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"Obligatory All-Time Top 20 List" list

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  • I don't actually think this is as good a game as Demon's Souls to be honest, principally in terms of level design, but whereas I played the first game on European release knowing too much about it I was able to enjoy this one more or less blind and with the novelty of co-op, being invaded and discovering things at the same time as everyone else combined with all the other things that make it great are what I remember most fondly and why it gets the nod. An obsession.

  • I like reading, I like games, I like conspiracy theories, I like logic puzzles, I like plots involving time-travel therefore I really like this. 999 was superb but after a slow start this easily surpasses it.

  • The makeweight I'd never heard of that padded out The Orange Box. The twist in that last room is a gaming moment I'll never forget.

  • Even ignoring the game entirely the fact that via this someone recommended I read Infinite Jest based on a mutual appreciation of it is reason enough for it being top five. Also it's really, really good and nostalgia aside renders my memories of Street Fighter II obsolete.

  • This was the one where they got it right, everything added since is needless padding.

  • It's what my memories of Mario 64 were before I tried to replay it fairly recently and realised how much I'd been spoiled by 15 years of graphical innovations and two iterations of Galaxy. It's a close run thing with Galaxy 2 but not having to waggle anything takes it.

  • The last great action game before DLC and forced online multiplayer elements ruined everything. Who would make a 15+ hour single player experience now with legitimately great and meaty unlockable bonus games when they could sell them as extra content instead. I doubt we'll ever see the like again.

  • I don't know why people made FPS games after it to be honest.

  • Capcom at the peak of their powers doing what the DS did best - a beautiful looking game full of charm and character (that animation :swoon:) that could only really have worked on the medium it was released on.

  • A weird pick for the series I'm sure. I'd always thought I should like Disgaea but after a few false starts this was finally the one that got its hooks in proper. So much content.

  • For two years about the only game my mates and I would play, I've never been into a sports game anything like as much since.

  • This is still my favourite in the series although 3 is great too.

  • Oddly wonderful and legit worth the cost of a Vita alone.

  • I was never impressed with fl0w or Flower but I bought this anyway. Five minutes of "what is this" followed by ninety of slack-jawed wonder. Unique, memorable and a great example of the type of storytelling unique to games.

  • Super Mario World.

  • See: Championship Manager 01/02

  • 've never been beyond the third stage but I could play that first one forever and basically did for the best part of a year. I'm not even a shmup guy but something about the mechanics, presentation and challenge of this was agreeable to me even without online leaderboards - it was always a personal challenge to improve my score rather than a bigger competitive urge. I've never had that before or since.

  • The mostest cars and the bestest tracks. I love a dry racer full of stuff and this is the driest and fullest there is. Still looks beautiful on a 50 inch screen via component btw.

  • The Tom Waits of video games, I think a lot of people don't get the genius because it initially catches them by surprise by what it isn't and they don't want to put the time in to investigate further. So much content and so rewarding when it clicks.