Noise Pollution: Let's Talk Video Game Music

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Edited By generic_username

Today I wanted to focus on something near and dear to me: video game music. I hope to talk about it semi-regularly, and will probably cover a random grab-bag of songs or soundtracks each time I do. So these songs aren't neccessarily all my favorite video game songs, but they're all really good and they're what I felt like discussing today. So yeah! Music! And stuff.

We'll Start Here

The Persona games are fantastic. Not only from a gameplay perspective, but from a presentation perspective, too.

In fact, the slick presentation of the Persona games might be my favorite thing about them. The menus, while not the most pleasant to navigate, are so stylish that those faults are forgiven. The art style in general is pleasing to the eye... especially mine. But coupled with the excellent visual presentation is an incredible soundtrack.

Take this track, for example; it plays during every single random encounter in Persona 4. It somehow manages to never get old, though. It starts out bombastically, with it's, uh, "oddly-worded" phonetically-sung English lyrics ringing out proudly. It then shifts gears to the heavy-ish guitar part, which is tonally different enough from the intro and chorus that it keeps the song from getting repetitive, even after the literal thousandth time hearing it.

That, and it's also just a rad song, isn't it?

To anyone who hasn't played Crypt of the Necrodancer yet: do that. I want to talk about the game in more detail in a separate post, but I can't really write a piece about video game music and leave out this soundtrack.

Start the video. Now give it, like, twenty seconds. I'll wait.

Okay, you're on board now. I know this for a fact. There's no way you're not. This song is so goddamn good that you can't listen to that much of it without loving it. I'm not super familiar with electronic music aside from game music but... this shit works without the game behind it, easily. And trust me when I say that the game only serves to make it better.

The Pokemon games actually have a surprising number of good tracks, but none are quite as, well, infamous as this one.

The Pokemon games are ostensibly for kids, and everything prior to showing up in Lavender Town is light and carefree, patting the player on the back after every accomplishment and espousing the joys of Pokemon battling.

Then you get here. And this fucking song starts playing. It's immediately off-putting, but couple that with the fact that the town hosts the region's only graveyard for Pokemon and you've created my four-year-old self's first experience with existential terror.

It's not that the graveyard stuff is particularly well done or anything. In fact, most of the plot of those early games was... I mean, it was kind of left to the imagination. But this song certainly pushed that imagination in a certain direction. It's fucking creepy, man.

Here's song that needs more nostalgic recognition from the internet, I think. Super Mario Land has awesome music, it just doesn't really sound like Mario music, exactly. Maybe that's why I don't hear it discussed quite as often as other old games.

Well, whatever. I'll give it the love it deserves. This song in particular is incredible. If you write music, or do anything creative really, you're probably familiar with this line of thinking: "Oh man, that sounds/looks like it fell right out of my head!" That feeling you get when you hear a song or see a piece of art that doesn't just look like you could have made it, it looks like you would have made it, given enough time.

The Muda Kingdom theme is like that for me, a bit. If I were more confident in my guitar playing and songwriting abilities, I'd definitely feel like I would have written this song one day. But, like, the person who wrote it (Hip Tanaka) is way more talented than I am. So I don't think I would have ever really gotten there. That said, I feel that odd closeness to it. That feeling that I have some sort of ownership of it, just because it resonates with me so strongly. I don't know. It's a really cool song.

Alright, so I played a lot of this game as a kid. I never really loved it, exactly, but I did enjoy it, and when you're young, you can play sub-par stuff and not be bothered by it.

Bomberman Hero is kind of sub-par. And thanks to that, I forgot about it. Until recently, it only existed in my brain as a vague memory of how I spent some of my time as a kid. It was overwritten by better stuff, like Ocarina of Time, or Mario 64, both of which have great music too, but we'll put that aside until another post.

Anyways, a friend and I were discussing video game soundtracks from this era of stuff, and he wound up showing me a song from Ape Escape. It was a cool song, but it felt super familiar. It wasn't that it was ripping off this soundtrack or anything, but it gave me very similar vibes. And I found myself looking for this soundtrack, to see if I was right about the music being similar.

I kind of was, but the main thing I discovered was that this game's music was fucking cool, and that I didn't appreciate it when I was playing it as a kid. It was just kind of swimming around in my head as a part of the leftover vibes I have from that time. But man, this shit rules. Rediscovering this soundtrack has been a lot of fun. If anyone has any suggestions for similar stuff to listen to, video game music or otherwise, please let me know. It's cool shit.

We'll End Here

Alright. So here's a thing everyone should already be aware of. Koji Kondo is a goddamn genius. He is the composer of the Legend of Zelda and Mario titles, all of which have incredible soundtracks that not only sound good on their own, but make the games they're a part of better games. His music is integral to the games they're featured on, particularly in the Zelda games. Ocarina of Time would be a different game without Koji Kondo's score. It would be a worse game. and so would the Gamecube's entry in the series, The Wind Waker.

Sometime ago, he wound up participating in a concert series that performed much of the series' music live with an orchestra. During those concerts, he would inevitably step away from the rest of the show and perform a solo piece on the piano. Rather than choose a fan-favorite, Kondo performed something people didn't see coming.

It was beautiful. The track seemed relatively innocuous to me before, playing only a few times in the game - during quiet moments Link spends with his grandmother. The song itself has an incredibly nostalgic feel to it, even divorced from my own nostalgia for The Wind Waker and the rest of the Zelda franchise. That feel is incredibly important in the context of the game, given that it plays when Link's grandmother is sad about him leaving home. The song feels like a memory. It feels like growing old, while your loved ones grow up. It feels like... It feels like feeling left behind.

It's heartbreaking and sweet at the same time. And this performance of the song really brought it all together for me. It helped me understand the song, and why Kondo wrote it. It's beautiful. Now, after hearing his piano rendition, I tear up whenever I hear the original in-game.

Music is integral to video games, making what would normally simply be a satisfying experience into a meaningful one. Even at its least-effective, music can mask poor writing or translations, allowing for emotional storytelling even when the story being told is bad. That, or it can burn a game into your memory, causing a thought of it to resurface after decades, with nothing more than a sound. At its best, music is the story, creating emotional moments of its own. Music can write backstories and emotional baggage onto characters that words and gameplay cannot. Music can make a game complete.

And sometimes, it's just fun to listen to.

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VGM is great, and I eventually realized that the melodic sensibilities of the Genesis era wound up influencing my guitar playing so, so much.

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Yeah, I love video game music. I'm going in June to see Video Games Live. I feel like there's a lot to talk about with video game music, but I'll just leave it here. Okay, going on YouTube to listen to video game soundtracks.

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Persona 4 is basically everything I should hate in music that I somehow love. It's all just super catchy. Dancing All Night is equally amazing and I think the Snowflakes remix is my favorite song on there

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#4  Edited By ArbitraryWater

Welp, you got me to reinstall Crypt of the Necrodancer, which I will attempt to play several times before being reminded that I'm really bad at Crypt of the Necrodancer.

Persona 4's soundtrack is just so, so good. I've managed to keep myself almost entirely spoiler-free for Persona 5, but it definitely seems like that game's soundtrack is of a similar caliber if the battle theme is anything to go by.

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Not willing to spoil myself on Persona 5's music (how often can you say that about a game?), but I'm happy to see Shoji Meguro's work anywhere.

I've started to see the default battle theme as the most important song in any RPG. There's no shortage of quality orchestral work in battle music, but I think the original Gravity Rush pulls it off the best:

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(I'm also pleased to be in a world where I can say "the original Gravity Rush").

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#6  Edited By audioBusting

I'm tearing up just thinking about Link's grandma. She reminds me of my own late grandma...

Speaking of Zelda, I'm so excited to hear the music in Breath of the Wild. The bits and pieces of impressionist music I've heard in the demos and trailers sound so beautiful!

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#7  Edited By probablytuna

Super Mario Land is actually my first exposure to the Mario games, so the 1-1 level music was the Mario music for me, not the NES Super Mario Bros. 1-1 track.

If we are going to talk about video game music, there's nothing better than the Final Fantasy music. It's insane how many pieces of great music Nobuo Uematsu has written for pretty much every numbered Final Fantasy until FFX. Every FF has at least a few great memorable tracks with Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II quite possibly having the greatest overall soundtracks of the series, especially if you consider the remastered versions.

If you have some time, listen to "Scene V -Prelude-" from the Symphonic Suite of Final Fantasy, the transition from the main Final Fantasy title track to Overworld music then to the Temple of Chaos is masterful. I love it so damn much.

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For Zelda: I think Wind Waker and A Link Between Worlds has to be my favourite. The title screen music of Wind Waker as well as the starting area music ("Outset Island") is so damn good.

For A Link Between Worlds: "Lorule Field" gets me pumped every single time.

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For Persona 4: I already love the music of Persona 4 but I think the Golden additions have pushed it to an all time favourite of mine. From the new instrumental tracks like "海へ行こーぜ (Let's Hit The Beach)", "Everyday Sunshine" to "Snowflakes" I find it impossible not to like it. I know not everyone likes the new opening track ("Shadow World") to P4G (looking at you Jeff), but I think it fits the game and its themes even better than the original. I will admit that "True Story" and "マヨナカ横断ミラクルクイズ (Midnight Crossing Miracle Quiz)" are the weaker ones but then A Sky Full of Stars totally makes up for it.

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Speaking of Persona.... @arbitrarywater: Having played an hour or so of Persona 5 I'm already hooked on this piece:

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You have a Ghost Trick avatar, yet no mention of the game. That game has a wonderful soundtrack:

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#9  Edited By generic_username

@mems1224: I absolutely agree; I think a younger, more ready to hate on things version of me would have nothing but awful things to say about it... But honestly, I was pretty young when I first heard it. So who knows. It seems like it's just really great.

@arbitrarywater: Gaahhhh that's so good. A bit of Lupin III vibes from that, which is perfect, considering the apparent heist theme.

@milijango: I don't have the context for it, but that gives me some modern-era Zelda vibes, which is absolutely a good thing.

@csl316: That's cool; I'm not sure what game music I could point to that influenced my personal songwriting, but I do find a lot of my stuff to be very focused on a melody, which 8 & 16-bit music were aaaall about.

@ntm: Man, I'm jealous. That show sounds like a nostalgia-fest, which I'm way into.

@audiobusting: I don't personally have quite that much context for it, since I hadn't seen my grandmother for many years when she passed away, but it's amazing that the song has such a personal meaning for you. And yeah, the Breath of the wild music, from what little we've heard of it, sounds fantastic.

@probablytuna: I actually didn't grow up with Final Fantasy, so my exposure to the music came much later. It wasn't until a fairly recent (like in the last 3 years?) Retronauts that discussed Uematsu's music that I found myself really appreciating it, but yeah, it's definitely incredible stuff. I like what they did on the A Link Between Worlds soundtrack, but it's hard for me to judge how much of it I love out of nostalgia for A Link to the Past; that was literally my first ever video game, so I'm blind when it comes to that.

@beachthunder: Oh it'll come, for sure. On that note, there's a bunch of Phoenix Wright I'd love to call out, too. Definitely going to write more on this topic and plan to touch on a bunch of different games.