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    Space Invaders Extreme

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Feb 21, 2008

    Get totally hella wicked extreme in this updated take on Space Invaders, which adds a combo system, boss battles, and a lot of bass-heavy electronic music.

    dum41's Space Invaders Extreme (PlayStation Portable) review

    Avatar image for dum41

    REVIEW - Space Invaders

    Remember Space Invaders? It was great wasn’t it? Shooting white-coloured aliens as they come closer and closer at accelerating speeds. Over and over. It was great, wasn’t it?

    Yeah, 30 years ago. But the year is 2008, people, and we deserve a new transformation of Space Invaders. One that will bring in young gamers but will trigger the nostolgia of old gamers.

    The new one is part of the 30th Anniversary for Space Invaders, and is a perfect addition to the aging series. Think of this game as the ‘Pac-Man Championship Edition‘ of Space Invaders. It invigorates the style and gameplay while also keeping the core elements intact. You still slide from side to side and you still shoot invaders that are coming towards you. But now, they can reflect shots back at you, become almost impossibly thin, become gigantic, or even split up into many invaders after they take a shot.

    Its not only the invaders that get special powers, however. The player also gets a whole bunch of power-ups. These include a big laser beam that engulfs everything it touches, a gun that shoots multiple lasers, one that shoots giant bombs, and another that gives you a temporary shield.

    There are also these sequences in which you have specific tasks, such as shoot down X number of invaders in this time span, and if you complete them you will get special bonuses, such as extended power-ups.

    All these new things, coupled with good ol’ Space Invaders, means for a fresh new game that you’ll enjoy for years to come.


    Other reviews for Space Invaders Extreme (PlayStation Portable)

      Space Invaders Extreme's extremely late review! 0

      Space Invaders Extreme certainly plays like an extreme version of the 1978 classic shooter. To enjoy this game however, you have to enjoy old school shooters, be slightly masochistic  (though I suppose those go hand in hand), and you also have to have a high tolerance for trippy colors and flashy effects.     At first glance, this game might just seem like a highly stylized version of Space Invaders. You’re still on the bottom of the screen, they’re still on the top, and coming downward to ruin ...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

      The Invasion Is Somewhat Extreme 0

      Space Invaders Extreme takes the classic arcade game and gives new shinny graphics, smooth animations, boss fights and some cool new weapon upgrades.If you played the original game you will recognize your enemies instantly (even the flying saucers are back). Although they are similar looking, the aliens now come in many colors and shooting four of the same one in a roll you give you a power-up that corresponds to their color. You will also notice the absence of the defense bunkers, but you will ...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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