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Blog #11 - Damon Gant Illustration, Life, Phoenix Wright

So, been a while since I blogged (not that long really) but even longer since I released a Phoenix Wright Illustration.
The last 6 months have been pretty awful, getting better recently though I guess. I started these because my friend was in the hospital, never going to come out. I got distracted, some took longer. Then I started my Chief of Police Damon Gant in early August I guess, but University started calling so I stopped it. I opened it up once or twice and added a tiny bit of detail then closed it again because of the mammoth amount of work I still had to do on it. Don't know why I chose to finish it off now but I did. 
Something I find myself doing every single night is getting in to bed and playing my DS. I have a lot of trouble sleeping but when I play my DS I often found that it sent me to sleep and I dropped my DS, it's lost all power and I lost all my progress. It happens. The thing is, all I play are the Ace Attorney series. I start with the first Phoenix Wright then go through them all up to Apollo Justice and start over again. I wish it still had the same thrill as the first time I played them but I know who did it each time and how to prove it. Same with Heavy Rain I guess.

Here it is:

Damon Gant
Damon Gant
Small little easter egg behind him if you've played that case in PW1. I'm not happy with it, I never am. If you have any comments or feedback post them below. This will probbably be the last one that I do though, and I didn't even get to some of my other favourite characters. It's just time consuming because I'm not very good and I don't have a lot of time any more. I doubt I'll ever top my Godot.

Here are my previous illustrations of Phoenix Wright characters:
Detective Gumshoe
Prosecutor Godot
Diego Armando
Miles Edgeworth