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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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Gaming Holding Pattern, Winter 2011

Some of gaming fandom takes a bit of effort. You try to support developers you like, you get in debates about the merits of certain game features, you try your best to play a game you may not like a whole lot right this moment in the hope that it'll get better. When I game as part of a community, I'll try stuff I'd otherwise not, and when I'm taking someone else's recommendation it sometimes takes some work to accept something outside of my comfort zone.
What do you play when you can't be arsed?
I find that trying a round of Spelunky is a fun way to waste some time, even though the only goals we have left in that game are goals we make ourselves. I also spent a long time playing Tales of Maj'Eyal, although when I realized that I would lose my saved games when I updated to a new version (and my life suddenly changed rather dramatically) I sort of left it behind (though another roguelike, the space exploration game Prospector, I recently tried out again). The Wager is fun, but still needs bugs worked out; Solium Infernum is great but takes a while (the demos of Armageddon Empires or Sixgun Saga are a lot more pick-up-and-play for me).  For an uninvolved but fun diversion, I'll play that pinball game Space Cadet (still one of my favorite video pinball games ever) or ROM Check Fail.
I'm willing to bet as I discover new games, or finally upgrade my machine, that I'll find a new retinue. Given that GOG's doing its usual holiday promotional deals odds are I may buy something from them. But right now, these games seem to be in repeat-gaming my comfort zone. You?