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    50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Feb 24, 2009

    Join 50 Cent and the G-Unit as they swear, ramp and rocket-launch their way around an unnamed Middle Eastern country in order to find out the answer to one specific question: "Where my skull?"

    thrawnkkar's 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360) review

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    50 Cent BOTS

     Im finding writing a review of 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand exceedingly difficult. On one hand this game is
    the very definition of mediocre. The level design is repetitive, the graphics are nearly as bad as a launch
    title for the 360 and the character models and vehicle models are atrocious.

    Yet for some reason I love this game, there’s this secret sauce in this games mix that leaves me enjoying
    it immensely. There’s a sense of self awareness that permeates this title that allows it to get away
    with the stupid things it does. What could have been a self centered overly serious platform for a self
    centered overly serious artist to push his brand, instead turned into what I have to label as the definition
    of video game camp.

    The game starts with 50 Cent finishing up a rap concert in some unnamed middle eastern country (while
    wearing a bullet proof vest, grenades and camouflage) only to be told that the organizer for the event
    doesn’t have the money to pay him.

    This is the only example I will need to give you for you to have an idea of what this game is like; after
    being told this, 50 Cent, with out missing a beat, reaches off screen while still walking off stage, brings
    into frame a 12 gauge shot gun and says, “lets get muh money.”

    No exposition, no lead up, no real reason why he is strapped with grenades and a member of his posse
    just happens to roll with a 12 gauge at 50s concerts. We are lead to expect that the world this concert
    takes place in all these facts are common place.

    Things only get stranger from that point on, in lieu of payment the organizer offers 50 a priceless skull
    of some woman (not important, like nearly every aspect of this games story) covered in diamonds, he
    accepts it and then it is immediately stolen in a street ambush. Of course when this ambush happens, 50
    jumps from his vehicle with an assault rifle and in an action movie series of quick cuts kills everyone on
    the street.

    What really helps to keep this over the top story from ruining the experience is that there is a
    technically competent 3rd person shooter under the hood. Shooting feels solid, the guns have a real
    sense of impact to them and the cover system for the most part snaps to what you want it to snap to.

    The game also offers Co-Op which allows a friend of yours to join in as a member of G-Unit. However
    there is no further multiplayer option to be found. Though the thought of having eighteen 50 Cents
    running around gunning each other down screaming about finding their skullz would be appealing to

    I don’t know if 50 Cent knew when this game was being made that the reason it would appeal
    to so many was how stupid it was, but even so he should be proud of how fun it turned out. Any
    short comings this game may have both technically and mechanically are very easily over come by
    the shear fun of running around as a Rapper in some country mowing down hundreds of people
    screaming “WHERES MUH SKULL!” Poetry.

    Other reviews for 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360)

      Just Ridiculous and Fun 0

      50 Cent has made a reputation of being shot 9 times and surviving. Don't believe me, just ask him. But putting all those thoughts aside, he has made millions in marketing himself and his Vitamin Water. (In stores now)Vitamin Water: In Stores now!!!You Play as 50 cent, and you are pissed. After playing your concert in an Unknown Middle East Country... Probably the same one that Call of Duty 4 takes place, who knows. You realize you did not get paid. Oh those crazy concert promoters dont know who ...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Fuck this fuckin' shit 0

      50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is the quintessential middle-of-the-road game. On one end, the gameplay is serviceable but relatively uninteresting. On the other end, the action and dialogue are incredibly over-the-top and hilarious, providing many entertaining moments. The result falls in the middle of these two extremes, making Blood on the Sand a game that's surprisingly hard to recommend one way or the other.50 Cent: Blood on the Sand's gameplay is very similar to other cover based shooters such ...

      3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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