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Kitchen Sink Blog Post

Man, a lot of time has passed since my last "game status blog post". Let's get right to it. 

Mass Effect 2

So I finished this. Including most of the DLC (skipped a bit of this stupid hover tank stuff). I agree with the GB staff & users, this to be the GOTY 2010. Awesome till the end. EXCEPT the last boos. How stupid was that. Given the story setup, I would think a twelve year old to come up with that stuff. Anyway. Importing my character into ME3 is the only real reason I still have my 360 around. I like the ability to install games (quiet + better load times), but Kinect disappointed me (mostly because I have to clear my one room apartment every time I want to use it, and there are no games except Dance Central), a lot of games went multiplattform and my interest in Halo and Gears has vaned. So I might as well just stick to the PS3. I might even get the PS3-version of ME2 to do my dream playthrough. A friend of mine has it for the PS3. Can I still play the DLC then (code or on disc?)

DeadSpace (1&2) 

I am really not a survival horror guy. Maybe because I dislike all of japanese games, and Resident Evil and Silent Hill are the classic titles here. I do not know. Although I do most of my gaming on consoles nowadays I skipped the Playstation 1+2 era. Games were always PC games for me, and only since PC like experiences became possible and popular on consoles (like FPS or western RPGs), I became interested in consoles. My first console since I was a kid was the Xbox 1. So I really was not part of that console culture were japanese games dominated the scene apparently, as Jeff mentioned in the GDC podcast. So anyway Dead Space was my first survival horror game (or kind of survival horror game). Because of all the buzz around it I pre-ordered the Limited Edition of DS2. But then felt compelled to play the first one too. I played the first on easy. And I really liked it. It was not so scary, but also I am not looking for that. Then I really liked the varied enviroments in DS2. Even less scarier, but even more fun! Those outer space parts were among the greatest moments in gaming lately. Yeah. Not much to say. Hell of a game. GOTY contestant for sure. I can not get enough of that DS-universe. Still have Extraction and Severed ahead of me. 

Killzone 3 and Move 

Yeah. So I got KZ3. Mostly for the Multiplayer. Also I figured since this got move support, and I got Extraction for free, I might get Move and try it out. So I got the glowing dildo thing and the Nav controller. These work surprisingly well. Even in KZ3 Multiplayer. BUT at least in MP I still long for the gamepad. Move makes the game much different. You feel less of that KZ-"weight", since you do not really turn to aim anymore, but just are able to shoot at everything on screen. Scoping in is kind of distracting, so you loose in accuracy that way. Also the turn speed is much lower. This is probably good and nice for those who use sniper rifles and assault rifles and pick of enemies from afar. But I am more of a close quarters kind of guy. Sneaking up on guys. Surprise them from unexpected angles and shoot them in the face with a shotgun. I thing for that the gamepad is much better. Also I am not sure if KZ3 will hold any long term motivation once you have have unlocked everything. 
Ah, and it has a single player also. Which is awful as usual in KZ. Including the british space nazis, which make no sense. If you read up on the story you can really side with them. Sure they are brutal extremist now, but they were kind of pressed into this. Acting is pretty good though. 

Civ 5 and the rest

Damit. This fucking game. I hate it so much. But then I love to play it! There were 2 nights eere I just did not sleep. At all! The Polynesian DLC did not make this better. Also I am still achievement hunting on this game - even though a lot of them are bugged. I want to remain in the GB stop scorers ;) Also I played a bit of Magica, Red Dead Redemption (the biggest item in my backlog) and Metro 2033. The later is really cool, but runs a bit slow on my PC which makes no sense). and I often come to points in the game where I do not know what to do, and then I loose interest in it for weeks. In preparation to Dragon Age 2 I wanted to revisit Origins and play Awakening, which I haven't touched yet. But for some reason the voice over is broken in my steam version (I actually played the main game on a different machine, so I do not know whats up with that.) and I am not feeling the subtitles. 
Coming up: Dragon Age 2 and Shogun 2 (the demo sold me again on this, even though Total War is all the time the same stuff) 
Also: My notebook got stolen out of work! Fuck that guy! On the upside: it was 2 years old, and I got a new one. A new MacBook Pro 15" top of the line model. I might even get rid of my gaming PC now. As my PhD is hopefully coming to an end now, I will probably move soon. Maybe back to the US. Getting rid of a big ass PC will help.