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I've got word from the grapevine that they're making a twitch character for saltybet. Anyone know any more info?

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#2  Edited By worsteverNA

It doesn't matter because I think most consumers are somewhat reasonable. Micrososft changed their BS of a console because MS fanboys were not blind. Nintendo which has a reputation for fanboys, changed their position on streaming at evo because of fanboys who weren't blind. Blind fanboys are there but they are nothing to worry about.

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#3  Edited By worsteverNA

Saltybet is a lot of fun. I just wish there was an effort to improve it more. The rich keep getting richer and you'll have to wait for real matches to even get a chance to get double what you have. Such a great concept for a game could be better if they pruned the characters to an extent. The metagame has been near solved right now especially if you have access to stats. You'll have your sephiroth beating a mike tyson or a patchouli losing to a hotaru, and even a pocketfighter winning a crazy match against characters with tough kits to deal with. Over time, everything will be damn near solved. I would say there was some skill to this, but it will be more about stats than A.I. scouting--maybe it's already there. There should be seasons implemented or some type of league system, otherwise we'll see guys like psxsquall bet $1111111 on matches he's sure to win for a very long time.

Prune the characters because things are one sided. On FGC majors or Salty Classics, there should be a win bonus on the house to actually make the bets more meaningful. Hopefully salty is doing something, because to me the fun is running out fast. It feels like one of those older mmorpgs right now: much of a grind of useless trash mobs (lopsided, obvious fights) to get to a raid boss you may not even beat (real matches like Dragon Claw vs Soujirou which might go 1:1. And the high rollers leave when they see an actual match) . Saltybet has the feel of these old mmos which were just grindfests right now, and it is a grindfest right now. Mugen does have a team 2v2 simultaneous mode. Perhaps this mode will help in the future?

edit: i wrote that mugen had a TOURNAMENT mode, it does not to my knowledge, and what i meant was "2v2 simultaneous mode"