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Games that made me learn English.

Back in the late 90s new reformed Russian Federation became a fresh market for the Chinese video game pirates to extend to. Thanks to them in a span of 5/10 years we went from Dendy (a clone of Famicom) to the release of the first licensed console here: the PS2. But before that most of the games were in English or Japanese and if you wanted to understand what's going on you had to look in the dictionary a lot. So these are the game that gave me my only real talent.

List items

  • This is the first game I remember really making me want to figure out whats going on. Scary alien music, isolated places and a ton of cryptic messages that I needed to translate.

  • I think this is the first time I wanted to know the native language of the game. I had the Japanese version and had no idea what was I supposed to do in the overview mode but the game looked so cool and the music was just great so I really wanted to finish it but sadly I never did.

  • This one is a bit weird. Before I had a Sega Mega Drive I used to go to our local cinema to play some arcade machines based on Mega Drive hardware. They usually changed the games up every day with the best games always firs in the row. One of them was Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Obviously it was a huge hit that attracted a massive crowd of kids. Everybody were shouting random facts, or what they thought to be facts, like Fatalities, special moves but the most interesting things were the supposed bios of the characters. For some reason they mostly were family connections between the characters. Like that Rain was a son of Shiva and Scorpion and other nonsense like that. So I wanted to know the truth behind all that.