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Best of 2010

Bahamutduo: Best of 2010

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  • A truly epic story, solid gameplay, and an amazing score. I can, without hesitation, say this is my top game of the year.

  • When you start a game at 5 in the afternoon, win the game, and realize it's 3 am, you've got a solid and engrossing game on your hands.

  • This modern River City Ransom-style beat-em up was entirely fun, and the amazing score by Anamanaguchi made this retro throwback enjoyable from end to end! If only they would fix the Chaudown achievement.

  • All the criticisms of this game are correct. The gameplay is wonky, nigh-unplayable single player. But damn if it isn't satisfying in a group. Taking down Dracula on hard with a solid group of players is great. Even better with the Symphony of the Night quotes when Alucard or Richter start the fight.

  • An excellent story, and a streamlined gameplay style, this is what JRPGs should have evolved into. An insanely large game, I'm not sure when I'll be able to beat it, but I can't wait until I do.

  • This is just what you want if you are looking for a Kingdom Hearts fix. Solid combat, and a darker-than-expected story. Makes me want Kingdom Hearts 3 all the more.

  • Addictive as hell, and extremely satisfying. One of the only games of 2010 that I got all of the cheevos in.

  • Pure, uncut, refined Halo. This is as good as I can imagine a Halo game being. This is the best possible note for Bungie to leave the series on.

  • Yes, the genre of music games is going down the tank. This game is the genre going out in a blaze of glory. What Guitar Hero drove into the ground, Rock band has perfected. Can't wait to get my Squire Strat controller for this one.

  • This is like LEGO for grownups. After digging out a island made of sand, and building a tower as tall as possible, I dug a series of tunnels that go down to the absolute bottom of the world. And then I looked at the clock and went to bed.