touch mods for the first 500 hours of my play of this game. The only game deserving a perfect score in my opinion.

  • If you ask anybody who has ever held the slightest passing interest in JRPGs what the greatest one of all time is, there shouldn't be any hesitation in their voice when they say Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger had great characters, a great story, and really was the perfect JRPG. The DS port was excellent, so you now have no excuse not to play this game!

  • I will probably receive some flak for this, but Final Fantasy. If you haven't played this game, you are missing out. Final Fantasy started the genre and was SO fun. It was the first RPG I ever beat and it even had a relatively, and I use relatively in the loosest sense, interesting story. Well maybe not interesting but I wasn't expecting the final boss to be who it was. The PSP port was excellent (and cheap) so go buy it!

  • This game was awesome. I have played many JRPGs in my time and goddamn, this game. The story was amazing, the characters were really cool, and dude, Seymour's hair. Nuf said.

  • Again, many will disagree with this game's position on this list. I was fighting with myself on whether or not to include this game, but I decided that I have played it more than a lot of the other games I might have had instead. Fallout was a post-apocalyptic Oblivion with guns. If it had used FPS mechanics for the shooting (like Oblivion) it might have been #2. Instead, the shooting was governed by stats. It was also more barren than Oblivion and had simply less to do in it. But dude, this game was great! It was really, really fun to play. Technically, this game doesn't have as much going for it as some of the others. I think the reason I liked it was because it was like Oblivion. Oh well, its number 5.