No more endurance runs thank you very much!

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#101  Edited By Ignor
Whine whine bitch bitch whine.
Opinions are opinions are opinions.
Alan Wake looks boring.
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#102  Edited By ToadRunner

you are 100% correct, its a pointless feature that only nerds obsessed with jeff could enjoy

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#103  Edited By The_A_Drain
@Astras said:
" @The_A_Drain:  hehe, mr A Drain, you know all about that huh... just because you can get a response from someone because of a random flame you made does not make you have moral high ground :P "
I'm not claiming it :P I'm just pointing out that it's pretty shitty to insult people left and right then act surprised when someone calls you a dick.  
I have to say dude, $20 price point really does give DP good room to be forgiven a lot of its faults. Sure Alan Wake will be a shit-ton better, but it's nothing like DP at all, DP has all that weird pop-culture, crazy Suda-51 style-weirdness going for it (which is a plus in some peoples eyes). 
Alan Wake is a full price game. I don't really think the two should be judged on the same standards. You wouldn't say that Burger King is inedible crap simple because you've sampled some $100 Lobster. Sure, Burger King is crap, but for the price, it ain't too bad. Same deal with DP in my eyes. I just wish there were more budget games actually released for a budget price, i'd sure as hell rather pay $20 for DP than $60 for Paintball World Championship or Cabela's. 
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#104  Edited By Brians
@EpicSteve:  He's not doing it in a constructive manner. Which is my problem with this thread.
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#105  Edited By natetodamax

The Endurance Run is great fun to watch, sorry free video content pisses you off so much. And the fact that you called FFXIII a crap game for no reason shows that are you trolling.

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#106  Edited By Jwkokosmakroon
@Sleepy_Insomniac said:
" @Astras said:
"...lets have some better website content :D "
And, JUST LIKE THAT, the editors put down what they were doing and realized exactly what they were doing wrong. For years, they've been wondering how to improve their site and, here comes Astras, with the solution in hand. Boy, having better website content, who'd have thought? Thank you for saving Giant Bomb good sir, for this site would've been truly lost without you. "

You sir are indeed the spotter of keen visionary minds! ^^
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#107  Edited By iamjohn
@CL60 said:
" Just because a game has a following doesn't mean it's good. Big Riggs Over The Road Racing has a following...does that mean it's a good game? I think not. "
Or maybe the game is just good and has a lot of merit to it and that's why it has a following, as opposed to Big Rigs where the supposed "fandom" is based around Alex Navarro's video review. 
Maybe you'd know this if you had - oh, I don't know - played the fucking game, but hey, why do that when you can act like you know everything there is to know about the game because you've watched some video, right?  Truly that's the way to show just how much of an internet savant you are.
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#108  Edited By ev_rowe
@CL60 said:
" @KarlHungus01 said:

" @CL60:   The Force Unleashed was also a $60 game.  Deadly Premonition is $20.  I'm not saying the game is high art, but it offers good entertainment value for the money."

Just because something shitty is a low price doesn't automatically make it good. "
He didn't say that it being cheap made it good, he said that it makes it a better value for the money you pay. Price has nothing to do with a game's quality, but the amount of satisfaction you get out of it compared to what you pay for it can help improve (or reduce) the quality of your experience with it. 
I would like to reiterate the point that where DP falls short in its gameplay (which I think most of its supporters would acknowledge is mediocre at best), it excels in storytelling, character development and dialogue. The game is very much aware of itself, is not afraid to be campy, and ultimately somehow manages to craft an interesting (albeit bizarre) tale that, if you're willing to buy into, is vastly entertaining. That's the point those of us who like the game are trying to make: if you're willing to take a step back and accept that DP is NOT your standard blockbuster game fare, you'll realize it actually contains a lot of value. It needs to be judged for what it is, not for what similar games in its genre are.
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#109  Edited By KarlHungus01

 @CL60 said:

" @KarlHungus01 said:

" @CL60:   The Force Unleashed was also a $60 game.  Deadly Premonition is $20.  I'm not saying the game is high art, but it offers good entertainment value for the money.  There are other, better, Star Wars games out there.  Nothing is like Deadly Premonition. "

Alan Wake? Which will be a shit load better.  And it shouldn't matter how much the game costs. Just because something shitty is a low price doesn't automatically make it good. "
The mere fact that you're comparing Deadly Premonition to Alan Wake shows you don't know what you're talking about.  They're both set in a small town in the Northwest.  They're both horror inspired.  That's where the similarities end.  Really you have no valid argument since you have not played the game.  It's only $20, so why don't you find out for yourself? 
You mentioned Destructoid's joke 10/10 review.  True the reviewer overrated the game intentionally, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he still enjoyed it for what it was.  Atomic Gamer, OXM, 1UP, Game Informer, Eurogamer, and Gamespot all gave it positive reviews for the exact same reasons I've described.  Comparisons to Big Rigs is unfounded.
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#110  Edited By obcdexter

I LOVE the ER, even the current one, both versions of it. It is a great feature if you ask me. The Persona ER was what brought me here in the first place, so I can't - at all - understand
what kind of emotion could possibly have driven you to the creation of this thread. Reviews and even Quick Looks don't do as much for me as the crew playing through a game, no matter if good (P4) or ... less ... good (DP).

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#111  Edited By Astras
@The_A_Drain said:
" @Astras said:
" @The_A_Drain:  hehe, mr A Drain, you know all about that huh... just because you can get a response from someone because of a random flame you made does not make you have moral high ground :P "
I'm not claiming it :P I'm just pointing out that it's pretty shitty to insult people left and right then act surprised when someone calls you a dick.  
Really, apart from you as a reaction to you jumping in and basically trying to rape me.. who?
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#112  Edited By Trilogy


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#113  Edited By swat200

yea having all 4 of the guys running the same game kinda sucks. i always watch one and not the other cause ive already seen what happens in the game

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#114  Edited By The_A_Drain
@Astras said:
" @The_A_Drain said:
" @Astras said:
" @The_A_Drain:  hehe, mr A Drain, you know all about that huh... just because you can get a response from someone because of a random flame you made does not make you have moral high ground :P "
I'm not claiming it :P I'm just pointing out that it's pretty shitty to insult people left and right then act surprised when someone calls you a dick.  
Really, apart from you as a reaction to you jumping in and basically trying to rape me.. who? "
I have better looking people to rape... 
I mean uhh... Better things to do with my time... 
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#115  Edited By Astras
@Briguile said:
" @EpicSteve:  He's not doing it in a constructive manner. Which is my problem with this thread. "
What the hell is your problem.. if you feel the need to defend the endurance run that much and hate this thread and my thoughts that much... why dont you just go and create a "I LOVE THE ENDURANCE RUN but dont like people who dont like it" thread?
Really chill this is a forum dude.. it's not life or death.
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#116  Edited By Astras
@swat200:@swat200 said:
" yea having all 4 of the guys running the same game kinda sucks. i always watch one and not the other cause ive already seen what happens in the game "
I guess the original reason behind it was as a contest between the two teams. From what I was reading people seem to generally lean towards Jeff and Vinny... but it does seem a bit too much to ask to watch a let's play twice... maybe I just don't get what it's all about.
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#117  Edited By CL60

Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.
IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize.

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#118  Edited By djaoni

CL60's opinion is final and everything he says is fact.

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#119  Edited By ev_rowe
@Astras said: 
What the hell is your problem.. if you feel the need to defend the endurance run that much and hate this thread and my thoughts that much... why dont you just go and create a "I LOVE THE ENDURANCE RUN but dont like people who dont like it" thread? Really chill this is a forum dude.. it's not life or death. "
Well, the thing is, you started this thread not so much as an "I hate the DP Endurance Run" thread, and more of an "I hate the DP Endurance Run and it's compromising the rest of the site's content and ruining Giant Bomb" thread. That's really the main reason you've been getting so much blowback. You're totally entitled not to like it, but you don't have to watch it, and it's certainly not killing GB. If anything, it's been driving more traffic to the site, and the only reason Quick Looks and Video Reviews may have slowed down is because we're at a bit of a lull in the release cycle for now.
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#120  Edited By fwylo
@CL60 said:
" @RichardLOlson said:
" @Astras said:
" @fwylo: cool, cheers dude.. what can I say apart from the game sucks.. and watching people play it TWICE sucks even more "
I do agree with you Astras, there is no real point to endurance run.  Just 2 or 3 guys playing a game till the end and making comments about it during the game play.  Anyone can do that, but because its 2 or 3 guys who run the website that do it, everyone has to dick ride them and say how awesome this thing is.  And then when someone comes around and says "I don't like this or that", those "dick riders" decide to call that person an asshole and say how wrong they are.  Well if Astras don't like the show, so what.  Some people on this site really need to not dick ride, its really annoying. "
I agree, that this community really likes to kiss the staff members asses. All the damn time. Nobody is allowed to disagree with a staff member on this site for the most part, and if you do, you will get shit on by everybody. "
I'm not dick riding anyone.  I don't know if you've noticed, but this content is free. And he's complaining about it.  Therefore I think he's an asshole.  I never claimed the ER is the best thing ever or that I watch it religiously to fap while listening to their voices. 
Personally I don't agree with video reviews, especially when they do quicklooks.  And why the hell would they do quicklooks on every single game.  It gets a little ridiculous at that point.  They have been putting up news and features every day, including 2 quicklooks a day.  So I don't know why you're complaing about that.  They have said before they are only going to review games that are influential and matter to them so you can't complain if there isn't a review for a game that matters solely to you.
You don't HAVE to watch the shit that doesn't interest you either.  But there is no need to complain about it when the other parts of the site are still functioning fine and content is still being put up.  Obviously some poeple enjoy the Er and some don't.  It just bugs me when selfish people feel the need to voice their opinion which would potentially ruin other people's fun.  And it seems a LOT of people enjoy the ER. 
I enjoy watching/listening to it.  Obviously the game sucks, but the story is quite interesting.  If you have been watching it you should know that.  Sure maybe they didn't need to do TWO of them, but it shows a good comparison of their play styles which I find interesting as well.  Plus people like yelling at Vinny and Brad when they do stupid shit so that can be their form of entertainment.
And in my own defense, I have disagreed with the GB members on a lot of things, and I will agree that there are your so-called "dick-riders" all over the place on the site. 
I never said he was wrong or anything.  I just think he's an asshole. It's like there is a charity giving away free hot dogs, and instead of just saying "No Thank You." You decided to stand beside the stand, eat the hot dog, and tell everyone that it shouldn't be there because you don't like hot dogs.
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#121  Edited By mutha3
Sorry, but no. The majority of the reviews for DP have been unironic ones by big-name sites.

 Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. 

 If you're gonna play it from that angle....  
Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a good game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it should have been more.  It still is a good game and is definitely worth my time playing it.  
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#122  Edited By KarlHungus01
@CL60 said:
" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "
I think the joke is on you.  Point to me in any of the reviews I stated besides Destructoid where the reviewer comes off as joking about the game's quality.  IGN is what is called a statistical outlier.  The fact is there are more positive reviews for the game on Metacritic than negative.  If you only play games that receive glowing reviews from every publication, then you're an idiot who is missing out on a lot of fun games.
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#123  Edited By mutha3
I can't believe anyone is using IGN of all sites as gauge of quality. They blow.
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#124  Edited By kraznor

I'm not really digging this Endurance Run for a different reason, I really love the game and they are not paying it the proper respect. There's also the issue of people like you seeing it and making the verdict that its terrible without having ever played it personally, which can get me pretty riled up at times. Still, can't imagine a lot of people would ever see the wonder and majesty of the game due to its graphics and wonky gameplay, so I guess no harm done, but I think there may well be a group of people that would have been interested in the game but don't feel the need to try it now because Giant Bomb is doing it for them. Keep in mind I stopped watching around Episode 6 so if their opinions on the game have changed and they are giving it the love it so richly deserves, I apologize. Otherwise, they're doing more harm than good.

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#125  Edited By Ghostiet

Oh, an ER hate topic. Shit, that train's never late, same was with the previous one.

@CL60 said:

" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "

No, it has a following because It has charm and some of the better storytelling seen in video games. Though looking at it another time, you're right in some way - if not the ER and the Destructoid review, many would not see that, probably.

Sure, it's terrible gameplay-wise, no one can deny that, but it's all about that style of the story, its presentation and "getting" it or not. Some people get it - like Ryan, for example - some not, like Eurogamer. That way DP is like a B movie - many people love those, even more loathe with a passion.

It's no way a 5/5 game, but also not a 1/5 one. 4 is too much, too, but 2's not enough. So, a 3/5. And this game PERFECTLY fits the definition of a 3 star review here on Giant Bomb.

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#126  Edited By jmrwacko
@mutha3 said:
" @KarlHungus01:  I can't believe anyone is using IGN of all sites as gauge of quality. They blow. "
IGN has some good special features. Most notably, their game recaps (before sequels are released) and their comedy videos (the Borderlands one was epic).
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#127  Edited By lead_farmer

I enjoy the endurance runs.  It is kinda like when I watch my friends play something or they watch me and bad shit starts to happen. Deadly Premonition has obvious issues, but the GB guys are well aware of that and poke fun at it from time to time. Is there a game you would rather see, or do you just hate it in general?  To each his own, yeah?

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#128  Edited By mutha3
@Kraznor said:

I'm not really digging this Endurance Run for a different reason, I really love the game and they are not paying it the proper respect. There's also the issue of people like you seeing it and making the verdict that its terrible without having ever played it personally, which can get me pretty riled up at times. Still, can't imagine a lot of people would ever see the wonder and majesty of the game due to its graphics and wonky gameplay, so I guess no harm done, but I think there may well be a group of people that would have been interested in the game but don't feel the need to try it now because Giant Bomb is doing it for them. Keep in mind I stopped watching around Episode 6 so if their opinions on the game have changed and they are giving it the love it so richly deserves, I apologize. Otherwise, they're doing more harm than good.

It has gotten much better since then.
They started doing sidequests, stopped breaking crates 40 seconds at a time, stopped playing (as) badly.
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#129  Edited By RichardLOlson

You know I can walk into someones house and look into there toilet and say "my turd looks better then yours" and they could get upset and say "well your an asshole and your wrong", the point is, a turd is a turd and a game is a game.  Not everyone will like it and who gives two shits, just move on and go about your business.
Honestly Alan Wake looks good graphically, but other then that, doesn't do much for me.  And that kids is what is called an "OPINION" , look it up in the dictionary if you have to kids and be sure not to spew so much disrespect towards someone who speaks there mind.
 P.S. Also stop dick riding so much people, its really uncalled for.  So a few guys created a website for about gaming:

No Caption Provided

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#130  Edited By omgmetalgear

I actually enjoy the ER's, mostly for the banter brought on by the mediocrity of the game. Jeff and Vinny are just hilarious to listen to. Although, I agree that'd it would be cooler if Brad and Ryan were doing a different game because I can't be bothered to watch both.

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#131  Edited By TwoLines
@KarlHungus01 said:
" @CL60 said:
" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "
I think the joke is on you.  Point to me in any of the reviews I stated besides Destructoid where the reviewer comes off as joking about the game's quality.  IGN is what is called a statistical outlier.  The fact is there are more positive reviews for the game on Metacritic than negative.  If you only play games that receive glowing reviews from every publication, then you're an idiot who is missing out on a lot of fun games. "
Hate to say it, but Gamespot gave this game a 7.0, and that's a pretty accurate score, at least for me.
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#132  Edited By The_Patriarch
@EpicSteve said:
" @Briguile said:
" The video on the site is free. If that was not true peoples opinion of what the video is might matter more. As that is not the case, complaining about something you get for free makes you look like a dick. If you don't like it don't watch it. I didn't think I would enjoy this endurance run, but then the story got crazy it a great way. "
At the end of the day, the staff gets paid to provide us a service. If someone is unhappy with that service, then they have the right to complain in a constructive manner. With the GiantBomb staff being so small, the ER is taking up a lot of resources. The OP would much prefer those resources being put to use elsewhere. "
Wrong. Theyve said many times, back when they were doing Persona 4, that the endurance run was a quick, effortless way to create daily video content for the site. Obviously the first endurance run brought in a lot of views, meaning it makes sense for them to do another. 
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#133  Edited By KarlHungus01
@Kraznor said:

I'm not really digging this Endurance Run for a different reason, I really love the game and they are not paying it the proper respect. There's also the issue of people like you seeing it and making the verdict that its terrible without having ever played it personally, which can get me pretty riled up at times. Still, can't imagine a lot of people would ever see the wonder and majesty of the game due to its graphics and wonky gameplay, so I guess no harm done, but I think there may well be a group of people that would have been interested in the game but don't feel the need to try it now because Giant Bomb is doing it for them. Keep in mind I stopped watching around Episode 6 so if their opinions on the game have changed and they are giving it the love it so richly deserves, I apologize. Otherwise, they're doing more harm than good.

They still get frustrated with combat sections of the game but have been taking a lot more delight with the story, particularly ever since Becky's death in the bathroom.
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#134  Edited By iamjohn
@CL60 said:
" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "
Cool story bro.
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#135  Edited By Astras
@fwylo said:
" @CL60 said:
" @RichardLOlson said:
" @Astras said:
" @fwylo: cool, cheers dude.. what can I say apart from the game sucks.. and watching people play it TWICE sucks even more "
I do agree with you Astras, there is no real point to endurance run.  Just 2 or 3 guys playing a game till the end and making comments about it during the game play.  Anyone can do that, but because its 2 or 3 guys who run the website that do it, everyone has to dick ride them and say how awesome this thing is.  And then when someone comes around and says "I don't like this or that", those "dick riders" decide to call that person an asshole and say how wrong they are.  Well if Astras don't like the show, so what.  Some people on this site really need to not dick ride, its really annoying. "
I agree, that this community really likes to kiss the staff members asses. All the damn time. Nobody is allowed to disagree with a staff member on this site for the most part, and if you do, you will get shit on by everybody. "
I'm not dick riding anyone.  I don't know if you've noticed, but this content is free. And he's complaining about it.  Therefore I think he's an asshole.  I never claimed the ER is the best thing ever or that I watch it religiously to fap while listening to their voices. 
Personally I don't agree with video reviews, especially when they do quicklooks.  And why the hell would they do quicklooks on every single game.  It gets a little ridiculous at that point.  They have been putting up news and features every day, including 2 quicklooks a day.  So I don't know why you're complaing about that.  They have said before they are only going to review games that are influential and matter to them so you can't complain if there isn't a review for a game that matters solely to you.
You don't HAVE to watch the shit that doesn't interest you either.  But there is no need to complain about it when the other parts of the site are still functioning fine and content is still being put up.  Obviously some poeple enjoy the Er and some don't.  It just bugs me when selfish people feel the need to voice their opinion which would potentially ruin other people's fun.  And it seems a LOT of people enjoy the ER. 
I enjoy watching/listening to it.  Obviously the game sucks, but the story is quite interesting.  If you have been watching it you should know that.  Sure maybe they didn't need to do TWO of them, but it shows a good comparison of their play styles which I find interesting as well.  Plus people like yelling at Vinny and Brad when they do stupid shit so that can be their form of entertainment.
And in my own defense, I have disagreed with the GB members on a lot of things, and I will agree that there are your so-called "dick-riders" all over the place on the site. 
I never said he was wrong or anything.  I just think he's an asshole. It's like there is a charity giving away free hot dogs, and instead of just saying "No Thank You." You decided to stand beside the stand, eat the hot dog, and tell everyone that it shouldn't be there because you don't like hot dogs. "#
Whatever you say man, just because I like the site and dont like the endurance run means that I should not be able to say anthing about the fact I don't like it on a DISCUSSION FORUM. Pleaase dont take the site to seriously, Your hotdog analogy is pointless, this is the internet. There are 2 of the same endurance run's going on which I don't like either of them I wish the resources were spent making all the cool shit they were doing before. 
People that say they are still knoking out the same content... I'm not personally conviced and niether are alot of people. I love the site, hate the ER. So i guess that makes me an arsehole!
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#136  Edited By mutha3
I agree with you that from time to time people on this site can get overdramatically defensive when people criticize the staff.  The same way it happened just now.
On the other hand, you can't really say the OP wasn't asking for it seeing how he made a topic with such a inflammatory thread title, and the way he stated his opinions.
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#137  Edited By ProfessorEss
@iAmJohn said:
" @CL60 said:
" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "
Cool story bro. "
lol, a threadbare joke used in defense of a threadbare joke - well played.
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#138  Edited By Yummylee
@djaoni said:

CL60's opinion is final and everything he says is fact.

I lawled.
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while i enjoy the ER once in awhile, i totally agree with you. been thinking about this ever since they started the DP ER.

yo do realize that this makes YOU a complete asshole.
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#140  Edited By ev_rowe
@CL60 said:
" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "
You continue to harp on the fact that you think DP is a bad game, but you don't take the time to refute valid points made by posters who disagree with you, instead returning to your rhetoric that DP is a bad game. Not that you don't like it, but it is definitively bad and anybody who disagrees is wrong. Believe me, I can totally see why anybody could think the game isn't "good" by traditional standards, but there is a lot more to it than you can see at the surface, and certainly more than you'll derive from watching a few of the early episodes of the Endurance Run for it. 
Also, citing IGN reviews as credible in any capacity is laughable at best. Their review criteria has been proven time and again to be as follows: 
  1. Does it have lots of explosions
  2. Is it made by a major publisher
  3. Did they purchase advertising on our site
IGN does make valid points in their reviews fairly often and they have competent writers, but they are far from being an unbiased source. Plus, their score alone does not outweigh the large number of positive scores from a multitude of reputable game publications. And while you decry Destructoid's review as a "joke," nothing could be further from the truth; if you actually read it thoroughly, you'd realize that the reviewer fully embraced the game for what it was, and that he genuinely believed it was a great title. People are just having a hard time accepting the fact that the game is getting good reviews for reasons typically not considered (or not given due weight) in the review process.  
If nothing else, it can be said that Deadly Premonition is extremely divisive, but the very fact that there is not an overwhelming surplus of negative reviews, and instead just as many positive assessments as their are negative, indicates that there is in fact value in this game if you know where (and how) to find it. Dismissing it so bluntly and without giving it the benefit of actually playing it long enough to experience its strengths and its high points doesn't make a particularly strong case for your argument. If you'd played through the whole game (or even the first half of it) and still hated it, that'd be one thing, but you can't make a sound argument against it based solely on limited secondhand experience.
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#141  Edited By iamjohn
@ProfessorEss: That's how I roll.
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#142  Edited By KarlHungus01
@TwoLines said:
" @KarlHungus01 said:
" @CL60 said:
" Yeah, I'm done replying to this topic. Deadly Premonition is a bad game, simple as that. End of. I don't care if it's $20, it still sucks and is not worth my time playing it. The only reason it has a following is because of things like the destructoid review and the ER.  IGN reviewed the game how it deserved to be reviewed. The game being "good" by a bunch of reviewers like destructoid is a JOKE, which is something most communities fail to realize. "
I think the joke is on you.  Point to me in any of the reviews I stated besides Destructoid where the reviewer comes off as joking about the game's quality.  IGN is what is called a statistical outlier.  The fact is there are more positive reviews for the game on Metacritic than negative.  If you only play games that receive glowing reviews from every publication, then you're an idiot who is missing out on a lot of fun games. "
Hate to say it, but Gamespot gave this game a 7.0, and that's a pretty accurate score, at least for me. "
You don't have to hate to say that.  7/10 is an accurate score for me too.  The gameplay issues stop it from getting any higher than that.
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#143  Edited By StrikeALight

Giantbomb's injection of personality and close-knit humour is what both makes this site so special and unique from its counterparts. If I wanted reviews / previews only, I could visit one of the many other hundreds of game sites on metacritic to garner some evidence whether a particular game is worth purchasing or not.  
The fact that they are just as keen to do their own thing (and very good at it too, I might add)  as well as providing more conventional / traditional content keeps me coming back day after day, week after week.

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#144  Edited By Ryax
@heatDrive88 said:
Someone's gotta do it. 
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i see your facepalm and raise you 

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#145  Edited By Astras
@Kraznor: Interesting, I have never heard anyone post approach from this point of view. I watched the first few of each and have tried to catch a bit here and there. All I got from the first few was they were taking the piss mainly out of the game, yea for people that like it maybe it's really annoyin. I kinda get the feeling that brad doesn't even enjoy playing it also and it actually made me feel a bit uncomfortable watching the brad ryan early vidoes... he just seemed to want the end all the time... not to sure if he's liking it more now.

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#146  Edited By KarlHungus01
@Astras said: 

Whatever you say man, just because I like the site and dont like the endurance run means that I should not be able to say anthing about the fact I don't like it on a DISCUSSION FORUM. Pleaase dont take the site to seriously, Your hotdog analogy is pointless, this is the internet. There are 2 of the same endurance run's going on which I don't like either of them I wish the resources were spent making all the cool shit they were doing before.  People that say they are still knoking out the same content... I'm not personally conviced and niether are alot of people. I love the site, hate the ER. So i guess that makes me an arsehole! "
Understand that most of the hate coming your way is directed at you wanting them to stop the ER.  Either A) You're assuming that nobody watches it, or B) You're assuming that the entire site revolves around your opinion of what's valid content and what's not. 
There's plenty of features I don't like about Giant Bomb.  I think the quest system is stupid, so I don't bother seeking out and completing quests.  Doesn't mean that I think it should go away.  Some people probably enjoy it.
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#147  Edited By ev_rowe
@TwoLines said: 
Hate to say it, but Gamespot gave this game a 7.0, and that's a pretty accurate score, at least for me. "
And that score is pretty right on. Nobody is saying the game deserves a perfect review score (that part of the D-TOID review was definitely a joke), but it certainly is far better than the 20/100 score IGN issued it. If you prefer to pin things down to score, Gamespot's is pretty well aligned with the actual overall quality. If the gameplay were actually good, it could easily have scored an 80 or 90 percent, but the combat mechanics are just too flawed for it to earn better than that. Which is fine, because you shouldn't be playing DP for the combat anyway.
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@JokerSmilez:Soccer for the lose!
@Astras: Agreed
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#149  Edited By MisterMouse

I actually enjoy the endurance runs a lot, it gives me a chance to see a game that I would not normally play. Also I hope in the future they pick a game that has multiple endings and such so that when there is two groups playing it their games will end up very differently...

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#150  Edited By rjaylee
Haha, I call your mosaic and raise you one more internet meme. 