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Building a (Giant) Bomb (logo, in Minecraft)

I've spent one or two hours (give or take a few hundred) on GB member FunExplosion's Official Giant Bomb Minecraft server ( link to official server forum topic) over the last couple of months. There's a been a lot of really great construction going on by a lot of very nice people, and I wholeheartedly suggest taking a look and saying hi if you have a copy of the game. Anyhow, inspired by all the awesome 8-bit artwork on our server and others, as well as reoccurring conversations about how cool it would be to represent the GB logo somehow, I recently sat down, got cozy with Illustrator, and mapped out an 8-bit-ified version of the Giant Bomb logo.

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To do Giant Bomb justice, we need to make a GIANT logo, right? This involves flattening out a massive piece of land to use as the canvas since our logo is actually too large to stand upright and remain completely visible within the limits of Minecraft's 128-block tall world. 128 blocks contains everything from the bedrock to the upper limits of the sky; this logo's height reaches 120 blocks tall! We originally tried making a 3D logo, but decided the 2D version with the Giant Bomb name would end up looking cleaner. With the sphere and massive hole in the ground already done deals thanks to FunExplosion's administrative magic, we decided to encase these impressive remains underneath the home of the final 2D logo.

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With the canvas all set (thanks to the gracious help and labor of Zachariahus and Mr. Sadistic), construction began on the 2D logo.

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In the picture above, to the right of the logo here, there is a couple of lightstone blocks dead center, while the red smudge to the upper left of that lightstone is a Minecraft character (hey PowrTrio!).

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Above, we see the main logo and the B in 'Bomb' has been completed. At this point, about 6 hours have been spent on the project. And finally . . .

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Here's the completed logo, about 11 hours after the project was started, with a lunch break or two thrown in for good measure.

You can find this and much more on the latest site map or by visiting the server. You can find more information about both here.

UPDATE: Here's a bird's eye view.

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