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    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Feb 25, 2016

    A puzzling first-person shooter in which time only progresses when the player moves.

    toastburner_b's Superhot (PC) review

    Avatar image for toastburner_b


    Hello Random Person On The Internet I Shall Call Friend. You should check this game out, it is the most innovative shooter I have played in years.

    ...Okay, now that I got that out of the way, let's get real here.

    Getting the elephant in the room out of the way here: Yes, SUPERHOT is a short game. I completed the campaign mode in about 2 hours. For a game that is regularly $25 (I picked it up when it was on sale for $20), I can see that being a hard sale. If you are the type who wants to get some playtime out of their buck, then your enjoyment of this game will heavily rely some post-game stuff, namely Endless mode and Challenges. If neither of those sound like your cup of tea, then you may want to wait for SUPERHOT to drop in price a bit more.

    That out of the way, I had a lot of fun with SUPERHOT. The "time moves when you do" mechanic works great. With that giving you the time you need to plan moves, this game does a great job of making you feel like a complete badass. Shooting one guy, throwing your gun into another dude so he drops his gun, grabbing that gun out of mid-air and blasting him with it never gets old. I enjoyed the graphics, and the enemy models shatter in an extremely satisfying fashion. Around the game-play is an weird little story layer. Dare I say feels somewhat "artsy". But unlike most games that fall into that category, SUPERHOT gets that the weird story stuff is there to spice up solid game-play.

    All told, I give a thumbs up to SUPERHOT. I can see myself coming back to it every now and then to screw around in the Endless modes and whatnot, so I figure sooner or later I'll get my money's worth out of it.


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