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Giant Bomb Review


Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Review

  • PS4
  • XONE

Ground Zeroes makes up for its initial brevity with plentiful side content, a gorgeous look, and the most dynamic, satisfying stealth gameplay Metal Gear has seen in some time.

There's just the one base to infiltrate, but there's a lot to do in there.
There's just the one base to infiltrate, but there's a lot to do in there.

With a $30 price point and a main story mission that lasts somewhere between an hour or two, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes sounds like a bad deal. It's a simple "get in, extract a couple of prisoners, and get out" affair that's seemingly intended to give you a taste of what the actual Metal Gear Solid V, The Phantom Pain, is going to be like when it releases sometime in the next two years. Given this profoundly unattractive value proposition, it's a good thing Ground Zeroes is actually highly replayable and offers a lot more side content than you might think at first. It's also possibly the most fun Metal Gear has ever been to play.

Ground Zeroes acts as a short bridge between Peace Walker, the last appearance of Snake--he who would be Big Boss--and the forthcoming Phantom Pain. We all know Big Boss will go on to found the mercenary state Outer Heaven and become the big bad guy in the original Metal Gear, and Ground Zeroes makes it clear things are heading in that direction. That said, if you're like me and all but ignored Peace Walker, you'll want to read the dense recap of that game's events available from the main menu here before you undertake the main mission. Otherwise the characters and events of Ground Zeroes won't mean a whole hell of a lot. The game relegates most of Metal Gear's typical absurdity to the periphery of the short storyline, instead focusing primarily on the private-army and nuclear-proliferation stuff that was the series' stock in trade for its first 15 years. It's worth noting the story visits a number of violations on one character in particular that hover somewhere between unpleasant and grotesque. Some of that stuff exists in collectibles, but one in particular is part of the core storyline and is unavoidable.

I stopped showing up to Metal Gear looking for satisfying stealth gameplay a long time ago, so it was surprising how much I enjoyed roaming around Ground Zeroes' lone military base, shooting guards with tranquilizer darts, hiding bodies, interrogating guards for info...all the stuff a super spy is able to do. The stealth feels dynamic; guards run a wide variety of patrol routes, occasionally get in and drive vehicles around, and mostly behave in a pretty believable way whether you're secure in the shadows or they think they've seen you moving around. On the normal difficulty, the game really empowers you to stay hidden. You can tag enemies, vehicles, turrets, and security cameras by aiming at them with your weapon or binoculars, after which you'll always be able to see them through walls and as icons on your map. And when you get caught, the game gives you a pretty generous slow-mo period so you can try to quietly take out whoever spotted you before they raise an alarm. Combine this stuff with other modern third-person amenities like a proper dash and responsive aim-and-shoot control and Ground Zeroes starts to feel like a really damn playable stealth game.

Each side mission is set at a different time of day, keeping the visuals fresh.
Each side mission is set at a different time of day, keeping the visuals fresh.

That main story won't take you long even your first time through, although if you aim for an S rank, you'll have to play pretty meticulously without getting spotted. But I found it highly replayable, going through it four times and having a pretty different experience, sneaking around different parts of the base and having different emergent guard encounters, each time. Ground Zeroes makes it feel like the game designers really get how to put an interesting stealth-based open world together. As a good counterbalance to the brevity of the main story, there's also a truly respectable amount of side content that opens up after you finish your mission. There are a handful of alternate operations set in the same base that each give you a brief story setup, different objectives, and a different time of day that refreshes the visual style of the environment, setting it apart from the main story's rainy nighttime motif. The game is also rife with collectibles and tracks a lot of real-time challenges like headshot distance, two-wheel driving time, and how fast you can tag every enemy in the base. If all you want to do is see that main story once, $30 is asking way too much. But factoring in all that side content will easily get you at least a good six or eight hours out of Ground Zeroes.

Snake and a little of the ol' left-trigger-right-trigger.
Snake and a little of the ol' left-trigger-right-trigger.

This package also acts as a great showcase for the new Fox Engine, and an indication of what the new consoles can actually do. The PS4 version looks absolutely fantastic, running at a solid 60 frames per second with some great lighting effects coming from the base's various searchlights and other light sources. (The inclusion of everyone's favorite canvas for lighting effects, wet pavement, certainly helps.) The game is no slouch on the Xbox One, running just as smoothly and with all the same effects, though it isn't as sharp as the PS4 and has an unsightly screen door effect in some of its transparent objects. The lower resolution was pretty obvious to me sitting three feet from the TV on my desk, but in my living room at home the difference was minimal enough to be barely noticeable. Each platform has an exclusive, quirky side mission that ties into various aspects of the Metal Gear lore, and the Xbox's mission is arguably more interesting than the one you get on the PS4. I'd still lean toward the PS4 version for its overall sharper presentation, but you can't really go wrong with either one.

Ground Zeroes is a strange product, appearing like such a bad deal initially but then more than making up for it with side content you can't access until later. But it looks gorgeous and plays great. If this game really is indicative of what The Phantom Pain is going to offer, there are some good reasons to anticipate Snake's next full outing.

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Edited By Dan_CiTi

@zevvion: there was a speedrun of Gone Home in 47 seconds

and there's a speedrun of Link to the Past in 90 seconds. Gone Home felt like a complete package. It was a neat little game with a decent, touching story and a nice world to mess around in for a few hours and see all its nooks and crannies. It was never couched with anything other than that, except some vague horror allusions.

GZ always felt like a demo. The story was also awful, not even in the usual MGS way, just kind of either boring (taking anything good from PW and doing something stupid with it) or disgusting (the Paz stuff was handled badly, the ending scene made me roll my eyes so hard.)

The gameplay I'm not crazy about either, since everything(level design, AI) seems balanced towards the slo-mo it kind of takes the wind out of my sails as huge MGS fan. As well the alert system I don't like either. Coupled with the fact your weapons and items in it are so just left me feeling lukewarm on Metal Gear as a whole.

Luckily Metal Gear Scanlon has rekindled that(and that Gamescom trailer), thanks Dan & Drew!!

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Strange product indeed. Well written review Brad. Thanks.

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@zevvion: there was a speedrun of Gone Home in 47 seconds

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@sanious: You raise some valid points, but at its core it all comes down to the expectations you have and what is delivered. I haven't been following this title closely, so I do not know how big they presented this. If they presented it larger than it is, as you said, then that was a marketing error on their part indeed. But to me, what matters is what is in front of me. It should be to everyone. Not what you expect. You can be disappointed, sure. But I believe the length of the game was known long before it launched. You could've canceled your pre-order if you made one for instance.

I truly do not know if this game is an attempt to get more money. A DLC pack released before the game is out, if you will. Only the people at Konami know the answer to that. But it seems to me like they are just trying to get some MGSV into your hands since it is still a long wait. I believe their intent is to just please fans. Of course, I cannot know that for sure.

I'm not saying you should just accept everything a developer does, but as far as I can see, if you really like Metal Gear, then it's pretty cool that you get to play a bit of MGSV long before it releases at 30 dollars. As I made the comparison before, I think 30 dollars for something of this length doesn't seem too crazy to me.

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Edited By Sanious

@zevvion said:

@sanious said:

@arch4non said:

Ground Zeroes is a very poor value for anyone who isn't an absolute Metal Gear fanatic starving for something which sort of plays like a Metal Gear game. It's a shameless cash grab, a polished up tech demo released as a full game. If it wasn't for the brand name everyone would be condemning it.

My younger brother has been a huge fan of the series for years and was very disappointed. I have not played it myself and wont be unless it goes on sale.

I honestly find the price point high and at $30 bucks, it isn't even half of a full retail game (when it comes to content). Seeing the price point makes me feel like I am paying for the name itself more than anything.

I'm seeing this viewpoint a lot. But I remember Gone Home being a cult hit more or less. It was as short as Ground Zeroes is, if not shorter. There is absolutely nothing to do after you beat Gone Home, whereas Ground Zeroes offers some replay value.

I believe Gone Home was 20 bucks? I think I may have bought it at 15? Can't really remember. But in the case that one thought Gone Home was a good value, Ground Zeroes seems like a good value to me as well.

As for me personally, I don't care as much about the length of a game as its quality. So my opinion on the value of it isn't very useful.

I never played Gone Home. So I can't debate why that might be valuable to some while this isn't. One of the problems here is that this was presented as a Prologue, it was presented to be bigger than it actually was. The fact that they lowered the price of the Xbox One/PS4 versions, to me is an indication that they even realized that while still trying to squeeze as much as they could out of it. And even the fact that Kojima felt the need to defend the length of it is another indication.

Also people expect more from Konami and Kojima, people are familiar with the names. It is coming from a company/people who have a series that always packed a punch with each title, then they deliver this, something that was more than likely cut from The Phantom Pain. Which wouldn't be anything new in this current state of gaming.

There is a lot of shitty business practices going on with a lot of publishers that are just looking for ways to make more money. So it shouldn't be surprising to see this reaction. Another company saw a way they could exploit money from loyal fans of a series. This isn't the first time and it won't be the last.

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@sanious said:

@arch4non said:

Ground Zeroes is a very poor value for anyone who isn't an absolute Metal Gear fanatic starving for something which sort of plays like a Metal Gear game. It's a shameless cash grab, a polished up tech demo released as a full game. If it wasn't for the brand name everyone would be condemning it.

My younger brother has been a huge fan of the series for years and was very disappointed. I have not played it myself and wont be unless it goes on sale.

I honestly find the price point high and at $30 bucks, it isn't even half of a full retail game (when it comes to content). Seeing the price point makes me feel like I am paying for the name itself more than anything.

I'm seeing this viewpoint a lot. But I remember Gone Home being a cult hit more or less. It was as short as Ground Zeroes is, if not shorter. There is absolutely nothing to do after you beat Gone Home, whereas Ground Zeroes offers some replay value.

I believe Gone Home was 20 bucks? I think I may have bought it at 15? Can't really remember. But in the case that one thought Gone Home was a good value, Ground Zeroes seems like a good value to me as well.

As for me personally, I don't care as much about the length of a game as its quality. So my opinion on the value of it isn't very useful.

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I like the Metal Gear Series a much as most people, but not enough to spend 30 bucks on a glorified demo of a game not due out until years later.

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Can't wait for MGS5!

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I think it's funny that a lot of people seem to really want to play a Metal Gear game, but aren't willing to play THIS ONE. It seems like every Metal Gear release has this issue. MGS4 is 2.5 hours without cutscenes, and mostly because one section is extremely slow and you have no option to speed it up.

The price issue just seems like a *thing* people are latching on to as an excuse because they are unfamiliar with the series and its history.

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Edited By GaspoweR

@corruptedevil: Yeah if its 2016 then that doesn't too bad considering that it will probably around the same time a "Game of the Year" edition or something similar would probably be also coming out. 2015 is Phantom Pain's release date right? They might end up releasing it in the middle of the year though since I'm guessing the early parts of the year is probably going to be stacked with other games. They might want to get in the time frame either weeks before E3 or after E3.

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Edited By Sanious

@arch4non said:

Ground Zeroes is a very poor value for anyone who isn't an absolute Metal Gear fanatic starving for something which sort of plays like a Metal Gear game. It's a shameless cash grab, a polished up tech demo released as a full game. If it wasn't for the brand name everyone would be condemning it.

My younger brother has been a huge fan of the series for years and was very disappointed. I have not played it myself and wont be unless it goes on sale.

I honestly find the price point high and at $30 bucks, it isn't even half of a full retail game (when it comes to content). Seeing the price point makes me feel like I am paying for the name itself more than anything.

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@axlvandamme: just my interpretation of what he's saying, i found the game to be a great hold over till Phantom Pain, and an amazing business decision by Kojima. but i'm also a huge MGS fan so maybe that makes what im saying invalid.

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@gaspower: be prepared to wait till 2016 at the earliest

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Edited By Saga

I beat this thing in 50 mins.... what a rip off

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Edited By axlvandamme

@jimmyfenix: i think he's talking about how Brad got a free review copy and so doesn't have a clear view of the money/quality balance

I've often thought that about a lot of reviewers, not just Giant Bomb. Gone Home comes to mind also. A $20 game for maybe 2 hours of "gameplay". There just isn't enough value for the content you get for some of these games.

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Fuck you, pre-release shit storm.

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I'll probably going to wait for the inevitable PC version of Metal Gear Solid V that has BOTH Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain. Yeah. :D

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@taku128 said:

@bocam said:

@deusoma said:

It's worth noting the story visits a number of violations on one character in particular that hover somewhere between unpleasant and grotesque. Some of that stuff exists in collectibles, but one in particular is part of the core storyline and is unavoidable.

Were anyone else's eyebrows raised by this bit here? I get that he's being vague to avoid spoilers, but at this level of detail it makes no sense other than to paint a general idea of unpleasantness.

If you don't mind spoilers Brad's referring to the fact that there's gangrape and paedophilia in the collectable tapes

Also vagina bomb.

They put a snuke in her sniz?

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Edited By firecracker22

@arch4non said:

Ground Zeroes is a very poor value for anyone who isn't an absolute Metal Gear fanatic starving for something which sort of plays like a Metal Gear game. It's a shameless cash grab, a polished up tech demo released as a full game. If it wasn't for the brand name everyone would be condemning it.

But...pretty much everyone is.

You'll never get everyone condemning one thing in videogames, unless they're killing puppies or something. So, forget about trying to get everyone on the same page to hate one thing. You'll always get people divided at best, and there's examples of short $20 out on the market that seem to just piss people off simply for existing. But, across the board, Ground Zeroes is getting completely slammed by nearly everyone. This is one of the few reviews I've read where it seems like the short main mission campaign didn't hack the score down significantly.

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i don't really play side missions MGS games i tend to play them for the main story, This game holds little value to me.

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Edited By indieslaw

@lobotomyking: Cool, thank you. I did get to check it out on 360, and my experience was about the same as yours.

So yeah, to anyone wondering about the 360 version, it seems totally solid, good looking, etc. I'd expect the same or better from PS3 for this one, but who knows?

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Edited By LobotomyKing

@indieslaw: if it still matters to you the 360 version ran really well (at 30 fps consistently) even when things got a little hairy and it still managed to be one of the best looking games for the console. the problem with it is the draw distance the fine details for everything are drawn out about 2 feet away from you. I imagine its the same with the ps3, but I don't own it so I can't be sure. You are right, brad should have said something.

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Edited By melodiousj

@bkbroiler said:

@deerokus said:

@bkbroiler said:

I still don't get why people are calling a 30 dollar game pricey. The fervor over this game's value confuses me.

They're calling it pricey because it's extremely expensive. Put it this way. I live in the UK, where it actually costs $40. Someone working a minimum wage job would have to spend four hours' wages on the game. They would spend twice as long working to buy the game as the game takes to play!

Also the vast majority of full AAA games can be had for the same price or less on PC.

PC games are released for $60 here. Eventually they drop, but so does every game.

In my opinon if someone's complaining about the price of games you should stop buying video games. It's an expensive medium, you need to have $400 consoles and $700 TV to even play this 30 dollar game. YOU NEED MONEY TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES.

No one has to play video games. Now, let me go out to take some photos and complain about the prices of camera lenses.

I suspect you're being facetious, but honestly, the proposition of paying $400 in order to then pay $30-$60 for subsequent content in order to avoid having the initial $400 feel like a waste of money has most definitely had an impact on my buying and playing habits.

As for Ground Zeroes specifically, I think it speaks to the fact that replayability is a bit of a wildcard when talking about value. Most gamers simply don't want to play a short game over and over again until they S-Rank it on expert, even when the game is clearly designed to reward players who do, and that dramatically changes the value proposition.

If someone is only going to play the game once or twice and then move on, then $30 becomes a bit harder to justify.

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Edited By Food

This is what I do if I think a game is too expensive:

1) Don't buy it.

2) Play one of the 3058228302 un-played games sitting in my steam library.

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@bkbroiler said:

@deerokus said:

@bkbroiler said:

I still don't get why people are calling a 30 dollar game pricey. The fervor over this game's value confuses me.

They're calling it pricey because it's extremely expensive. Put it this way. I live in the UK, where it actually costs $40. Someone working a minimum wage job would have to spend four hours' wages on the game. They would spend twice as long working to buy the game as the game takes to play!

Also the vast majority of full AAA games can be had for the same price or less on PC.

PC games are released for $60 here. Eventually they drop, but so does every game.

In my opinon if someone's complaining about the price of games you should stop buying video games. It's an expensive medium, you need to have $400 consoles and $700 TV to even play this 30 dollar game. YOU NEED MONEY TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES.

No one has to play video games. Now, let me go out to take some photos and complain about the prices of camera lenses.

People are complaining that the value of a thing does not match what is being charged, not that the price of all games are too high, value is relative, so its a little snobby to tell anyone to stop buying games because they value them in a different way (if that is actually what you are saying).

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Edited By CaLe

Not enough people are extolling how good it feels to control Big Boss. They absolutely nailed that part this time. Far and above my expectations for a Metal Gear game. The only minor gripe I have is the iron-sight view is a little finicky, but other than that the controls are pure pleasure. You won't get that from any video, and maybe not even in the first few hours with the game. The better you get, the better it feels.

The value thing only applies to people who may pick this up thinking it's a full game or something. I've already put 14 hours into it and there's plenty more I could do, but then that comes back to the controls again because if it played like the previous games I'd have been done after my first play through the main mission. The fact it feels so good is what makes me want to keep playing in order to unlock every little thing.

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@deerokus said:

@bkbroiler said:

I still don't get why people are calling a 30 dollar game pricey. The fervor over this game's value confuses me.

They're calling it pricey because it's extremely expensive. Put it this way. I live in the UK, where it actually costs $40. Someone working a minimum wage job would have to spend four hours' wages on the game. They would spend twice as long working to buy the game as the game takes to play!

Also the vast majority of full AAA games can be had for the same price or less on PC.

PC games are released for $60 here. Eventually they drop, but so does every game.

In my opinon if someone's complaining about the price of games you should stop buying video games. It's an expensive medium, you need to have $400 consoles and $700 TV to even play this 30 dollar game. YOU NEED MONEY TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES.

No one has to play video games. Now, let me go out to take some photos and complain about the prices of camera lenses.

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@deerokus said:

@bkbroiler said:

I still don't get why people are calling a 30 dollar game pricey. The fervor over this game's value confuses me.

They're calling it pricey because it's extremely expensive. Put it this way. I live in the UK, where it actually costs $40. Someone working a minimum wage job would have to spend four hours' wages on the game. They would spend twice as long working to buy the game as the game takes to play!

Also the vast majority of full AAA games can be had for the same price or less on PC.

PC games are released for $60 here. Eventually they drop, but so does every game.

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Edited By deerokus

I still don't get why people are calling a 30 dollar game pricey. The fervor over this game's value confuses me.

They're calling it pricey because it's extremely expensive. Put it this way. I live in the UK, where it actually costs $40. Someone working a minimum wage job would have to spend four hours' wages on the game. They would spend twice as long working to buy the game as the game takes to play!

Also the vast majority of full AAA games can be had for the same price or less on PC.

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Edited By bkbroiler

I still don't get why people are calling a 30 dollar game pricey. The fervor over this game's value confuses me.

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4 stars? I understand, but if Kojima-san continues in this track I can willingly sell a bit of my soul for Phantom Pain, GOTY? I think it will be a game of the decade.

He paints with a very specific brush filled with feelings, satire, politics, cheeky humor, cinematography and very cool art designs. So either you like or you don't.

I highly recommend playing this, try it at a friends house or something, I got one friend hooked already :).

The technology is magnificent, truly the first next-gen game I've seen and it will only get better from there.

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so damn good, but so short and

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Edited By arch4non

Ground Zeroes is a very poor value for anyone who isn't an absolute Metal Gear fanatic starving for something which sort of plays like a Metal Gear game. It's a shameless cash grab, a polished up tech demo released as a full game. If it wasn't for the brand name everyone would be condemning it.

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Edited By NTM

@dan_citi said:

I actually found myself getting spotted more often in this than in previous games because it so open, usually in past MGS games you can scope out your terrain and where all the enemies can be, but here that's a lot harder. It's not necessarily bad, but it was frustrating as well because there really isn't any where or way to hide either.

No, trust me, I had this problem too; while it's not a hard game, it's just a harder game to master than previous MGS'. In a few hours of playing and getting it, you'll be sneaking and feeling as though you're really in Snake's shoes, just as you have done before, granted this actually feels better than the previous ones. I think it's unfortunate some aspect from four were taken out, like small things, such as being prone and being able to look and aim over an edge. You can also definitely hide.

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Edited By NTM
@deusoma said:

It's worth noting the story visits a number of violations on one character in particular that hover somewhere between unpleasant and grotesque. Some of that stuff exists in collectibles, but one in particular is part of the core storyline and is unavoidable.

Were anyone else's eyebrows raised by this bit here? I get that he's being vague to avoid spoilers, but at this level of detail it makes no sense other than to paint a general idea of unpleasantness.

Well, rape, and um, bomb in vagina. I'll just say that.

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Had to go to four different stores and finally found it at a second Wal-Mart for PS4. Loved the game and side missions.

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Edited By TheManiacsGnome

@me3639 said:

@brad said:

@me3639 said:

DLC content for $30 is a rip off. But how would you know from someone who paid zero.

If you don't trust us to weigh the value proposition of the games we review, why are you even here?

To be that one voice of reason.

Someone's a little full of themselves.

A little? But hey, people who play games on the internet have a nasty habit of getting high on themselves.

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I beat it in under 2 hours, but it was fun ride. The extra content will keep you busy. I found the side-missions to be challenging. I'm playing them all over so I can S rank.

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@scotto said:

@heycalvero said:

Just another left-trigger-right-trigger. (but not really)

That argument was so bad all around. Jeff kept haranguing Brad over details that just didn't matter, but Brad was making weird generalizations about shooters at the same time.

It was the weirdest. They were both so clearly right and wrong, almost not even discussing the same thing and somehow managed to get kinda worked up. Obviously that podcast lacked Dave Lang, the truest voice of reason.

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By some weird and hilarious coincidence I was actually listening to the Thisyearcollection for the Bombcasts of 2012, and the announcement of Ground Zeroes was included. During that conversation, Brad spent several minutes complaining about how he assumed this would be a waste of time and that he didn't really want to play any more Metal Gear games. And turns out he ended up enjoying it quite a bit!

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@me3639 said:

@brad said:

@me3639 said:

DLC content for $30 is a rip off. But how would you know from someone who paid zero.

If you don't trust us to weigh the value proposition of the games we review, why are you even here?

To be that one voice of reason. Same with Titanfall, as with this game, while they are good IMO they are not worth the price of admission and are highly overpriced. Thousands of games are released every year and just because 20 games get the most coverage doesnt mean they are the best.

Also, i dont trust anyone in the media, only sheep follow.

So will your next comment be how we should all be sensitive to one another?


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@adaptor said:

"Xbox One [...] has an unsightly screen door effect in some of its transparent objects."

Xbox One is secretly an Occulus Rift?
