
The Giant Beastcast: Episode 27

We gather up to give thanks to all the emails we received for this special episode. Of course, it wouldn't truly be a holiday without some controversy so we've brought a side dish of that too!

The Giant Bomb East team gathers to talk about the week in video games, their lives, and basically anything that interests them. All from New York City!

Nov. 27 2015

Posted by: Vinny

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Re discussion of DOAX3: I love Vinny.

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Edited By AMyggen

@duffyside said:
@landon said:

Why do they insist that only the government has the power to censor something? I even looked up the Oxford definition of censorship and nothing in the description says anything about governments only being able to do it.

Because "censorship" is rightfully a very ugly word, and they don't want their political side to be affiliated with it. So they do backflips to try and twist things, and then double-down by condescending to anyone who dares argue with them.

You can bet though that if the ability to have a gay relationship in Mass Effect were suddenly missing following outrage from right-wing religious groups, the words "censorship" and "censor" would be plastered all over the place.

If people were using "censorship" and "censor" in that context they would be as wrong as people who are using it here. I would call that a bullshit decision, but I wouldn't call it censorship because it isn't. Who's censoring them?

As for the Oxford definition:

"The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are consideredobscene, politicallyunacceptable, or a threat to security:"

Someone has to do the "suppression". If a company decides to change something because they think it will sell better/be received better/whatever, you have to reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally stretch that definition to get it to fall under "censorship".

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@thatpinguino: definitely man.

Some people never let facts get in the way of their beliefs. The mental gymnastics they have to do to continue to rationalize those beliefs is simply incredible to behold sometimes.

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Edited By sciential

@slag: This is a denial that the CM post represents the official position of KT but not a denial that it is true.

We do know that KT regularly publishes low-volume games in North America. We know that a developer CM said it was due to the media environment.

It reads to me like a classic gaffe where someone was stupid enough to say the truth out loud.

You're right that we don't really know the reason but this only weakens my evidence. The "not enough sales" folks still have essentially no evidence and yet seem entirely confident in the thing that is convenient for them.

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Edited By Wildali

@roundlay: Yeah, aMyggen is clearly a NeoGAF poster, which is fine. And I will agree with him insomuch that there are indeed a few solid posters over there trying to have civilized discussion. But folks like that are far outweighed by the sheer mass of career trolls and general haters that sunk that place to its current state.

I must admit, I also hate what NeoGAF has finally become. I remember reading a post about the Killer Instinct 3 leak a good 18 months before the E3 announcement. I thank NeoGAF for that moment. I also remember reading about a Nintendo DS 'launch price drop' that sounded literally insane...then it actually happened like a week later. Back then, NeoGAF was loaded with legit insiders, easily over a dozen of them...maybe more. So many members of the gaming press, game developers, hell, even the CEOs of both Sony & Microsoft had presence there. At its prime, Naughty Dog was making custom emotes for that site.

Now the place is a barren wasteland, in terms of legit leaks. The only regulars in the business there now seem to be viral marketers, shilling their wares and such. Naughty Dog is more likely to tell anyone within earshot to "don't listen to NeoGAF" at GDC, than render out Antonio Banderas in-joke GIFs as goodwill.

For my fourth paragraph, I will end with this: Neogaf was an amazing gaming forum, one of the best ever to have existed. Emphasis on the word WAS. Which makes it even harder to see what it is become now. I'll just quote a random dude from Reddit and say that Neogaf is like the "Republican Tea Party of Gaming forums". I used to think that line was blatantly extremist; lately I find myself hopping on that guy's bandwagon...