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Giant Bomb Review


Dust: An Elysian Tail Review

  • XBGS

Deep and involving mechanics, lavish, fluid artwork, and an emotionally resonant storyline--Dust pretty much has it all.

Dust's heart is its exceptionally fast-paced and responsive combo-based fighting system.
Dust's heart is its exceptionally fast-paced and responsive combo-based fighting system.

On first glance, Dust: An Elysian Tail looks like it has a little bit of everything. There's a responsive, lightning-fast combat system that lets you juggle enemies, suplex them out of the air, or combo them several screens high. You've got a full raft of RPG mechanics, so you can level up and distribute skill points, and equip armor and items that buff different attributes and add effects like health regen or increased drop rates. The equipment system goes a step further with a full crafting system that lets you build even better stuff than you can buy, and there's a ton of other peripheral secrets to discover in your travels. All these mechanics are gathered together in service of a memorable, well written storyline, and swaddled in some of the most lavishly produced 2D video game art seen anytime lately.

The core of what makes Dust so rewarding is the quality and immediacy of the combat. You start out with basic abilities to do things like pop enemies up into the air or dash behind them and do a turnaround attack, and soon you get a sword-twirling trick called the dust storm that allows you to juggle multiple enemies, and also amplify the spells spewed by your little flying rodent whatsit Fidget into screen-clearing dervishes of magical destruction. Using all your juggles and spells and other combat moves effectively will net you combo hit counts well into the hundreds, which is especially useful since you earn bonus experience for solid combos. Dust's feedback loop of combat and character progression makes you constantly feel like you're becoming more powerful all the way up to the last minutes of the game, and the controls are so quick and responsive that it just gets more and more fun as you start laying waste to a dozen enemies at a time with ever increasing style.

The game has picked up a reputation as a Metroidvania game, and Dust does have the grid-like map that's the hallmark of that sort of game, but the similarities to something like Shadow Complex are partially superficial. Dust doesn't offer a single contiguous world that you can navigate from end to end, but rather a bunch of different smaller areas that you warp between on a world map. And once you get inside one of those areas, the graph-paper map doesn't follow your every move; each map square only corresponds to an entire "screen" that might take you five minutes to work your way across. That expectation of using the map to pinpoint exactly where I was at all times kind of threw me for a loop when I first started playing Dust, since you still end up fumbling your way around a good bit within complex screens, but once you unlock the world map and get a feel for how everything is put together, the game makes perfect sense. It helps that Dust does share that central Metroidvania conceit of taunting you with areas you obviously don't have access to early on, then doling out abilities like a slide and double jump later on that give you access to those areas, giving you a lot of reason to backtrack.

There's plenty of story and side quests to keep you busy for at least a dozen hours.
There's plenty of story and side quests to keep you busy for at least a dozen hours.

Actually, I was surprised how much time I wanted to sink into going back and looking for secrets. The game is chock-a-block with hidden treasure chests that hold most of the best items and crafting recipes in the game, and a lot of those chests are very well hidden in clever places in the environment. Those are just the nuts-and-bolts secrets, though. What's even more memorable are the dozen notable characters taken from other Xbox Live Arcade indie games that are deeply hidden throughout Dust's expansive levels. It takes a lot of work to find some of these guys--one of the solutions had me getting a clue from a note I found in a completely different area, then kneeling in a specific spot like I was playing Simon's Quest all of a sudden--and they reward you with health bonuses when you find them. More importantly, you really have to see for yourself the amount of detail and craft that went into making each secret character's area feel visually and thematically consistent with the games they're taken from. Dust goes to the extreme lengths of changing its own art style, visual presentation, and mechanics in some cases to emulate and pay homage to these other standout downloadable games, the ranks of which this game is likely to join in the near future.

Aside from the secret stuff, Dust has a good 10 or more hours of pure story and side content, including a bunch of optional quests you can pick up from friendly characters in multiple towns. The game becomes occupied with some fairly dark themes, as you delve into the story of the skilled warrior Dust who, together with Fidget and his ancient talking sword, sets out on a quest to figure out who he is and where he came from. Yes, an amnesiac protagonist--I can hear you rolling your eyes from here. But the game's finely crafted storytelling efforts keep that clichéd premise from feeling out of place, even as the nature of the truth becomes more and more grim. The game encompasses a broader scope the more you play, as you realize who's involved in the central mystery and how much is at stake, and the story ultimately reaches a more satisfying and emotionally resonant conclusion than most 60 dollar retail games I can think of.

The soft focus and fluid animation are awfully easy on the eyes.
The soft focus and fluid animation are awfully easy on the eyes.

At the same time, Dust is almost paradoxically bursting with an ebullient brand of charm. There's a ton of referential and self-aware humor that makes light of video game conventions in general and a number of memorable games in particular. (The very first item you pick up is an amusing reference to Symphony of the Night, which is a clear influence here.) The game tastefully knows not to lean too heavily on this stuff, ensuring that it never crosses the line and becomes too cloying or corny. Dust juggles light and dark in a way that makes it easy for you to feel good about, even if you haven't spent any time seriously considering talking animal characters since the last time you watched An American Tail or Disney's Robin Hood. All this is enhanced by a cast of excellent voice actors who do both the jokes and the plot a service, giving uniformly well considered line readings that make you feel like someone who really knew and cared about the material was sitting there directing them the whole time.

That Dust is largely the work of one lone developer makes it all the more impressive, but the circumstances of the game's development aren't even a consideration when you consider how good the game is at face value. Cramming this many elements into a single downloadable game seems like an audacious move, but Dust pulls it off with confidence, style, and heart, resulting in a game that deserves to be played by a lot of people.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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Edited By Mezmero

Yep, this game was pretty much amazing. I bought it on launch and it is the best metroidvania I have ever played. I just beat it on Tough my first time through and I can't wait to jump back in to tie up my loose ends. I really didn't expect to get such a heart wrenching end to a game like this. It's the first in a long time that I have nothing bad to say about a game. I agree on all the points you make in this well worded review. I can't believe I'm going to buy JJBA tomorrow after having such an enriching experience that is $5 cheaper. Thanks and keep up the great work.

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Edited By TehPickle

I was impressed by the QL, and this review has now sold me. Downloading at the moment...

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Edited By Undeadpool

I always like to keep $5 in my XBox account for the next Walking Dead, but it looks like I'm gonna have to bite the bullet for this.

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Edited By Forum_User

Sounds interesting. I hope it makes it to PC. It will probably sell a lot more there anyway, at least if it's promoted on Steam.

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Edited By honkyjesus

@Landon: I heard the actual game is six or seven hours long.

As far as buying DRM infused DLC right now, if you were buying a Bluray player next year would you stack up on DVD's?

I am sure the actual game is good and enjoyable, I am just dissing these weird price points for games that are basically high profile indie titles. If something like this just came out on PC nobody would blink, and wonder about why a game like this costs that much. Since it came out on Arcade, it can be viewed as a sensible masterpiece.

Again, no doubt the game is good, but this is like comparing Halo 4 if it cost $150 to a $60 game of the exact same nature. I get games like these for free with Playstation Plus all the time, and find them worth the download time itself only about half the time. Really awkward price point for DRM at this point.

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Edited By Set

Screenshots and lossy gameplay footage don't do justice to how beautiful this game looks in real time.

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Edited By usgrovers

Loving the game so far. The best part is that my wife doesn't want to watch her shitty tv shows, she wants to watch me play Dust.

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Edited By seanord

Is it just me, or can everyone tell which staff member did the review just by the title? I'm keeping track and I've nailed the last 6 or 7 of them.

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Edited By Alkaiser

@JesterPC238 said:

The furry arguments are so ridiculous in my opinion. Does this mean that any anthropomorphic animals are instantly designed for furries? Because humans have been dreaming up humanoid animals since the stone age... Look at Egyptian mythology, European fables, Disney movies, etc. It's one thing to genuinely be turned off by the art because you don't like it, but accusing it of being fetish art is a little overboard.

In the end it's a real shame because everything about this game is simply fun. The reason going back over areas with new abilities is a blast is because the movement, combat, and level design are all so great. Plus the story is excellent, genuinely sad, funny and heartwarming. Great review Brad, this game has GOTY written all over it if you ask me.

As far as I know, the whole uproar was because the guy who created the game actually is a furry, which to be honest is the reason I'm avoiding the game. Yeah its probably an amazing game and I'm a sucker for not buying it but I just don't want to deal with all that other crap anymore. It's pretty much the same reason why I don't play Sonic the Hedgehog or Starfox games anymore.

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Edited By landon

@honkyjesus said:

@Landon: I heard the actual game is six or seven hours long.

As far as buying DRM infused DLC right now, if you were buying a Bluray player next year would you stack up on DVD's?

This is not at all like buying dvds only for blu ray to be coming out next year.

This is a $15 XBLA game. It's not like this game is going to be released in a high quality next year that I'll be paying for again. And we know nothing about the next systems. Maybe I'll just be able to use my gamertag and redownload all these games. And if I can't do that, then that means there is only once place to play this game.

Again, no doubt the game is good, but this is like comparing Halo 4 if it cost $150 to a $60 game of the exact same nature. I get games like these for free with Playstation Plus all the time, and find them worth the download time itself only about half the time. Really awkward price point for DRM at this point.

How is this anything like comparing a $150 game to a $60 one?

No, you don't get games like this all the time for free on Playstation Plus. Name me 10 games you got for free on Playstation plus that are like Dust.

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Edited By natedawg_kz

Dust looks so awesome, can't believe that it was mainly developed by one man, really hope it comes to PSN.

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Edited By skardt

Why don't they make more of these kinds of games? I mean, why don't they make more good games like these? Still waiting for Shadow Complex 2. How is it possible for one guy to make a game like this when the guys who made Deadlight managed to do a poorer job?

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Edited By laini

@Alkaiser: All that other crap?

What a ridiculous reason to miss out on an awesome game.

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Edited By Brad

@Alkaiser said:

@JesterPC238 said:

The furry arguments are so ridiculous in my opinion. Does this mean that any anthropomorphic animals are instantly designed for furries? Because humans have been dreaming up humanoid animals since the stone age... Look at Egyptian mythology, European fables, Disney movies, etc. It's one thing to genuinely be turned off by the art because you don't like it, but accusing it of being fetish art is a little overboard.

In the end it's a real shame because everything about this game is simply fun. The reason going back over areas with new abilities is a blast is because the movement, combat, and level design are all so great. Plus the story is excellent, genuinely sad, funny and heartwarming. Great review Brad, this game has GOTY written all over it if you ask me.

As far as I know, the whole uproar was because the guy who created the game actually is a furry, which to be honest is the reason I'm avoiding the game. Yeah its probably an amazing game and I'm a sucker for not buying it but I just don't want to deal with all that other crap anymore. It's pretty much the same reason why I don't play Sonic the Hedgehog or Starfox games anymore.

This stupid shit needs to stop. For one thing, he's never publicly identified as a furry -- he's likened his characters to the Disney films of the '70s and '80s. And even if he were, who gives a shit? The game is fantastic. Your loss if you refuse to play it purely due to silly Internet posturing.

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Edited By Set

@Alkaiser said:

@JesterPC238 said:

The furry arguments are so ridiculous in my opinion. Does this mean that any anthropomorphic animals are instantly designed for furries? Because humans have been dreaming up humanoid animals since the stone age... Look at Egyptian mythology, European fables, Disney movies, etc. It's one thing to genuinely be turned off by the art because you don't like it, but accusing it of being fetish art is a little overboard.

In the end it's a real shame because everything about this game is simply fun. The reason going back over areas with new abilities is a blast is because the movement, combat, and level design are all so great. Plus the story is excellent, genuinely sad, funny and heartwarming. Great review Brad, this game has GOTY written all over it if you ask me.

As far as I know, the whole uproar was because the guy who created the game actually is a furry, which to be honest is the reason I'm avoiding the game. Yeah its probably an amazing game and I'm a sucker for not buying it but I just don't want to deal with all that other crap anymore. It's pretty much the same reason why I don't play Sonic the Hedgehog or Starfox games anymore.

Sorry but that mentality is downright dumb, you should get off the internet and re-evaluate your life.

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Edited By Phatmac

@Alkaiser: Stop using the site. Get out.

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i know i was so shocked the ending was great

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@Alkaiser said:

@JesterPC238 said:

The furry arguments are so ridiculous in my opinion. Does this mean that any anthropomorphic animals are instantly designed for furries? Because humans have been dreaming up humanoid animals since the stone age... Look at Egyptian mythology, European fables, Disney movies, etc. It's one thing to genuinely be turned off by the art because you don't like it, but accusing it of being fetish art is a little overboard.

In the end it's a real shame because everything about this game is simply fun. The reason going back over areas with new abilities is a blast is because the movement, combat, and level design are all so great. Plus the story is excellent, genuinely sad, funny and heartwarming. Great review Brad, this game has GOTY written all over it if you ask me.

As far as I know, the whole uproar was because the guy who created the game actually is a furry, which to be honest is the reason I'm avoiding the game. Yeah its probably an amazing game and I'm a sucker for not buying it but I just don't want to deal with all that other crap anymore. It's pretty much the same reason why I don't play Sonic the Hedgehog or Starfox games anymore.

if this was the 80s or 90s this would not be a problem i hate the internet.....but i need it :(

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Edited By beard_of_zeus

I still have a couple more hours to go before I finish this game, but I can definitely say at this point that this game is super duper awesome. Excellent review Brad, it's spot on, and I can't wait to see how the story finishes up.

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@Alkaiser said:

@JesterPC238 said:

The furry arguments are so ridiculous in my opinion. Does this mean that any anthropomorphic animals are instantly designed for furries? Because humans have been dreaming up humanoid animals since the stone age... Look at Egyptian mythology, European fables, Disney movies, etc. It's one thing to genuinely be turned off by the art because you don't like it, but accusing it of being fetish art is a little overboard.

In the end it's a real shame because everything about this game is simply fun. The reason going back over areas with new abilities is a blast is because the movement, combat, and level design are all so great. Plus the story is excellent, genuinely sad, funny and heartwarming. Great review Brad, this game has GOTY written all over it if you ask me.

As far as I know, the whole uproar was because the guy who created the game actually is a furry, which to be honest is the reason I'm avoiding the game. Yeah its probably an amazing game and I'm a sucker for not buying it but I just don't want to deal with all that other crap anymore. It's pretty much the same reason why I don't play Sonic the Hedgehog or Starfox games anymore.

Get out, you moron. Take your ignorant bigotry to 4chan where it belongs.

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Eh, Metroidvania isn't really my thing (I found Shadow Complex absolutely boresome from start-to-finish) But I hope others are enjoying the game.

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Edited By aquacadet

@natedawg_kz said:

Dust looks so awesome, can't believe that it was mainly developed by one man, really hope it comes to PSN.

Didn't he do it in xna? If so I wouldn't hold your breath. :(

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Edited By AssInAss

@Cloudenvy said:

Yupp, I'm fairly certain that Dust will be the one this year.

Good for Dust though, I have zero interest in playing it due to the character design but it's good to see that others are enjoying it.

It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

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Edited By Cloudenvy

@AssInAss said:

@Cloudenvy said:

Yupp, I'm fairly certain that Dust will be the one this year.

Good for Dust though, I have zero interest in playing it due to the character design but it's good to see that others are enjoying it.

It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

Why? I don't care that they're anthropomorphic, I just think they're terrible character designs.

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Edited By AssInAss

@Cloudenvy said:

@AssInAss said:

@Cloudenvy said:

Yupp, I'm fairly certain that Dust will be the one this year.

Good for Dust though, I have zero interest in playing it due to the character design but it's good to see that others are enjoying it.

It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

Why? I don't care that they're anthropomorphic, I just think they're terrible character designs.

So is moe.


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Edited By Alkaiser


@Alkaiser said:

@JesterPC238 said:

The furry arguments are so ridiculous in my opinion. Does this mean that any anthropomorphic animals are instantly designed for furries? Because humans have been dreaming up humanoid animals since the stone age... Look at Egyptian mythology, European fables, Disney movies, etc. It's one thing to genuinely be turned off by the art because you don't like it, but accusing it of being fetish art is a little overboard.

In the end it's a real shame because everything about this game is simply fun. The reason going back over areas with new abilities is a blast is because the movement, combat, and level design are all so great. Plus the story is excellent, genuinely sad, funny and heartwarming. Great review Brad, this game has GOTY written all over it if you ask me.

As far as I know, the whole uproar was because the guy who created the game actually is a furry, which to be honest is the reason I'm avoiding the game. Yeah its probably an amazing game and I'm a sucker for not buying it but I just don't want to deal with all that other crap anymore. It's pretty much the same reason why I don't play Sonic the Hedgehog or Starfox games anymore.

Get out, you moron. Take your ignorant bigotry to 4chan where it belongs.

Bigotry? Are you serious? I'm not saying that I want to burn his fucking house down, I just don't want to play his game because I have my own personal hangups and experiences with fanbases that taint my opinion. I even complimented the game!

So what, does hating moe make me a bigot as well? Am I persecuting the lolicon 'community' because I don't want a part of that shit either? Good lord. Apparently not liking anthropomorphic animals is the equivalent of LGBT bashing. This is what we've come to.

And from what I remember from the big thread about this, apparently he makes sexualized furry art for some website or something. Which yeah, it weirds me out. Sorry? I don't know if thats a thing I really have to feel bad about. It'd be like if I told someone I felt awkward when they told me they wanted to fuck dragons and then they pointed a finger in my face and shouted "RACIST!"

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Edited By AlexanderSheen

@AssInAss said:

@Cloudenvy said:

Yupp, I'm fairly certain that Dust will be the one this year.

Good for Dust though, I have zero interest in playing it due to the character design but it's good to see that others are enjoying it.

It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

Why is that, sir? Please explain.

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Edited By AssInAss

@AlexanderSheen said:

@AssInAss said:

@Cloudenvy said:

Yupp, I'm fairly certain that Dust will be the one this year.

Good for Dust though, I have zero interest in playing it due to the character design but it's good to see that others are enjoying it.

It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

Why is that, sir? Please explain.

Both groups are persecuted and made fun of. Also:

"Anime is for jerks." - Jeff Gerstmann

This coming from a big fan of anime, but I know a lot of people put down anime because of its art style and am aware of it.

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Edited By mutha3
@AssInAss said:

@Cloudenvy said:

@AssInAss said:

@Cloudenvy said:

Yupp, I'm fairly certain that Dust will be the one this year.

Good for Dust though, I have zero interest in playing it due to the character design but it's good to see that others are enjoying it.


It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

Why? I don't care that they're anthropomorphic, I just think they're terrible character designs.

So is moe.


Moe isn't a character design template, its a bizzare idealization of cuteness nested in anime culture.
Anyway, you're not making a whole lot of sense. Cloudenvy already said its not about the style. This is bad art on a technical level with unimaginative character designs.
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Edited By AssInAss

@mutha3 said:

@AssInAss said:

So is moe.


Moe isn't a character design template, its a bizzare idealization of cuteness nested in anime culture. Anyway, you're not making a whole lot of sense. Cloudenvy already said its not about the style. This is bad art on a technical level with unimaginative character designs.

Explain to me how this is bad art on a "technical" objective level, does this include the backgrounds, non-anthromorphic NPCs, and the enemy designs too? I'm no artist, so I'd like to get schooled on this matter.

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Edited By mdnthrvst


FYI, 4chan's got a vibrant and thriving furry community. Not their own board (well, they did, but it was a two-day-long trap to IP ban everyone who posted on it), but then again, both ponies and pokemon do, and the racier fan elements of both are implicitly tolerated.

From this and the Quick Look, the people I've met on THAT site are infinitely less stuck up, self-important, and humorless than anyone on Giant Bomb. Traditional, ego-fuelled forum structure, I suppose.

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Edited By napalm

@Brad said:

This stupid shit needs to stop. For one thing, he's never publicly identified as a furry -- he's likened his characters to the Disney films of the '70s and '80s. And even if he were, who gives a shit? The game is fantastic. Your loss if you refuse to play it purely due to silly Internet posturing.

Here, here, good sir.

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Edited By Alkaiser

@mdnthrvst said:


FYI, 4chan's got a vibrant and thriving furry community. Not their own board (well, they did, but it was a two-day-long trap to IP ban everyone who posted on it), but then again, both ponies and pokemon do, and the racier fan elements of both are implicitly tolerated.

From this and the Quick Look, the people I've met on THAT site are infinitely less stuck up, self-important, and humorless than anyone on Giant Bomb. Traditional, ego-fuelled forum structure, I suppose.

Why does it have to be about ego? It's a fetish I'm not into, so I don't partake. Doesn't mean I have to hate furries, its just not my thing.

@AssInAss said:

It's incredibly ironic that this is coming from anime fans on Giantbomb.

Uh, okay? Any time I've posted about anime its been about the things that bother me about anime. I guess it's the avatar or something. I just like dudes in spandex who punch other dudes with lensflares while being completely fabulous.

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Edited By theedangle

Just started playing this. The color on this game is amazing.

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Edited By criacow

@Brad said:

This stupid shit needs to stop. For one thing, he's never publicly identified as a furry -- he's likened his characters to the Disney films of the '70s and '80s. And even if he were, who gives a shit? The game is fantastic. Your loss if you refuse to play it purely due to silly Internet posturing.

Well said, good sir.

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Edited By queenulhu

I love this game so much~~~~~ Nice review Brad!

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Edited By beard_of_zeus

@Napalm said:

@Brad said:

This stupid shit needs to stop. For one thing, he's never publicly identified as a furry -- he's likened his characters to the Disney films of the '70s and '80s. And even if he were, who gives a shit? The game is fantastic. Your loss if you refuse to play it purely due to silly Internet posturing.

Here, here, good sir.

This isn't really related to the discussion of the game (so I apologize), but it's "hear, hear". It's essentially shorthand for "hear him, hear him", as in, "listen to the dude that's talking, I totally agree with him!"

Sorry to be a word cop! But now you know! ;)

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Edited By jonano

I'm loving this game so far but the one thing that's annoying me at the moment is the jumping .Dust jumps really high , not very far and is kinda floaty so it takes him a while to land, which is great for combat but for platforming it's a little awkward .

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Edited By elyk247

This game looks amazing, glad to hear it plays well too. It's crazy what a single person can do, if they work their ass off.

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Edited By laserbolts

Just finished this game today and I have to say it is my GOTY so far. While I really dislike Fidget I loved everything else about this game and man unlocking those secret xbla characters was great. Cannot recommend this game enough especially if you love video games enough to not let something as stupid as it looking like a furry or whatever sway you.

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Edited By darkest4

Finally played this and this game is beautiful, both visually and emotionally. The fact that one man made this (besides the voice acting work) just blows my mind. You can really feel the love and care he put into this game and that just makes it even more impactful. The fact that the combat is actually pretty good and the character progression feels rewarding is just icing on the cake. Great game, great review.