Game of Thrones: Season 3 - The Thread

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#551  Edited By wefwefasdf

Phew. That was a tough episode to swallow. I really hope that at least one villain of the series dies next week...

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@ssully: I did a bit of that after reading it, too, but first I skipped ahead a few chapters just to make sure Arya was alright. The way her chapter ended left me a little worried and I really, really needed to know she was okay. It's the only time I ever skipped ahead in the book.

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@ares42: I think he has had plenty of time to build a fan base; this season especially. He is a honorable guy who loves his wife and has been struggling to win a war for a good season and a half now. It is kind of hard not to care about him.

@pyromagnestir: I did the exact same thing once I started back up reading. I never had a book make me such a nervous wreck.

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The people saying boycott GoT and threatening GRRM are acting like a bunch of spoiled children. This series is one where fucked up shit happens, that's what makes it exciting because you never know whether a character will survive. You'd think they'd've learned that from the first season.

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#555  Edited By oraknabo
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This one is pure and heavy. No nonsense, no "I knew this was gonna happen," and no jokes, just pure emotion.

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Lol what a load of shit, who sets up a camera of them selves to watch a tv show, bad acting.

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Just rewatched it again everything about that episode was so good, almost forgot how much of a bad ass Jon Snow was in that episode, really is my favourite character in the show now along with Dinklage and Joffrey.

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#558  Edited By Oldirtybearon

@rollingzeppelin said:

The people saying boycott GoT and threatening GRRM are acting like a bunch of spoiled children. This series is one where fucked up shit happens, that's what makes it exciting because you never know whether a character will survive. You'd think they'd've learned that from the first season.

If anything I think the outrage over the Red Wedding is a compliment to the show. People actually care about the characters enough to be outraged at the injustice of it all. I don't think people will actually stop watching it, they just had an emotional gut punch of an ending on a show where it seems like all the good people get punished and there is no reprisal on the villains. People are upset, and they're supposed to be upset. It's only Monday night, and the feels are still pretty raw at this point. That said, are people taking their hysterics too far? Probably, but I think it's a testament to how well developed and engaging the characters are to have an event that rocks the fanbase to its foundation.

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#559  Edited By dOm_CaTz

@thebunnyhunter said:

I dont know if i can hold of on reading the books anymore after rewatching the episode. The thing that holds me back is how much I enjoy watching the show without knowing what is next, but damn I am not known for being a patient man.

My reasons for not reading the books is the exact same. It's a test of will for sure.

I tried but I just couldn't do it. Spent a couple hours just reading up on what happen's after the red wedding and I kinda feel better, not much of an improvement after the episode aired but still glad that I know. Hopefully I'll forget everything I read by the time season 4 rolls around and be back to normal.

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@tangoup said:

Everyone loves wallowing in misery don't they?

Masterpiece, indeed.


You sure showed us, bro.

Would you like some tears with that hate?

I hear soaps (operas) never fail with that formula.

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@tangoup said:

@mariachimacabre said:

@tangoup said:

Everyone loves wallowing in misery don't they?

Masterpiece, indeed.


You sure showed us, bro.

Would you like some tears with that hate?

I hear soaps (operas) never fail with that formula.

Looks like some folks have yet to recover from the Red Wedding.

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99% of the people saying that they are cancelling their HBO subscriptions or are going to kill George R.R. Martin or whatever are going to be right there watching the finale with the rest of us lol.

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@aiurflux: While I appreciate your post, I stopped reading half way through when you Inception'd me and gave me the idea that their death is systemic and meaningful.

Now I have that idea in my head, thanks.

I think this needs to be explained again for everyone:

The books don't exist for people who are watching and discussing the show here. This thread is dedicated to season 3, and not anything else.

If Bran dies next episode and there's an explanation for his death in season 6, LET US KEEP THINKING THAT THERE'S NO REASON, don't tell us that future books will explain it, that's what ruining the show means. I'm here to discuss the show as if there's no books. The latest episode is the latest event in the Game of Thrones universe for us viewers.

I wish someone would help me explain to these 'books books books' folks how this shit works. Damn.

I gave you the idea that it's possible. It's a theory even in the terms of the books. I never said who might or might not die out of the left over siblings, I never said who it benefits, I never said who is potentially doing it, I never even said it was true. I spoiled nothing. It's an idea that I'd like you to have in your head the further down the rabbit hole you go so you might end up having an, "Aha!" moment instead of questions and insinuations that Martin is a terrible writer.

Fact is the guy has his high and low points, but there are very few books where everything is described in such detail. Almost maddeningly at times. For example the Unsullied, in the show they look skinny, in the books they're described as fat and there are very good reasons for that also described, as well as their bathing habits, hierarchy, and etc. Things that the show neglects. When you only see half of the picture it's incredibly ignorant to criticize the guy that really has nothing to do with the half that you're seeing from an actual artistic standpoint. Have a problem with the show blame the creators. The story works itself out... to a point. If you want the ignorance is bliss wandering aimlessly through the woods naked experience you're not going to get it. Period.

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#567  Edited By musubi

So I have no attachement to GoT but man I found this video hilarious. Obvious spoilers here so... ya know watch at your own peril.

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The Unsullied always start out shiny and disciplined but like it is described, food is among the few things they can still enjoy in life; so some tend to over-indulge if given the opportunity. They do get fat but they still probably kick ass.

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#569  Edited By TangoUp

@theht said:

@tangoup said:

@mariachimacabre said:

@tangoup said:

Everyone loves wallowing in misery don't they?

Masterpiece, indeed.


You sure showed us, bro.

Would you like some tears with that hate?

I hear soaps (operas) never fail with that formula.

Looks like some folks have yet to recover from the Red Wedding.

Ah yes. People who criticize the show/books cannot stomach the 'realism'.


99% of the people saying that they are cancelling their HBO subscriptions or are going to kill George R.R. Martin or whatever are going to be right there watching the finale with the rest of us lol.

Finale? If the show or the books ever get there. lol.

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#570  Edited By TheHT

@funkydupe said:

The Unsullied always start out shiny and disciplined but like it is described, food is among the few things they can still enjoy in life; so some tend to over-indulge if given the opportunity. They do get fat but they still probably kick ass.

When was that said?

edit: oh i see you're talking about Aiur's post.

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#572  Edited By PeasantAbuse

@tangoup said:

@peasantabuse said:

99% of the people saying that they are cancelling their HBO subscriptions or are going to kill George R.R. Martin or whatever are going to be right there watching the finale with the rest of us lol.

Finale? If the show or the books ever get there. lol.

I meant the season finale next week :P

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@tangoup said:

@peasantabuse said:

99% of the people saying that they are cancelling their HBO subscriptions or are going to kill George R.R. Martin or whatever are going to be right there watching the finale with the rest of us lol.

Finale? If the show or the books ever get there. lol.

I meant the season finale next week :P

ah, I thought so.

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#574  Edited By development

Anyone else glad Robb's dead? Besides Jon Snow, I thought Robb was one of the most uninteresting characters in the show. (Please, no one spoil the show for me and tell me Jon's going to die or something. Just because I don't like him doesn't mean I want the show spoiled).

Also, what the hell? I thought this thread was about the show, then I come in here and get 3 major book-spoilers flaunted in my face. Anyone wanna make a non-book thread? I thought that first-post Mod Edit meant there'd be repercussions for spoilers... I mean, shit.

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Anyone else glad Robb's dead? Besides Jon Snow, I thought Robb was one of the most uninteresting characters in the show. (Please, no one spoil the show for me and tell me Jon's going to die or something. Just because I don't like him doesn't mean I want the show spoiled).

The thing about Robb is that he was the only Stark child who wasn't a perspective character in the books (besides Rickon, obviously). All of the chapters dealing with his effort in the war were from Catelyn's perspective, so he never really got fleshed out with internal motivation the way the rest of the Stark Family has been.

It's fun watching people react to this part en masse, having read the book. Now they can share in the shock and horror that resulted when I read the scene for the first time... but with the added trauma of seeing it put to film instead of just imagining it in their head.

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#576  Edited By WarlordPayne

So apparently people record themselves over-reacting to TV shows now? At least that girl in the video by herself seemed genuine, but that compilation video was agonizingly stupid.

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#577  Edited By development

@development said:

Anyone else glad Robb's dead? Besides Jon Snow, I thought Robb was one of the most uninteresting characters in the show. (Please, no one spoil the show for me and tell me Jon's going to die or something. Just because I don't like him doesn't mean I want the show spoiled).

The thing about Robb is that he was the only Stark child who wasn't a perspective character in the books (besides Rickon, obviously). All of the chapters dealing with his effort in the war were from Catelyn's perspective, so he never really got fleshed out with internal motivation the way the rest of the Stark Family has been.

It's fun watching people react to this part en masse, having read the book. Now they can share in the shock and horror that resulted when I read the scene for the first time... but with the added trauma of seeing it put to film instead of just imagining it in their head.

Fun for me, too, considering I left that scene with my mouth agape in how awesome the series is, while many others seemed to actually be offended by it. It's refreshing. In the words of Theon's torturer: "If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention." People seemed to think Sean Bean was a fluke.

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The thing about Robb is that he was the only Stark child who wasn't a perspective character in the books (besides Rickon, obviously). All of the chapters dealing with his effort in the war were from Catelyn's perspective, so he never really got fleshed out with internal motivation the way the rest of the Stark Family has been.

That explains quite a lot...

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#579  Edited By SirOptimusPrime

Yup, I think the internet's reaction in general was exactly what I was expecting. I hate that I loved how effective it was in the books and it was still really fucking potent on the show, and somehow even worse.

Mostly because Talisa and da baby are included and killed off as well, though this might cause problems due to the whole Jeyne Westerling mixup later in the books. Also, why was the Blackfish there?

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I tried to think about the end end to the entire story with a friend yesterday but couldn't think of anything good so instead we thought of the stupidest ending.

So at the end there's this big fight with everybody and before the first sword is swung Ned Stark awakes and says "What a horrible nightmare!" and then Robert Baratheon bursts through the door and says "Have you made your decision?" and the end.

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So I have no attachement to GoT but man I found this video hilarious. Obvious spoilers here so... ya know watch at your own peril.

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Oh shit, in tears.

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#582  Edited By SlashDance
@pop said:

I tried to think about the end end to the entire story with a friend yesterday but couldn't think of anything good so instead we thought of the stupidest ending.

So at the end there's this big fight with everybody and before the first sword is swung Ned Stark awakes and says "What a horrible nightmare!" and then Robert Baratheon bursts through the door and says "Have you made your decision?" and the end.

So at the end there's this big fight with everybody and before the first sword is swung George RR Martin awakes and says "What a horrible nightmare!" and then his publisher bursts through the door and says "Have you found an idea for a book yet ?" and the end.

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#583  Edited By JouselDelka

@commandergermanshepard: She knew the episode was important and shocking from word of mouth, and set up a camera and watched it. That's how a lot of reaction videos are made. They hear that an episode is gonna be cray and thats why they record themselves.

I'm sure some of them fake it, but do you really think she's faking? If so, then we disagree.

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#584  Edited By Jonny_Anonymous

Yea fuck this TV show, I'm done. I feel like I just wasted two seasons of character developmental that just ended in "there all deaaaaaaaaad" I had even started to read the books but there isn't much point now, what a waste of time. I'll just go back to reading Malazan Books of the Dead

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#585  Edited By leinad44

@jonny_anonymous said:

Yea fuck this TV show, I'm done. I feel like I just wasted two seasons of character developmental that just ended in "there all deaaaaaaaaad" I had even started to read the books but there isn't much point now, what a waste of time. I'll just go back to reading Malazan Books of the Dead

Is it really wasted time? The show made you like them enough that their deaths provoked a negative response from you. Also there are other characters in the show you know. I like that HBO didn't wuss out in the end and deviate from the books. In fact they made it more brutal by having Talisa there. A show where the main characters are safe is just boring.

Also I recommend you keep watching. Some of my favourite stuff in the books is going to happen next season.

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Yea fuck this TV show, I'm done. I feel like I just wasted two seasons of character developmental that just ended in "there all deaaaaaaaaad" I had even started to read the books but there isn't much point now, what a waste of time. I'll just go back to reading Malazan Books of the Dead

Robb played an integral role in this 'War of the Five Kings,' but his death was ultimately necessary. Bigger picture is that this show will go on for 8-9 seasons, and Robb is only relevant in sparking the war throughout the first 3 seasons.

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#587  Edited By Jonny_Anonymous

@leinad44: Yea it's a waste of time, I wan't to see character arcs resolved not just straight up end, all it looks like to me is that the writer couldn't think of anything else to do with these characters so he said "fuck it, kill them all" all the characters that are left are just assholes dealing with varying degrees of assholery and the only thing I would be intrested to see is if Joffrey get's bummed by a giant hippopotamus and I can just as easily watch that on youtube once it's done.

@project343: The war is what I was mostly interested in, now it just as seems pointless. Main character deaths aren't bad if they feel organic.

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@jonny_anonymous: Why does it feel pointless? Why doesn't his death feel organic? There are currently 5 armies aiming to control the throne, and a few more still to be introduced.

Robb and the North
Joffrey and the Lannisters
Stannis and ... well, he doesn't really have much.
Theon's father is in there somewhere.
Dany and her crew.

There is only one throne. Only one of these people are going to win. I'm not sure how you expect their character arcs to end other then death? Rob's character arc is that he's a stupid young kid who fucked up and lost the war. He's been on a downhill side for two seasons now and he's systematically alienated all his allies. It's probably a spoiler, but the war of the five kings does end, so this sort of thing's going to keep happening.

I dunno man, it just seems like you don't really like the show much, in which case, yeah, stop watching. I gave up on Revolution! That show started badly and just got more terrible.

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#589  Edited By leinad44


That's what makes it so tragic and such a gut punch! Robb didn't manage to get his revenge. In reality, death can be so sudden. He did manage to leave his mark on Westeros though, nothing of what he did suddenly vanishes, there is fall out.

I don't see it as a "fuck it, kill them all" move at all. Because the promise to Frey was made in book one and season one. It was obvious that this was going to be significant later on. In fact I think I remember Martin saying the Red Wedding was inspired by a similar act in Scotland a few hundred years ago called the Black Dinner. This comes across to me as something that Martin had planned ahead of time

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#590  Edited By rollingzeppelin

@rollingzeppelin said:

The people saying boycott GoT and threatening GRRM are acting like a bunch of spoiled children. This series is one where fucked up shit happens, that's what makes it exciting because you never know whether a character will survive. You'd think they'd've learned that from the first season.

If anything I think the outrage over the Red Wedding is a compliment to the show. People actually care about the characters enough to be outraged at the injustice of it all. I don't think people will actually stop watching it, they just had an emotional gut punch of an ending on a show where it seems like all the good people get punished and there is no reprisal on the villains. People are upset, and they're supposed to be upset. It's only Monday night, and the feels are still pretty raw at this point. That said, are people taking their hysterics too far? Probably, but I think it's a testament to how well developed and engaging the characters are to have an event that rocks the fanbase to its foundation.

It's fine to be upset, and I get why they would feel animosity towards GRRM, but they should keep it to themselves instead of blasting their hate all over the internet. It just makes them look ridiculously immature.

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@leinad44: Yea it's a waste of time, I wan't to see character arcs resolved not just straight up end, all it looks like to me is that the writer couldn't think of anything else to do with these characters so he said "fuck it, kill them all" all the characters that are left are just assholes dealing with varying degrees of assholery and the only thing I would be intrested to see is if Joffrey get's bummed by a giant hippopotamus and I can just as easily watch that on youtube once it's done.

@project343: The war is what I was mostly interested in, now it just as seems pointless. Main character deaths aren't bad if they feel organic.

It was an organic death. Rob was at war with a large and powerful family in Westeros, lead by one of the most underhanded, ruthless and cunning members of that family in recent history. He made repeated strategic and diplomatic errors and each error was taken advantage of by his enemies. Rob's death was not just out of the blue, he was losing the war and made his last mistake trusting the Freys. If you can't see that then you're missing out on a huge attraction to this series (that is the political machinations), and if you don't appreciate it then move on, just know that your criticisms are unfounded and come from a place of ignorance.

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@rollingzeppelin: Not being organic does not = out of the blue and I have no interest in watching a TV show about a bunch of cunts acting like dicks and anybody that's remotely nice gets killed. My criticisms are personal tastes and therefore not unfounded

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Your mental faculties are clearly under-developed if you do not wholly adore the perfect magnificence of this series.


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#594  Edited By leinad44
@tangoup said:


Your mental faculties are clearly under-developed if you do not wholly adore the perfect magnificence of this series.


Did you just discover the word sarcasm or something?

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@leinad44 said:
@tangoup said:


Your mental faculties are clearly under-developed if you do not wholly adore the perfect magnificence of this series.


Did you just discover the word sarcasm or something?

Yes, yes I did :P


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@rollingzeppelin: Not being organic does not = out of the blue and I have no interest in watching a TV show about a bunch of cunts acting like dicks and anybody that's remotely nice gets killed. My criticisms are personal tastes and therefore not unfounded

Fine, I really don't give a shit about your opinion. It would be nice if you would stop clogging up the forums with your negativity though. Like I said, go find a show that's all rainbows and lollipops if you cant handle GoT. This one might be more to your tastes.

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@tangoup said:


Your mental faculties are clearly under-developed if you do not wholly adore the perfect magnificence of this series.


Why are you trolling this thread if you hate this series so much? Go outside, go play a game, or go engage in more appropriate-to-your-taste discussions.

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@jonny_anonymous said:

@rollingzeppelin: Not being organic does not = out of the blue and I have no interest in watching a TV show about a bunch of cunts acting like dicks and anybody that's remotely nice gets killed. My criticisms are personal tastes and therefore not unfounded

Fine, I really don't give a shit about your opinion. It would be nice if you would stop clogging up the forums with your negativity though. Like I said, go find a show that's all rainbows and lollipops if you cant handle GoT. might be more to your tastes.

Oh I'm sorry I was under the impression that this was a thread where pepole stated there opinions on GoT S3? If you can't handle pepole having difrent opinions to yourself then maybe your the one that should be watching This.

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#600  Edited By HerbieBug

Yea fuck this TV show, I'm done. I feel like I just wasted two seasons of character developmental that just ended in "there all deaaaaaaaaad" I had even started to read the books but there isn't much point now, what a waste of time. I'll just go back to reading Malazan Books of the Dead

The plot turns out to be a different sort of plot than anticipated, that is all. You should read the books. The television show is only the vaguest broad strokes of the complete story.