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Tomb raider- My thoughts (and a music tribute!)

So i just finished playing the new Tomb Raider a couple of days ago, and found it quite enjoyable, atleast gameplay - wise.

Thanks to my new, relatively powerful laptop (in comparison to my old PC) I was able to push the settings up to (almost) max and still get a good framerate.

The animations are beautiful, and Lara moves, runs and jumps fluidly. I'd say the animations and the gameplay are the best parts of this game. Love the small details in the game, like the way she sticks out her arm to touch the walls of the caves as she runs by them :D

The story though... was sort of disappointing. Having not followed much of the news/ reviews surrounding the game, I didn't really know what to expect, but I'd gathered the game had been getting quite a lot of praise. And as I started it and played about the first hour of the game (before she begins going crazy with guns) I got the feeling that this game was going to be perfect both gameplay and story - wise.

It felt like a mix between Far Cry 3 and Assassin's Creed in the beginning, and I thought the story and atmosphere was going to be something similar to LOST. I began to expect good pacing, exploration (and stuff like hunting around in jungles) and a really deep character driven story.

Unfortunately though, all that was thrown out of the window a couple of hours into the game, as it took a sharp turn towards a fast paced heavily action/ combat oriented game. The character progression turned from survivor to murderer, and the exploration turned into exploding bridges and similar running sequences.

I soon realized that I had begun to expect something different from the game than what it was really offering. After swallowing my disappointment, I began to enjoy it for what it was. So in the end, it wasn't all that bad.

And after a long time, I recorded footage of me playing a game and made a music tribute for it. I tried capturing the major emotions and character drive that I noticed during the game, and with Linkin Park's "By Myself" (I like(d) Linkin Park :) - you know, the first 2 albums) made a tribute to this reboot!


Hope you enjoy!