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Star Wars 1313 Looks Real, Real Good

Just talking graphics here, but it's a safe bet you haven't seen many games operating on this sort of technical level before.

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The game that seems to be getting the most buzz here at E3 all of a sudden is Star Wars 1313, and there's a good reason it's grabbing a bunch of headlines: it looks absolutely goddamn amazing. I'm not blowing hyperbolic smoke, just making a quantitative statement about the kind of raw visual fidelity LucasArts is achieving by adapting a bunch of Industrial Light and Magic's film-industry rendering techniques and throwing them at the best PC hardware you can get right now. Lucas is being all cagey about when this game is coming out and what platforms it will actually sell on, but it's obvious that the demo on display at the show is targeted at machines a hell of a lot more powerful than the ones in your home right now.

Reading a lot of effusive language about nice video game graphics is kind of boring, right? Instead, here's a pretty good cross-section of the demo being shown at E3 so you can just get an idea for yourself how good the game looks. The craziest part about this footage is how much detail you can't see simply due to the compression in the video. Seeing this thing running in person, the natural look of the lighting, character skin and so on is pushing the graphical quality near the level of photorealism. It's absolutely something else to see when the camera goes in close and you can barely tell that the guy you're looking at is a video game character. (That has as much to do with the advanced performance capture LucasArts is doing in collaboration with ILM as it does with advanced pixel shaders and camera effects.)

Actually, forget the graphics. There's other stuff about 1313 to get excited about, primarily the fact that everything about its aesthetic and tone made it feel like the prequel trilogy doesn't exist, and that this is based directly on the original movies. It reminded me of that wonderful heyday of Star Wars PC games in the '90s that included stuff like X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and Dark Forces, purely due to things like classic-looking costume and spaceship design, and the focus on telling a unique story with new characters in some unknown corner of the Star Wars universe (in this case, the seedy criminal underworld of the city-planet Coruscant). The people making this game want to steep it in a moral grey area, rather than the black and white morality that goes along with the jedi in the movies. Come to think of it, the phrase "no jedi, no Force" was used in the demo I saw, and I'm perfectly fine with that. It's time for something else. Something with more blasters and more attitude!

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The playable demo of 1313 being shown here paints the game as Star Wars Uncharted, split as it is between cover-based third-person shooting against mercenaries boarding the player character's ship, and the sort of superhuman climbing and gymnastics that you see Nathan Drake engaging in on a regular basis. That might sound more reductive than it should--I'd be perfectly happy to play a well executed game like that, if the story is on point. Though, I do hope the full game has some more potential for exploration at some point.

In any case, LucasArts really stepped it up at what's honestly been a bland E3 overall, coming in with a demo that's extremely impressive largely because it's utterly different in at least one respect from everything else at the show. It's a tantalizing glimpse at what the next generation of hardware might offer, and it makes me hopeful that there might once again be a Star Wars game worth getting legitimately excited about in the not-so-faraway future.

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Edited By Humanity

@doobie said:

@Humanity said:


@Tanstaafl said:

Really this is supposed to blow me away? I've seen games look about this good on my pc right now without it breaking a sweat.. I'm a bit disappointed.. though at least I know I'll be able to run "next gen" games no problem.

Name one of those games.

Well Witcher 2 for one. I'm not really saying HEY MAN pc games rock and you console kiddies ain't got a clue - but I do think this a case of unwarranted Brad obsession where he will champion this title to no end. I think it looks neat but it hasn't seemingly done anything we haven't seen before so I can't understand where Brad is coming from.

can you please post or link to a video of the witcher 2 that looks as good as that video.

If you say this doesn't look anywhere near as good as that Star Wars video then I dunno I'm not gonna argue with you about it but I think you're crazy. You can see every little rock in the road, all the chinks in his chainmail etc - it's extremely detailed and when you watch the 1313 video the ground has a texture but it's pretty flat. I'm not saying the Star Wars video looks BAD by any means just that yah it's good looking but nothing that took my breath away - I thought the gameplay, the whole 1 minute basically they showed of it, looked FUN to play though.

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Edited By SupberUber

This video actually didn't impress me at all, and it's not me trying to be kewl either. After Uncharted 3, this doesn't look that different. Maybe a direct feed HD video would help uncover a massive amount of small details that makes it all stand out that much more, I don't know. But right now I don't see what the fuss is about.

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Edited By cikame

I figure it's easy to be attracted by graphics, till you realise what's being rendered is in a very small space.

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Edited By Nomin

Even if this is slated by the time the next console cycle launches, it will also be released on current gen.

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Edited By LaserLambert

cool, I guess. But I am done with Star Wars.

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Edited By vonFlampanker

Gonk Droid: The Game. YOU are the cover system.

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Edited By RedRocketWestie

I'm not sure what it is about this game that shields it from the 3rd-person-cover-based-shooter fatigue. I see nothing special about it except for the Star Wars license. Sure, the graphics look sharp, but not astoundingly better than any other AAA title. I just don't understand why Watch Dogs is disappointing for including 3rd person shooting, but this is super exciting.

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Edited By punkycrisps

I know I'm kinda late to the party, but with respect to the "I do hope the full game has some more potential for exploration" part, during the interview vid posted for this game the dev guy said that he's hoping to deliver a "linear, tightly crafted and authored roller coaster ride" with the bounty hunter "toolkit" being the way players can make their own experience unique. That just sounds like lots of pre-scripted spectacle (which does look really, really good here) with a nod to 'creativity' by giving players a few different ways to take down the enemies they face. Not the most interesting experience to me, but something I'll still want to pay attention to as it comes closer to release in the next 18+ months (guessing).

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Edited By Tanstaafl

@Brad: @Brad said:

@Tanstaafl said:

Really this is supposed to blow me away? I've seen games look about this good on my pc right now without it breaking a sweat.. I'm a bit disappointed.. though at least I know I'll be able to run "next gen" games no problem.

No you haven't.

Sorry Brad and anyone else I may have been a bit dismissive of. I feel like I was a bit harsh before. I think it's because I was really a bit underwhelmed from the build up. Not to take anything away from the game. It does look great I just figured great for a next gen console would hopefully look like something I couldn't imagine my computer handling. Witcher 2 is a good example of how good pc game can look right now, another good example would be gta4 with some of the more impressive graphics mods installed. I'm sure a true HD video would be more impressive then the trailer I saw and the game itself looks like a lot of fun, I love the style and bringing back some of the joy I had with Jedi Knight would be fantastic.

Sorry I started a mini war :-)

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Edited By Undeadpool

Game looks (visually) better than Watch Dogs, which somehow the entire community latched onto as an OBVIOUS next-gen game (it's not), so frankly this looks comparatively great. And frankly Brad qualifies that it looks way better in person, but I know, it's more important to race to the bottom of the affected apathy race.

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Edited By Lava

This is a Star Wars game I can be excited about. We need something awesome after the crash and burn that the Force Unleashed games were. This looks awesome! If they have been working on it for a while it would be really cool to see this as like a release title for a PS4 or Xbox 720. High quality release titles are what those consoles will need to take off.

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Edited By PJ

@Nomin said:

Even if this is slated by the time the next console cycle launches, it will also be released on current gen.

If so, then it will be incredibly scaled down graphics wise. The 360 and PS3 can't handle that level of graphics at all. It wouldn't surprise me if this doesn't come to this gen of consoles since adapting this new tech for consoles that have such a difference in horsepower between this and the next generation of consoles will take al ot of work. And LucasArts haven't had a big hit in a while so i doubt they are that keen on putting in that much more money on making their technical marvel look shittier. Not to mention having a poorer looking version will take away from the next-gen one and people will more likely go for the 360/PS3 version since history has shown us that games that come out on two different generations of consoles, that the one for the older tech is usually more feature packed.

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Edited By SejsCube

"No jedi, no force"

I am SUPER okay with this. At first blush this looks like something I might be able to get excited about.

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Edited By Brewmaster_Andy

@MeAuntieNora: Are you just TRYING to sound pretentious?

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Edited By Hunkulese

Don't you hate it when you open an article and see that it has no first comment, only to relies that you left the page open long enough that there is totaly already comments? {leaving the original comment here to own up to how much of a douchey comment it was}

EDIT: OT: I still don't really understand what makes Star Wars separate from other sci-fi IPs beyond the whole force and lightsabers...that being said I wonder what they'll do if the next generation of consoles can't run any of these "next gen" games.

Star Wars is Fantasy not Science Fiction.
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Edited By Redsox44

If this and Watch Dogs is how next gen games will look than I don't know how any of you can be disappointed, yes The Witcher 2 and some other games already look amazing on some PCs but I don't know why you expect the next consoles to blow away what current PCs can do. I'll be extremely happy if I get to play many more games that look as good as The Witcher 2 next gen on my xbox or playstation. If you want the most bleeding edge you can still buy the most advanced PC hardware coming out that only a handful of games utilize, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you're obviously in a niche of the gaming community as whole.

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Edited By Fascismo

Am I the only one who didn't have to pick their jaw up off the floor? I remember LOSING IT when I saw the first gameplay demo of the original Gears of War. Eventually, I'm sure that game will come, but this seems more like a Dark Sector than a Gears 1.

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Edited By smokepants

All this fuss over a game that will probably score in the 7's when it's released.

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Edited By prestonhedges

@Hunkulese said:


Don't you hate it when you open an article and see that it has no first comment, only to relies that you left the page open long enough that there is totaly already comments? {leaving the original comment here to own up to how much of a douchey comment it was}

EDIT: OT: I still don't really understand what makes Star Wars separate from other sci-fi IPs beyond the whole force and lightsabers...that being said I wonder what they'll do if the next generation of consoles can't run any of these "next gen" games.

Star Wars is Fantasy not Science Fiction.

Science fiction is technically an offshoot of fantasy.

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Edited By Nevi

I don't see why people are getting so blown away by 1313, and I really don't get the way people are bandwagoning praise onto it like a case of mass hysteria.

Maybe this is an issue with watching the video over the internet and it is more impressive when you see it in person, but people are acting like this is the 1995 N64 tech demos or the 2003 Halo 2 demo. More importantly than the graphical fidelity, the content appears to be Star Wars trying to be Uncharted. Well, I love Uncharted, but Star Wars remains dead to me and this just does not inspire me.

I do not think this looks "next gen". Perhaps some people are so desperate for PS3/720 that they are seeing a level of technology where there is none, like with the reaction to Watch Dogs?

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Edited By MeatSim

I just really want a solid new Star Wars game even if it is just Star Wars Uncharted.

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Edited By umdesch4

If they wanted to make this a "mature themed" Star Wars game that was deeply satisfying, they'd give you the option to torture, and eventually kill Jar Jar Binks in the most graphic, brutal, and gruesome way imaginable.

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Edited By umdesch4

@gladspooky said:

Science fiction is technically an offshoot of fantasy.

I suppose, if by that you mean in the same way that creationism is science.

Edit: I won't be deleting this comment, but I realize re-reading it a few minutes later that it contains a level of snark that was probably undeserved. I'd like to semi-retract it and instead say I disagree, and think there is a legitimate difference between fantasy and sci-fi, and saying one is an offshoot of the other is debatable.

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Edited By Levio

Star Wars is a boring IP that hasn't had novel content in years.

But people keep paying to see the same SW characters have the same fights over and over, so of course Lucas is going to keep making SW games till the end of time.

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@Nevi: because it is new and it is polished. Remember "new is always better"

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Edited By Judge_Dredd

Anybody else bored of hiding behind a box and shooting at guys? I know Gears of War is popular, but sheesh, I prefer the third person shooters where moving is what's encouraged.

The aesthetic is great, the gameplay looks mindnumbing.

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Edited By somethingdumb

@Judge_Dredd: I'm holding onto the hope that they showed a shooting sequence because it's a trailer and its TO GET PEOPLE WAY PUMPED. There's a real chance that shooting won't be as important as this short video suggests.

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Edited By shishkebab09

Uncharted in space! I'm down, but it's not nearly as groundbreaking as The Last of Us or Watch Dogs as far as being talked about as one of the best shows at E3.

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Edited By Meowshi

Am I the only one bummed by the fact that there won't be any Jedi? Frankly, I think a game where you play a simple bounty hunter, trying to outrun superhuman space monks with laser swords would be thrilling. They are so much more powerful than you, that the boss battles would be incredible. You take away the appeal of Jedi from Star Wars, and it just isn't that original of an idea. I'm a little worried.

@somethingdumb said:

@Judge_Dredd: I'm holding onto the hope that they showed a shooting sequence because it's a trailer and its TO GET PEOPLE WAY PUMPED. There's a real chance that shooting won't be as important as this short video suggests.

It's a game about bounty hunters. Shooting will clearly be the main gameplay component.

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Edited By TrashMustache

I honestly don't think this looks impressive, besides graphics set in space always look better, especially if they feature lots of neon.

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Edited By hardrockin006

@ThePhantomStranger: What separates Star Wars from other Sci-Fi IPs is the fact that it can be hardly considered science fiction given most of the things that make up the core of Star Wars. It is a space opera/fantasy in the vein of fantasy fiction

On Topic - I love the fact that the article points out that this looks like something that would have come out before the prequels. I loved Dark Forces and initially lost interest in the series when they made Kyle a Jedi (granted Jedi Knight II is a sweet game).

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Edited By Cubical

Starwars 1313 is only running unreal engine 3.5 and this is what unreal engine 3 stuff looks like on non console noob hardware when it is not held back. it looks like ass on consoles. you ask people at e3 and they will tell you what the engine is for star wars 1313 epics booth is only to happy to tell people it is unreal engine 3.5 and update that uses dx11 code.

and the sparks cloth and other effects is done with nvidas hardware physx AKA the effects console noobs do not get they are on the PC versions not the console noob versions.

Oh and all the old ass pc hardware they are throwing in these next console is ATI and they are working close with nvida.

simple as that it will look like ass even on a new xbox or the ps4 since they just use old ass cheep pc hardware throw it in a box and call it a console.

There is no magic engine and unreal 4 looks even better than this and it was shown on the geforce 680gtx and is a PC engine. then again unreal engine 3 was a pc engine until they neutered it to work on consoles kinda like the crysis engine.

OH and PC people can download those unreal engine 3 tech demos and the UDK and run them if they want works just fine on my PC and my slow ass pc from 4 years ago that I use as a paper weight now.

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Edited By fjordson

@Humanity said:

@doobie said:

@Humanity said:


@Tanstaafl said:

Really this is supposed to blow me away? I've seen games look about this good on my pc right now without it breaking a sweat.. I'm a bit disappointed.. though at least I know I'll be able to run "next gen" games no problem.

Name one of those games.

Well Witcher 2 for one. I'm not really saying HEY MAN pc games rock and you console kiddies ain't got a clue - but I do think this a case of unwarranted Brad obsession where he will champion this title to no end. I think it looks neat but it hasn't seemingly done anything we haven't seen before so I can't understand where Brad is coming from.

can you please post or link to a video of the witcher 2 that looks as good as that video.

If you say this doesn't look anywhere near as good as that Star Wars video then I dunno I'm not gonna argue with you about it but I think you're crazy. You can see every little rock in the road, all the chinks in his chainmail etc - it's extremely detailed and when you watch the 1313 video the ground has a texture but it's pretty flat. I'm not saying the Star Wars video looks BAD by any means just that yah it's good looking but nothing that took my breath away - I thought the gameplay, the whole 1 minute basically they showed of it, looked FUN to play though.

No, that doesn't look nearly as good as this 1313 demo.

Some people here saying they aren't impressed need to go see an optometrist.

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Edited By fjordson

@Cubical said:

Oh and all the old ass pc hardware they are throwing in these next console is ATI and they are working close with nvida.

simple as that it will look like ass even on a new xbox or the ps4 since they just use old ass cheep pc hardware throw it in a box and call it a console.

lol, what are you talking about? How is the future? And what color is the new Xbox? You seem to know a lot about unannounced platforms.

All the recent job listings at LucasArts for this and their other unannounced RPG project decribed them as "future gen" games. Hate to rain on your "old ass cheep pc hardware" rant, but this demo is their target for what you'll see on the next systems. Sorry mang.

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Edited By Humanity

@Fjordson said:

@Humanity said:

@doobie said:

@Humanity said:


@Tanstaafl said:

Really this is supposed to blow me away? I've seen games look about this good on my pc right now without it breaking a sweat.. I'm a bit disappointed.. though at least I know I'll be able to run "next gen" games no problem.

Name one of those games.

Well Witcher 2 for one. I'm not really saying HEY MAN pc games rock and you console kiddies ain't got a clue - but I do think this a case of unwarranted Brad obsession where he will champion this title to no end. I think it looks neat but it hasn't seemingly done anything we haven't seen before so I can't understand where Brad is coming from.

can you please post or link to a video of the witcher 2 that looks as good as that video.

If you say this doesn't look anywhere near as good as that Star Wars video then I dunno I'm not gonna argue with you about it but I think you're crazy. You can see every little rock in the road, all the chinks in his chainmail etc - it's extremely detailed and when you watch the 1313 video the ground has a texture but it's pretty flat. I'm not saying the Star Wars video looks BAD by any means just that yah it's good looking but nothing that took my breath away - I thought the gameplay, the whole 1 minute basically they showed of it, looked FUN to play though.

No, that doesn't look nearly as good as this 1313 demo.

Some people here saying they aren't impressed need to go see an optometrist.

If you think that doesn't look "nearly as good" then you're the one who needs to see an optometrist.

It's not a crime to admit that maybe someone has a point. How can you seriously look at that level of detail in the game and say it doesn't look nearly as good - can you point out what looks worse in it? Any details or are you just throwing down a blanket statement without any facts to back it up.

Unless of course you're saying it looks worse because it's not a scripted sequence with explosions and aren't judging the graphics on their own.

Once again, I'm not saying 1313 looks bad - it looks great - but it looks in the LEAST equally as good as that video I posted in terms of sheer graphics. If you're talking about scripting and action events then sure, it has Witcher 2 beat hands down, but those are two completely different games.

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Edited By fjordson
@Humanity Facts? Eh? Your facts are that you think Witcher 2 looks better. I think 1313 looks better. Sorry.
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Edited By Tennmuerti

As much as I respect Brad as a person/professional and especially a great interviewer. His opinion on graphics are not something I would place much stock in (personally) atm. For 2 main reasons: hailing Uncharted 2 as the best looking game he has ever seen (at one point), which was super surprising having then played it I could only shake my head in disbelief. And not participating in last years best graphics disgussion much, at least not when 2 heavyweights of the gfx area came up, namely BF3 and Witcher 2 for the PC.

As far as 1313 itself goes it's graphically impressive and looks very good. However there is a very good reason most people who have been gaming on high end PCs are simply not blown away, we have already experienced a very similar level of quality (whether or not you consider them better graphically is a bit irrelevant). Add Metro 2033 to those 2 for good measure.

BUT what makes 1313 less impressive to a trained eye is scope. Scope of exactly how much detail vs. number of objects is on screen is hugely important. I will freely admit that 1313 probably looks better in detail (like faces) compared to the BF3/Witcher2/Metro2033. However all of the action and events occur either in a deliberate facial closeup, then in an extremely tight and sparse corridor and then a singular ship (a wing at that). Cramming more detail when you have to only render a tiny area is not hard. It's the same tricks used by God of War 3 or Uncharteds 2-3 for example, making actual areas tiny, and ocasionally using basic tricks to show huge scope when in actuallity there is almost nothing going on in that scope outside a very limited tiny area. Same reason martial games can have much mroe detailed dudes, there is less shit, so you can make it more detailed. It's a basic graphical principle.

The scope and freedom of say BF3 and Witcher 2 playing areas (as well as the number of dynamic shadows having to be processed due to vegetation) make their graphical achievements far more impressive then making 2 dudes look really detailed closeup, a corridor, and a wing of a burning ship. And honestly when I first played Witcher 2 and saw the beautifull trebuches flinging rocks at a castle while several highly detailed actors were having a convo nearby, that's when I was wow'd, and then once more during a dusk in the forest and then a burning town at night. The beautifull interplay of light and shadow on a truly complex highly detailed and dynamic environment was at the time mind boggling. A tiny area with a few objects and a limited scope doesn't have quite the effect.

Also quite a lot of people here are assuming we are being cynical assholes and saying that 1313 looks like shit. We aren't (for the most part i assume i havent read the entire thread). There are some people just not impressed to the same degree. It looks great, but it's not mindblowing. And certainly not leaps and bounds beyond what is possible today on a high end PC with a great game.

If such an opinion is me being a jaded cynical asshole. Then i'll be one gladly.

Finally (and this is the most important part): for the love of god we need a 1080p feed to actually compare high quality gfx in any way. You can make a turd look like the most amazing shit ever if it is only has to be rendered out in 720p, is only ever shown in a tiny window not a full screen and compared only to other 720p stuff (which is what as far as I am aware all that is available on the game atm). The amount of processing power required is hugely dependent on the resolution. Currently if you expand the available 720p on a PC monitor it doesn't look good at all, downright bad in fact. And in no way even remotely comparable to the quality of the current lead PC games at 1080p. (all of the above i wrote is only even aplicable if the quality of 1313 gfx shown holds up at 1080p, if not then one can't even be remotly impresed in the first place). Seriously why are they not releasing 1080p feeds of this game, they want to show how great it looks right? This is one area in which Brad currently has a one up on all us armchair experts :P

EDIT: ofcourse the other disspointing reason has less to do with graphics and more to do with just how much of what is shown feels like Unchrated with a Star Wars coat on, shooting dudes from crate to crate has gottena bit stale for some.

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Edited By landon

@Cubical: No one gives a shit, shut the fuck up.

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Edited By Humanity

@Fjordson said:

@Humanity Facts? Eh? Your facts are that you think Witcher 2 looks better. I think 1313 looks better. Sorry.

I posted a video and pointed out graphical elements in it which are on par if not superior to the 1313 video. You just said it doesn't look good. You put zero effort into proving your point and it's increasingly apparent are a waste of time to try to talk to.

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@Cubical said:

I find it hilarous when the console noobs think there fucking new xbox or ps4 is going to look like as good as a PC game when the new consoles already run old ass pc hardware that is what they have been doing since 2001 stuffing old ass pc hardware into a box and calling it a console.

Besides it will play like ass with a analog stick anyway

Do you have any friends?

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Edited By fjordson

@Fjordson said:

@Humanity Facts? Eh? Your facts are that you think Witcher 2 looks better. I think 1313 looks better. Sorry.

I posted a video and pointed out graphical elements in it which are on par if not superior to the 1313 video. You just said it doesn't look good. You put zero effort into proving your point and it's increasingly apparent are a waste of time to try to talk to.

You said you think Witcher 2 looks better. I think 1313 looks better. A lot better. Sorry.
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Edited By artofwar420

That is some stuff not even my glorious PC computer wouldn't run at those frames per second. Damn, so good.

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Edited By CL60

@Fjordson said:

@Humanity Facts? Eh? Your facts are that you think Witcher 2 looks better. I think 1313 looks better. Sorry.

I posted a video and pointed out graphical elements in it which are on par if not superior to the 1313 video. You just said it doesn't look good. You put zero effort into proving your point and it's increasingly apparent are a waste of time to try to talk to.

You said you think Witcher 2 looks better. I think 1313 looks better. A lot better. Sorry.
As much as I love Witcher 2 and it looks gorgeous, I gotta agree that 1313 looks better graphically, quite a bit better.
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Edited By monkeyking1969

It looks interesting. I do like traversal shooter games, I like Uncharted for sure, but do we need another game like that? I LIKE those types of games, but by the time I see SW 1313 will I be sick of them?

That what it comes down to can the development studio "add something" to make it fresh? I would say their best bet is to take dialogues trees and choices from Mass Effect and then place that in a traversable environment like and Uncharted game. Part of "Original" star wars to me, was always the negotiations people had. People in Star Wars are always 'bargaining' and 'playing each other' to get where and what they want.

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Edited By Kallim

Uncharted in space?

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Edited By Nilazz

I wish there was more then 2 minutes of footage.

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Edited By Metzo_Paino

I think it looks really, really good.

Not mind blowing I admit, seeing Witcher 2 & Metro 2033 cranked to the max can look just as nice, but what 1313 seems to have is budget and a flashier scope. While the smaller teams of Witcher and Metro may have amazing looking parts, other bits are lacking, plus this has crazy explosions and stuff.

I don't think you can really tell though until you're seeing it in motion yourself. I always thought Gears 3 looks average, until I was playing it and for some reason the impressiveness of the graphics just clicked.

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Edited By Rekt_Hed

What's this! can't be.....I actually feel excited about a star wars!

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy
@Cubical I'm real sorry but as soon as you used the term "console noob" I had to immediately stop reading.