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While things are definitely getting better for me lately, I cannot endorse the use of glitter in my life. Please st…

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Achievement Update #102 - Birthday in 2 Days!

Well this is shocking, isn't it? I'm late again with my Achievement Update by more than a week! College has been sucking up my time so don't think that I have forgotten about you guys. So without further ado, LET'S DO THIS!

80/1000 Points
8/49 Achievements

You Want More?
Points: 10
Description: You completed 5 encore gigs
Acquired: October 14, 2009

Name: Rising Star
Points: 20
Description: Collected 101 Stars in Career
Acquired: October 14, 2009

600/1000 Points
30/50 Achievements

The Unforgiven II
Points: 10
Description: You won an online Face-Off match by 25,000 points or more
Acquired: October 7, 2009

Name: The Unforgiven
Points: 10
Description: You won an online Face-Off match
Acquired: October 7, 2009

21,331 Points

So this was a Guitar Hero-themed week (or weeks). Also, my birthday is on Friday! I turn 18 for those wondering. To be honest, I don't really care. The only thing I can't wait for about it is the fact that it will be easier for me to get a job now that I'm 18. I did have an interview at Wendy's today though so hopefully that comes to pass. If not, I just try again. Another good thing is that I might get some games, movies, and most importantly cash! I will be getting at least $50 which I will be using to pay off the rest of my $80 MW2 pre-order. The rest will be used for my tough, tough decision of Assassin's Creed 2 or Borderlands. However, I have just about no time for games right now so I may just save the money until I have time to play some games again.

Until next time, expect a blog on Friday (my birthday)!