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Conquests 8: The Ocho (Games I Beat in 2018)

Wow, this is now my eighth year now making these lists on Giant Bomb. Last year was a much better year for completing games than the previous year for sure. I ended up just shy of 50 games, which is going to be my goal for this year.

I will quote my criteria from previous years.

As with every year I am counting games that I finish the story or campaign mode on, or whatever the equivalent may be. In some cases a game may not have a story mode, so I will count it if I finish every achievement or goal. In the case of some pinball machines (on Pinball Arcade) I will count them if I finish every standard and wizard goal. I will also count a game beat if I put a ton of time into it if it has no way of finishing it.

Previous Years Lists

List items

  • Well I guess I started this year with one I have already previously beaten, but this time around it was on the Xbox One rather than Steam. No matter how many times I play this game I don't get tired of it.

    This was my game of the year in 2016 and continues to be one of my favorite games in years.

  • Finished this one on veteran on the Xbox One. Every year, despite what I may feel about the multiplayer portion of the Call of Duty series, I always enjoy playing through the campaign. This one was no different as I quite enjoyed my time with it, but I do think it was weaker than the previous few games have been.

  • Got this one on sale for a couple of bucks on the Xbox One. This is a puzzle game that involves changing colored orbs by clicking on them to try and make them all the same, similar to the classic Lights Out game. It is a pretty short and average game. Unless you want to get 1,000 achievement points in about 20 minutes I would maybe pass this one up.

  • Man, what a game this was. It took me quite a lot of hours to play through it but it was worth it for sure. I do have to say for about half of this game I was not really enjoying the combat, but once I started unlocking weapons and skills I grew to like it more. Where this game really shines however is in the writing. The storytelling was just so good, I can't wait for a sequel to this. I wish I had played it earlier because it would have made my GOTY list for sure.

  • Another easy achievement Xbox One game. It is a pretty minimalist platforming game that involves trying to just hit all of the buttons. It was a pretty relaxing game that only lasted for maybe 20 minutes or so.

  • I finally got around to playing this one. It went on sale on Xbox One for something like $7 so I figured now would be a good time to finally get it. I got way more hooked on the story than I thought I would initially, and even all the way up until the end of the game I was really digging it. Towards the very end however when the game reveals what it has been building to it kind of hit with a thud rather than a bang. Despite the anti-climactic end, I still enjoyed my brief time with it. Also, it was an easy 1,000 achievement points.

  • Going way back for this one. Actually I played this one on Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 2 on the Xbox One, but I have owned this on Atari 2600 since I was 2 years old. Despite playing this game a lot as a kid I never did finish it as it always confused me. Playing it now I realized how easy it is, but it is still a really interesting game in what it ushered in and how it accomplished what it did on such a basic system.

  • This might just be one of the most disappointing games I have ever finished. I was actually quite excited to play this as I loved both Trials and Far Cry: Blood Dragon. I had foolishly thought this would be mostly just Trials with the setting and theme of Blood Dragon. I couldn't have been more wrong as I feel a good amount of this game is spent running or driving something that is not a bike in any way. I certainly don't come to Trials for poorly controlling on foot and shooting sequences, which this game had in spades. If you are a fan of Trials, just skip this one.

  • Every once in a while achievements make me do embarrassing things, let's just not talk about this. Don't buy this, don't play this, move on.

  • Man, this game is so much fun. I was using this game as my test game for the N64 emulator and ended up playing through the whole thing. I've played this one many hours on the N64 already, but it was a few years since I played through the single player content.

  • This one was on Xbox One as the Return to Arkham collection. It had been quite a while since I played it, but I had previously beaten it on 360 and PC. I still had a ton of fun playing it now and I feel it still holds up quite well. I beat it on hard this time around as I never got around to it previously and it certainly made it more challenging, but still not super hard.

  • I picked up Xbox Game Pass for a month for $1 and noticed this game was available. In typical fighting game fashion I am not good at it, but had fun up until the final boss which was just continuing over and over out of frustration until I finally find some cheap way to beat it.

  • Another fighting game I played using the Xbox Game Pass. While I am still bad at the Soul Calibur games, I tend to have way more fun with them than I do other fighting games. I ended up playing through it multiple times and getting most of the achievements.

  • Yet another game I was able to play thanks to Game Pass. I had my eye on this game since before it was released so this was actually the first Game Pass game I downloaded. I have a fondness for 3D character based platformers dating back to the N64. I had quite a bit of fun with this one, even making sure to collect everything and do everything possible. I certainly had some issues with it, but I do hope they make another one of these.

  • I played this one when it was first released on the 360. This time around I played it on the Xbox One because of Game Pass. This time around I went out of my way to get all of the achievements. The second time around the story still had quite an impact and pulled me in just as much as the first time around.

  • I finally got around to playing Uncharted 4 and I was not disappointed. Despite hearing that this game was mediocre, I thought it was excellent and had a blast through the whole experience.

  • Another game I played thanks to Xbox One Game Pass. I thought this game was fun, but I didn't like it enough to keep playing after I beat it.

  • Decided to pick this one up on the Xbox One as a part of the ACA Neo Geo series. I had never played this one before I got it here, but I am a sucker for old school beat 'em ups. Just like most other beat 'em ups from this era I quite enjoyed my time with it, and will probably play through it multiple times before the year is over.

  • Another ACA Neo Geo game on the Xbox One that I picked up. What is there to really say about the original Metal Slug? I have always loved this game, especially the art style and sound. I even ended up getting all of the achievements in this game, and played through it multiple times in one sitting because I had so much fun.

  • Boy, this one sure is a bummer now with the closure of Telltale. I really loved the story of this one and am sad that there will not be another game in the series despite the ending setting up for one.

  • Finished this one on the Capcom Beat 'em Up Bundle compilation on the Xbox One.

  • I took a small break from the Beat 'em Ups in the Capcom Beat 'em Up Bundle to play...another brawler. This time I went with the Turtles in Time arcade version while setting up and testing LaunchBox. This is the first time I was able to play through the entirety of the game with four players as well.

  • Played through this one again while setting up my LaunchBox. I forgot how much I love this game. If you like puzzle games at all you should play this one, and stay away from that more recent mobile game.

  • Believe it or not this is actually the first time that I can remember ever beating this game. I have played it many many times in the past, but I honestly usually lose interest a couple levels in and play something else. This time around I picked it up on the Xbox One (360 BC) for $0.99 and decided to give it another go. I played it online this time and ended up beating it. I didn't realize just how short this game is, but it is still just as...meh as ever.

  • I finally just got around to playing this game. I had started but not finished both Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain. For some reason though this one clicked with me right away. Despite me hearing a lot of negative before going in, I REALLY liked my time with this one. I am even planning on playing it again and making some different choices.

  • I just couldn't help myself after seeing Jeff play this game. These first few Tony Hawk games are some of my favorite of all time. I have always played the PlayStation version, but this time around went with the Dreamcast version since I had never played it. The port is actually quite good, but rather than use a Dreamcast controller I emulated it and played it with an Xbox One controller. I found it quite funny how often I tried to manual in this game, the entire time.

  • What better game to come after Tony Hawk's Pro Skater than Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2? Once again I went with the Dreamcast version since I had always previously played through the PlayStation version. I noticed some weird stuff with this port like manuals not wanting to always work, but otherwise it seemed like a good version. I have probably put more time in to this game than most games, and immediately upon starting it I fell right back in like I had never stopped. One of the best games ever made in my opinion, and one I will go back to over and over again. This one improved on the first game in so many amazing ways it holds up completely.

  • Looks like I went right in on the third game. This time around I went with the classic PS2 version. I love this game so much and after going back to it after probably a decade it still holds up just as well. At one point I actually had the number 2 world record score for this game and when playing it all those lines and combos just came right back like riding a bike. This is still by far my favorite game in the entire series.

  • I beat this game last year on the Disney Afternoon Collection, but this time around I went back and played it on the original NES. No matter how many times I play through this game I always get a big hit of nostalgia and have a ton of fun playing it.